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Everything posted by PrairieStar

  1. That's great news. Even though it sounds as though he's really getting good care where he's at, it'll be nice to get him closer to home. Take care; Rod.
  2. I've been following this as well from the beginning and I'm glad to finally see some marked improvement in his condition. We all appreciate the updates and look forward to hearing more as his condition improves. Take Care Rod Atkinson:thumbsup2::thumbsup2:
  3. Geez. I just read the news on this thread. Bob's a nice fella and a seasoned rider. I wonder what happened. I'm sure he didn't just go down for no apparent reason. Bob built that trailer himself and did a real professional job of it. I hope things go well for him and gets right back on as soon as possible. He'll have the winter to recover and assess what he wants to do. I always feel somewhat saddened when I hear of this stuff happening. Take care everyone. Rod.
  4. Have a good trip and weekend you guys. I'm sure it'll be a blast as always. Looks like good weather as well. Rod.
  5. Hi all. Something that needs to be mentioned here is that this is a regulated charging system. It will only charge at it's maximum output if there is a need. For example; if the battery is in a full state of charge and accessories are not being used, the charging system will only put out in approx. the 13 volt range no matter how high you rev the engine. If the battery is in a partly discharged state and accessories are being used, then the charging voltage will be indicating toward the high end of the charging systems limit. To obtain a maximum output reading from the charging system the regulator needs to be bypassed. Regards; Rod.
  6. Good to hear Gary. Time doesn't make that hollowness go away but will put it more in the background so that you can get back on track and do the things you did before. Regards; Rod.
  7. I made up some new rubber bumpers out of hockey pucks. They've been on there for 2 years and work great. Rod.
  8. As Squueze stated. There are two holes in the master cylinder bore; one is the breather port and the other is the compensating port. Your problem could be as simple as adjusting the brake pedal linkage. If the linkage is set too long, the piston will not return far enough to clear one of these ports and the brake will build pressure and not release. Rod.
  9. Made the trip through Logan's Pass 2 years ago......Beautiful. In my opinion, the best is when traveling from west to east. Don't forget to stop at Waterton Lakes while you're in the area as well. These 2 pics are all I have left on the computer and they were taken at Waterton Lakes. Rod.
  10. That's a welcome sign Pete. the weather seems to have been dragging a litttle the last while. Rod.
  11. PrairieStar

    Itchin' to ride

    Geez Lou. Whatya trying to do to me here?
  12. That is a great looking bike Kurt. What you're describing about how the engine runs without a load at 2500 rpm's really sounds like a carb sync issue. I made up a sync tool out of tubing and transmission fluid. After trying to use it, I had the carbs so far out of sync that the engine was behaving in the same way you describe. I went down to the pet store and picked up adjustble air valves for a fish aquarium and put them in the lines of the sync tool. I then closed the valves down to a point where it makes the tool slow to respond to adjustments. This gives you much more time to adjust the carb sync screws without the oil fluctuating wildly. Mine runs really well now and I know the carbs are synced. Good Luck;Rod.
  13. That sounds like a poem from a Red Green show.....I like it.
  14. Real nice work on that trailer Brad. I'll bet it tows really nice. Regarding the enclosed trailer......A friend of mine has a factory made double wide aluminum trailer with the lift-up moulded fibreglass lid on it. It looks great but he says that it isn't easy to pull. He bought a full size Chev truck with a V-8 in it because he said the Tahoe just wasn't cutting it but he says the truck works pretty hard as well. He also paid $5,000 Canadian for it. I have a home built 4X8 single place open trailer and it pulls great with my RSV aboard. It doesn't have a drop axle but I under slung the leaf springs and that gets the deck down low enough. I made drop-in sides and a slide out rear ramp for it. It also has a tilt deck. I use it for everything. It's my utility trailer and it's set up to haul a snowmobile as well. Rod.
  15. It saddens me to hear of what has happened. I hope you both heal quickly and get right back into it. Take Care; Rod.
  16. I agree that Sierra Electronics is a good place for Canadians to order J&M equipment from. I ordered 2 headsets and had them sent to me in Brandon, Manitoba via USPS and they were very reasonable and fast. Any US company that won't ship to me in this way is off my list of comanies to order from. You'd think I would have learned the first time. Rod.
  17. They were great with me as well. I ordered a helmet from them using their sizing chart. I am reluctant to order things online that have to fit the human body as there is a chance that they won't and then have to be sent back. Anyway; the helmet fits great and service was fast. Cheers; Rod.
  18. How about going for a can of compression?
  19. Hi guys. I put the 1 1/2 " risers from Barons on my bike shortly after I got it. No issues with the brake hose but the throttle cables seemed tight on a right turn. That was a while ago but it seems to me that I just rerouted the cables a small amount without even disconnecting them. I think I took them out of their guide right close the where they enter the fairing. There's still slight tension on hard rights but I don't think that it's an issue that'll cause any damage. The only time I notice it at all is when I've got it on the lift where the bars can float freely. That's when I can feel a very slight resistance at full right turns. Even then I can feel a little slack in the cables when held to the right. Cheers; Rod.
  20. I RESEMBLE that.!!:thumbsup2:
  21. I replaced my tires in my own garage without a tire machine and there definitely was no need to remove the rotors from the wheels. I did it using tire spoons and rim protectors. It didn't take long either. You'd think that when using a tire machine designed for this purpose that they wouldn't need to remove them. Breaking the beads took a little homemade ingenuity though.:pushups:
  22. I have the Carolina Leatherworks one. Real good quality at a good price. You can see it by looking in my profile. Cheers; Rod.
  23. Andrew; Overfilling can cause problems but it doesn't look to me as though this is the case here. When the engine is overfilled with oil it has a tendancy to blow by into the air cleaner housing. The oil that is overflowed would be coming out of one of those tubes in the group that hangs down under the bike. Your oil that is dripping underneath the bike appears to be ahead of the overflow tubes. I've never seen oil appear on top of the crankcase housing where it is shown in the second picture. I think that there is a leak and needs to be fixed. Good luck; Rod.
  24. Thanks for the help and suggestions on this everybody. I just went ahead and ordered 2 sets from Sierra. (J&M 8154's) They'll ship to Canada via USPS. I tried Winstuff but they will only ship UPS. We Canucks just get killed on brokerage fees if we use UPS. I'm going to install them and give them a try. If I'm unsatisfied with the amount of ambient noise in the intercom, I'll look at the Mic Mutes at a later date. There's some great tips on the site here regarding speaker placement, microphone etc. Rod.
  25. I've read a lot about the pros and cons of headsets and still can't decide whether to buy a set or not. Brenda and I have ridden my '06 RSV for almost 2 seasons without them and have gotten along alright but if they could help hear the radio better or for us to talk to each other, I'd buy a set. I currently wear a half helmet and am looking at an open face while Brenda already has an open face model. I've heard some people say that the intercom is noisy because it is always live. I guess I could buy Mic-Mutes for more $$ but is it really worth it? I see on EBay that you can buy stereo headsets for helmets that don't have a Microphone so that you can listen to the audio. These come with an 1/8" stereo jack. You can then buy the adapter that allows you to plug it into the headset plug on the bike. Anyone tried these? I don't want to spend the money on headsets only to find out that they don't work well at highway speeds or that there's other drawbacks. Any feedback (positive or negative) would be appreciated. Thanks; Rod.
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