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Everything posted by eazyduzzit

  1. I like pipes that have some sound to them, but I don't like them so loud that it disturbs everyone in the county. You hear people say they hate motorcyclists because of what some of them do. A few years ago a biker moved into a house about a quarter mile from me. His bike was so loud it would wake me up every time he came home. It was always in the early morning hours, and he made no attempt to keep from bothering everybody in the neighborhood. He's not there anymore thankfully. The pipes on my Yamaha have some sound to them, but when I leave for work in the morning I try to ride as quietly as I can. I have stock exhaust on the Harley, so I can hear the radio:)
  2. We had the radio on at work. After the first plane hit, I thought "what a freak accident", then the second one hit and I was thinking it's impossible, this can't be happening...
  3. Dark side of the moon.
  4. I love the Road Glide. If I had bought new, that's what I would have got. I found a used Ultra and ended up with it instead.
  5. I agree with Tinman. Skyway is better, but I like the BRP better than either. I only live a few miles away from the Dragon, but I've only rode it twice on a bike. Once just for fun and another time because it just happened to be the route I was taking to get somewhere else. The people who live around here called "The Dragon" for years, and then someone started calling it "Tail of the Dragon".
  6. Finally, an accessory I don't want.
  7. And someone had a post title that said "LIVE NUDE WOMEN"!
  8. 2011 Venture!!! http://pictures.topspeed.com/IMG/crop/200711/yamaha-royal-star-ve-15_460x0w.jpg
  9. I am one they lost recently. I seriously wanted to buy a Venture mainly because of this group, but the fact that Yamaha doesn't show much interest in the bike made me lose interest. When I buy something new, I want something different. The fact that they haven't even bothered to change the cassette player tells me they are phoning it in, so I bought a Harley.
  10. Ditto!
  11. That's pretty cool. I'm amazed at the inventiveness of some people.
  12. I would ride them. If it has the whine, you'll hear it. I wouldn't worry much about abuse. It's hard to abuse an RSV. They have a rev limiter, and you can ride them wide open all the time and it doesn't seem to hurt them. Just look for obvious things like broken plastic high mileage etc.
  13. I test rode a new Wing at a Honda/Yamaha dealer, and they offered me around 5,500 for my '05 RSTD. If you get a good offer on your trade, they are making it back on the price they charge for the ride you're buying. They aren't going to sink a lot of money into something they don't want.
  14. Stupid ain't fixed by riding a bike. Just look up "motorcycle crash" or something similar on Youtube and get get proof of it.
  15. That might be possible Eck. I'm not sure what time we'll be done pulling inventory tonight. If it's before midnight, I'd be up for it. Let me know when and where breakfast is. We would love to meet you guys if we can.
  16. A few weeks ago I set up a test ride at the local Harley dealer. They were supposed to email or call me to confirm. They did neither. I still haven't heard from them. I ended up buying a used one off of Craigslist.
  17. Eck, It figures, it would be the one Friday night I have to work. Maybe he can come though.
  18. A new member here jpbragwell1215 came by the house today. He rides a Tour Deluxe. We had a chance to compare bikes and talk a while. A really nice guy.
  19. Yeah, I've noticed a lot of guys on Harleys have scarfs on their head with a long gray pony tail hanging out the back. I told Karen I will have to look for a clip on pony tail for the weekends and maybe a few iron on tattoos. Just so I'll look the part.
  20. People freely gave money to Bernie Madoff too, and he lied about what he was doing with it. According to the law, that made him a thief.
  21. I don't understand the above post. It takes about 10 minutes to change oil on the RSTD. A lot of people use Rotella 15W40 oil. You can't use car oil because some of the additives can make the clutch slip.
  22. A couple of years ago I had a tooth go bad due to "resorption" I think they called it. I had to have an implant/crown, and it ended up costing me $3000. I kept thinking about all the tools or accessories I could buy for what that 1 tooth cost.
  23. That's awfully nice of you. Really it's not that slow though, even though the rider might be.
  24. It doesn't matter where you ride when you're on a bicycle. You'll still piss people off. I rode to work a lot when I was younger and trying to work through grieving for my son. The only time I felt any peace was when I was doing something physical like running, playing basketball or riding my bike. I could be riding on the edge of the blacktop giving cars plenty of room, and they would run me off the road, yell obscenities, throw things at me, or pass me and immediately make a right turn in front of me, causing me to have to slide my tires to keep from hitting them. I would have thought motorcycle riders would have been a little cooler about it than what I've read here.
  25. I agree Bobby. I like to relax and enjoy riding. I rode one RSTD that sounded like the Jetson's car. I passed on buying it for that reason.
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