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Everything posted by eazyduzzit

  1. I just wanted to throw a couple of kudos at a vendor I had good dealings with. I just got my RSTD a month or so ago and I missed the backrest I had on my V-Star. I searched and searched and finally found the one I wanted at "Scootworks" I placed the order online and called the next day to see when it would ship. I got a machine and thought that would be the end of that. I've gotten so used to no one returning my calls. Well an hour later a friendly lady called and explained that they didn't have the backrest in stock, but they should have it by Monday and I would have it 2 days later (this was on a Thursday). I never really expect anything when I'm told to expect it, so I was thinking maybe the following Friday I'd have it. Well to my amazement I found it on my front porch the next Monday 2 days quicker than I was told. I like to ***** when I get bad service, so it's only fair I rave a little when the service is good. Scootworks.com
  2. Hey it's a convertible, so you're not fully caged... Hang around
  3. If it gives you any idea, I just sold an '02 V-Star with 24,000 miles on it for $4,800. I could tell much from the pictures you posted, but it sounds like a steal. I have a set of barely used stock mufflers I'll let you have cheap if you're close to Ktown.
  4. Great pictures Ebat, thanks
  5. I thought about trying to make it this year, but I had too many family things happening in Knoxville this weekend. I really would like to have been there....
  6. Did anyone ever get this? Karen and I were riding with my brother Gary down 11E this morning and I saw this barn. I don't think I remember anyone getting the See Rock City barn yet.
  7. Chattanooga is a nice place. Karen & I enjoy coming down there every now and then just to bum around.
  8. Jim and Karen, Thanks Al, Yeah this town is filled with bikes during the Honda Hoot.
  9. :rotfl:Thanks for the laugh. I laughed my arse off.
  10. Thanks for all the response. I have several customers in Oneida. I sell truck parts at Kenworth. There are lots of log haulers up that way. It's good to know there are several East TN. folks here. Maybe I'll bump into you somewhere. Redrider give me a shout when your down this way. I'll meet up with you.
  11. That's funny, I did the same on my way to work this morning. I hardly ever get into 5th unless I'm going a ways, but on the interstate I got up to 80 in 5th and rolled on the throttle . I could definitely feel the "miss". I knew just what you were talking about because I test rode 3 different RSTD looking for one without the whine so many of them seem to have. When I first rode one I thought it had a miss. It was so different from the V-Twin I had. I don't notice it anymore because I've changed my style of riding. I wouldn't worry about it. I think it's just the nature of them.
  12. Thanks Trucker6pak. I may know the guy in Oak Ridge you're talking about. A friend of mine lives in Oak Ridge, he is the one who told me about this site. He goes by Mrod. I don't think he posts here very often.
  13. Oh well it's just as well. I ended up having to work Saturday anyway. We have had some wonderful riding weather here the past week. You picked a good time to come.
  14. I'm new to this forum and I'm just curious how many active members are from my area. Knoxville, Tn. or surrounding areas.
  15. Did you get 'em on yet? Just curious....
  16. My driveway is at the bottom of a hill and it's gravel. Naturally I get plenty of practice turning left into it. I always try to make most of the turn on the blacktop before my front wheel actually hits the loose stuff. before I hit it I am looking at the line I'm going to take and try to be straight up when I enter the driveway. I follow the car tracks until I get to the back of my wife's car. By then the garage door is almost up and I'm skating in the loose gravels trying to get around her car and into the garage. It's really a matter of practice.
  17. I'm new to 4 cylinder bikes. I have what may be a stupid question. Why would a change in air filter and slip-ons necessitate a carb sync?
  18. Any time you take the caliper off and put back on you will have to pump the brake a few times to get the pistons back to the right position. I first learned this 20 years ago when I did my first brake job on a car with disc brakes. After I did the back wheels I started the car to back it up about 2 foot to do the front brakes, and ran through a garage door.
  19. It's not strange at all. Anytime you have a brake caliper off more likely than not you will compress the pistons at least slightly. You could have probably pumped the brake a few times and it would have been fine.
  20. Let me know how it goes. They're the next shiny goodies I wanna buy. Post a pic.
  21. The only jacket I've been able to wear comfortably in hot weather is a denim jacket from Levi's. My wife won't ride without a jacket on and she actually got sick from the heat while wearing a leather jacket.
  22. If you guys remember those characters you are old...
  23. I was riding 2 up with my wife one Sunday evening. The shadows were getting long and I still had my sunglasses on. We went from sun to shade coming down a hill and I saw something that looked kind of like a black animal of some sort coming from the oncoming lane. I started slowing down immediately because I could see that it was going to run right across in front of me. As I got closer I could see that it was a recap from the truck going the opposite direction. I just tried my best to miss it, which I did. It does create a pucker factor though.
  24. In my opinion the 2 things that help more than anything are a chrome radiator cover and chrome air cleaner covers (you can search #STR-4XY27-72-01) I also like the chrome metal fender tips STR-1D626-90-00, STR-1D626-91-00 & STR-1D626-92-00. A buddy of mine has these 3 things on his bike and it really had a classy look.
  25. I work at a Kenworth Truck dealership. Several years ago we became a Mobil dealer. They (Mobil Reps) showed us a short film clip about Consumer Report findings. I couldn't remember the exact results, but I copy and pasted the following from "Money Blue Book" who posted their findings. They performed an experiment to test engine oil performance in 1996 using New York City taxi cabs. After examining the results, they concluded that: Even in the severe driving conditions that a New York City taxi endures, we noted no benefit from changing the oil every 3,000 miles rather than every 6,000. If your driving falls into the “normal” service category, changing the oil every 7,500 miles (or at the automaker’s suggested intervals) should certainly provide adequate protection. I personally change mine at 5,000 mile intervals, just because it's easier to remember every time I roll over 5, 10, 15, 20 thousand.that it's time to change the oil.
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