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Everything posted by eazyduzzit

  1. Anytime I have a medical procedure done, I feel a sharp pain in the wallet. Good luck with everything.
  2. On the interstate I usually get 42. Around town high 30s.
  3. I didn't mean to start an argument on the virtues of FI vs carbs. I just think Yamaha is ignoring what could be a good market for them. If they would upgrade the Venture, there are lots of us who prefer the cruiser look, but want the goodies found on a touring bike. My wife and I both like the looks of a venture more than the looks of a GW or a Harley, but mammy just slaps some flame decals on and say "there's yer new model". It seems like an insult to me.
  4. I have to agree. Everywhere you turn you see that batwing fairing coming at you. I'm a long way from making up my mind what I want. I do know that after a few long trips this year I would like to own a full touring bike. I have friends with Ventures and Harleys, and both swear their bikes are 10 times more comfortable than the other bikes. On our trip to DC a couple of weeks ago we met a GW rider on the Blue Ridge PKWY. We asked him to snap a picture of us with my bike. As soon as he walked over and saw my bike he said "It's my bike!" he had just traded his RSTD in on Goldwing. I told him I was wanting a bike with radio/fairing and trunk and more comfortable seats, and he proceeded to tell me how much he loved his GW. He said if you rode one you wouldn't have anything else, and went on and on and on. He was a very likable fellow. I have ridden a Venture and a few Harleys, but I still haven't rode a Goldwing. I like Ventures and have become addicted to this site, but I don't like that they make no improvements from year to year. Every year folks on this forum speculate on what the new year will bring, and every year the new one comes out with a cassette player and 4 carburetors. If it weren't for that I would have my decision made. I didn't mean for this post to be so long, but I've been thinking about this for a while. There are things I don't like about the Ultra too. It's air cooled and Karen said she felt more crowded, with me being shoved back against her. I'm sure there are other bikes I should look at, but I can't stand the looks of some.
  5. I've been thinking about buying another bike in a few months, and Harley was giving demos at the Knoxville bike rally this past weekend. I was surprised at some things I liked about the Harley. I hadn't ridden a Harley in years, and when I fired the first one up I thought "No"! It had the old Harley shake, but as soon as I started moving it smoothed right out. The first one I rode was an Ultra, and it was very smooth. The other things I liked was the low end power and the braking. The brakes seemed much better than my RSTD. It also handled better when stopping at red lights if that makes sense. Then I tried a Road Glide. It seemed basically the same except the riding position. After riding about 10 miles my back was hurting. I don't know if it was the way the handlebars were adjusted or what, but I was disappointed in the ride. Then I tried an Electraglide Classic and it rode better than the Ultra. I really liked it.I think they are basically the same bike, and I think it was just the way the controls were adjusted. Overall I was pretty happy with the way they rode. I think I was expecting more vibration and worse handling.
  6. You might also try Tommy's Motorsports (865) 494-6500 they're just a few miles from you.
  7. Try East TN. Goldwing (865) 558-9564 if they don't have it, they might know who does. I am in Knoxville (just a few miles from Lake City) if you need help, let me know. My number is in my profile. I work from 8-4:30 so it would have to be after that.
  8. From the posts I've read on this site, synthetic oils have on occasion made the notorious whine even worse. I have read of more than one instance where the owner went back to regular oil after trying synthetic because of the whine.
  9. I run 15W40 in TN. It gets way below 40, and way above 60 here.
  10. If you're used to a V-twin you are probably shifting at too low RPMs. That's what I did when I first got mine. This engine isn't very good at low revs.
  11. Yeah, it's an aluminum block hot rod chevy engine. http://www.bosshoss.com/view_bike.asp?x=BHC3LS3SS Here's another picture. My friend Brian rode one too. http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/hs132.snc4/36961_435427301473_512896473_5650474_5456789_n.jpg
  12. I can't afford one, but it's probably the most exciting thing (with a motor) that I've ever ridden.
  13. If you're in Knoxville, TN. You have to come to the bike rally and ride one of these. It's like a religious experience! http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v153/eazyduzzit/329d384b.jpg
  14. I never use the heel part of the shifter.
  15. What didn't you like about the Goldwing?
  16. Like everyone else said, it just takes a few minutes to change. You can always change back if you don't like 'em.
  17. I carry a can of Plexus in my saddlebag. I hate bugs on my windshield, so when I stop for gas or to look at the scenery, I spray the windshield and wipe the bugs away. Karen bought me a Chamois cloth. When I wash the bike, I follow quickly with the cloth to wipe the spots off. It doesn't matter what I do though, I can't seem to keep my bike clean, so I don't worry too much about it.
  18. Regarding the clock. You just hold the "Select" button for a few seconds. There's no need to hold both buttons.
  19. Yeah, I put mine in the side bag every day at work.
  20. I've got a Lab, and I can't imagine him hurting anyone. He's a big baby
  21. When I was young, I was in the car and hit a patch of spilled diesel fuel. It was like ice, I was all over the road. I don't want to think what it would be like if I were on a bike.
  22. It's a beauty! Did you just get it?
  23. Monty, I'll have to admit that is a good looking bike.
  24. Just because a bike has low miles doesn't mean it's been sitting around rotting. I bought mine a little over a year ago with 4K on it, and it was like new. The only reason I'm thinking of selling it is because I really want a radio, and more luggage space I'm wanting a full touring bike.
  25. I may be selling my '05 RSTD, it has 17000 miles on it. I will be amazed if I get anywhere near that much money, with less than half the miles and lots of extras.
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