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About eazyduzzit

  • Birthday 02/02/1957

Personal Information

  • Name
    Jim Treece


  • Location
    Knoxville, TN., United States


  • City
    Knoxville, TN.


  • Home Country
    United States


  • Interests
  • Bike Year and Model
    '08 HD Ultra Classic
  1. I'm wanting to ride one, but I don't think I can afford it.
  2. Well, how'd it go?
  3. I wave at everyone too. Whether they are on motorcycles, scooters, bicycles or lawnmowers. I always meet a guy on my way to work who's riding a little tiny scooter. It looks like it would probably be about a 50cc. I always wave at him, and he never waves back. I don't consider him a snob, but I always wonder what his story is.
  4. When I was riding the Royal Star, the Harley riders at work wouldn't park near me or talk about bikes much. That didn't bother me at all, I would just grin and put down Harleys. The day I bought the Ultra they all gathered round and talked about Harley torque and how bad ass they were. I said "yeah it's nice, but man it will fry your thighs in traffic and I miss the power of the V-4". You'd have thought I spit in their face. The power isn't that much different, it just kicks in at different RPMs, I just like messing with people and their religions, and believe me it's a religion with some of them.
  5. My wife and I ride a Harley Ultra, but we don't ride to "bike night" 5 miles from home, neither of us own any Harley clothing, we don't wear half gloves, do rags, tattoos, eye patches etc. I don't have a long gray pony tail hanging out of my helmet. The fact is, I hate the Harley attitude probably more than you guys, but the brand of motorcycle you ride has nothing to do with it. I've seen just as many posers on other brands. There just seems to be more Harleys out there.
  6. If you get it for less than 10k it will be a steal. I've ridden the Roadglides and I like them. I prefer the bike I have, but I was looking at both when I bought it.
  7. Zed Zed Top is great, and so is Rush!!! I salute my northern neighbors.
  8. About 30 years ago I built a rail buggy, and I had a couple of friends who had them too. We went camping one weekend and took our buggies with us. I was driving a shorted F100 pickup, pulling the buggy with a tow bar. One of the roads I was on was very curvy and I was taking part of both lanes on many of the curves. When I got to the place we were camping, one of my friends was already there. He was in a full size Winnebago, pulling a dune buggy with a runabout boat behind the dune buggy. I asked, and he said yes, that he had came across the same curvy road that I had. Years later people started calling that road the "Dragon".
  9. My wife and I test rode one a while back. I absolutely hated it. It felt like you were having to fight it around every curve. My wife said she felt like we were on one of those powered shopping buggies that they have at Krogers. I guess they aren't for everybody.
  10. I always got around 40 MPG on my RSTD. If Karen was with me I would get better, as good as 48-49 MPG. I'm sure it was because she doesn't like to go fast. I get about the same on my Ultra.
  11. Man, it is beautiful here today!
  12. I didn't say I paid big bucks for my Harley, I said I looked at what was available, and found a nice bike. At first I wouldn't even look at Harley because of the price, but after test riding lots of bikes and weighing everything, I felt like the one I bought was the one that I wanted. I rode my Yamaha for a couple of years, and sold it for almost 3 thousand dollars less than I paid for it. I feel like I got a good deal on my Ultra. I've had it for about 2 1/2 years, and according to local Craislist ads, it's still worth what I paid. Do I think those ads are a true indicator of what they go for, probably not, but I feel like i got what I paid for. When I visit Harley forums, I still feel like I have to defend my Japanese bike riding friends. I really don't visit Harley forums much, because of the attitude a lot there seem to have towards other brands. Like I've said before, I like to ride, it doesn't matter to me what you ride. I was riding with some guys from work last year, four Harleys and 1 Honda. We got home way after dark, because the Honda kept shutting off, and we'd have to wait around until someone could get it running again. I know it could have just as easily been one of the Harleys, so I don't come on here bashing Hondas, but the truth is, not all people can afford a new bike, so we tried o help the guy with the old Honda get his bike going and nobody made jokes or laughed at the guy.
  13. I know there are Harley snobs, and I don't care for them, but I joined here when I had my RSTD. I read a lot of posts by you folks, and started craving a full touring bike with the sound system, trunk and all the extras. Every year people on here would speculate on what the new Venture would be like, and every year Yamaha would dust off the 2000 models they hadn't sold and rebadge them as a 2011 or whatever and sell a few more of them. I finally started looking at Wings and Ultras and found one I liked. It's a Harley, and it's a dream to ride. I can get on it in any weather and it fires right up, no choke, no cough, just ride. On our first trip, my wife leaned forward and said "wow, this bike rides so smooth". This is a woman who takes pictures while we're riding and usually doesn't notice anything but the bumps we hit. I Did my share of Harley bashing myself, but I have to admit it when I'm wrong.
  14. A lady at work is married to a guy who works for the city. He rode in on an electric bike one day. They were testing them for police bikes. I thought it was cool, but I like all kinds of bikes.
  15. Sounds like a no-brainer to me. I kind of wish my house wasn't paid off. Mortgage rates are greatvright now!
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