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Everything posted by steppenwolf
By Motorcycle.Com Staff, Jul. 15, 2008 Victory sales fall in second quarter. Overall Polaris sales up 21%. Polaris Industries Inc. of Median, Minn. reported record sales for the second quarter of 2008, despite a decline in sales of Victory Motorcycles. Polaris sales for the second quarter of 2008 totaled $455.7 million, an increase of 21% over last year’s second quarter sales of $376.9 million. “Our operating results this quarter are very strong especially given the very challenging macroeconomic environment,” says Tom Tiller, chief executive officer of Polaris Industries Inc. “Sales for the full year 2008 are now expected to grow in the range of nine to eleven percent over full year 2007 sales of $1.78 billion.” Much of Polaris’ growth has been attributed to the performance of its side-by-side vehicles, international operations and parts, garments and accessories businesses. Second quarter ATV sales of $350.3 million (up from $282.1 million in 2007) led the way and helped offset the slower sales of Victory motorcycles. Polaris Industries says a weak heavyweight cruiser and touring market accounted for a decline in Victory motorcycle sales. Victory motorcycle sales decreased 19% during the 2008 second quarter. According to Polaris, the North American retail sales for heavyweight cruiser and touring motorcycles remained weak. All told, Victory motorcycles had sales of $23.4 million in the quarter, compared to $29.0 million over the same period in 2007. “Next week we will be unveiling our model year 2009 products at our annual dealer meeting,” says Tiller. “Innovation has always been a cornerstone of Polaris’ success and our new model year 2009 products will reflect the high standards that our customers have come to expect from Polaris. While we set the bar high in model year 2008 with our innovative new products including the Ranger RZR, Ranger Crew and Victory Vision, we similarly have high expectations for our new model year 2009 products. Despite a tough external environment that is not likely to improve in the near-term, we expect the momentum that we generated in the first half of 2008 to carry over into the second half of the year.” http://www.ridingacrossusa.com/forum/Themes/classic/images/icons/modify_inline.gif
http://www.pi54.com/Victory2009/PDF/Vision_Quest_Rider_Final.pdf I wouldn't want one but it is always interesting reading about what's new.
Too much bike for me. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9-42lt1__qw]YouTube - Victory Vision Walkaround[/ame][/url]
This was a Kaw run but....[ATTACH]22260[/ATTACH]........ [ATTACH]22261[/ATTACH].....Yamaha [ATTACH]22262[/ATTACH]......Suzuki... were there also but looking at the faces of the riders.....all smiles.. [ATTACH]22263[/ATTACH] On my way back to Cincinnati I took a comfort ride and hit Ripley OH to see the Rankin House which over looks the OH river...it was part of the underground railroad...beautiful place to see the river. [ATTACH]22264[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]22265[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]22266[/ATTACH] Sorry for the multiple posts...I keep screwing stuff up...just your average working schlep. Thanks for viewing, Bill
Last half of my post did not make it. I hit Maysville KY and ya gotta stop and see the flood wall and the river.Previous post,for the grand ma's and grand pa's.Rosemary Clonney at the Russel theatre and right up the street is the Russell theatre which is being renovated. Right now tobacco is the cash crop which is the other mural pictured and then the bikes finally arive at the Hotel Hampton.
There is little or no traffic on these roads and no gravel on any curves so I was riding a bit on the spirited side.....[ATTACH]22253[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]22254[/ATTACH] thru the windshield..and they were smooth for the most part. Came across this sign,turned around and went back,an x hippie commune with ties to some acid trip...can't find it on any OH map I have......... [ATTACH]22255[/ATTACH] So as I keep rolling along with a big ole smile on my face I make it to Aberdeen OH where I hit the DQ for a bite to eat.I am on RT.52 now and bikes were just rolling by...mainly Harleys and a few stopped in where I was at and asked all the normal questions,it was obvious I was on the road a bit, nice riders.
[ATTACH]22249[/ATTACH] Well I am an all brand rider,don't care what ya ride so I was invited to the SWOKZ(South West Ohio KZ) ride,a small group. I could not make the actual ride so I did my own to get there and back..wanted to meet the small group. I ran some roads I grew up on,they are now four lane highways but the old roads still remain.I got lost a little and forgot a lot.I am rolling down RT68 south of Mt.Orab OH and see this covered bridge,pic above,well ya know I just gotta stop..it has an arch in it,first time I have seen that in a wooden covered bridge so I renamed it the XS Heaven Archway Bridge:-) [ATTACH]22250[/ATTACH] RT.68 is flat and a little boring so I pick up RT353 to Rt. 763...now I am talking, They had too much time on their hands years ago cause these rock walls were everywhere.............[ATTACH]22251[/ATTACH] A beautiful area,what southern Ohio is about... [ATTACH]22252[/ATTACH]
Ok then,could not get any pics to download without leaving the site last night. I go brain dead at times and the computer follows suit.So [ATTACH]22237[/ATTACH] la la [ATTACH]22238[/ATTACH] one more test[ATTACH]22239[/ATTACH] Hope I got it this time:fingers-crossed-emo
Thanks Krome Rose,when I am not so tired I will look for the pop upblocker..that might be the problem..good call. Hipshot and Squidly...thanks..did a nice ride this pass weekend to SWOKZ South West Ohio KZ ride to Maysville KY..got a few nice pics..two weeks go to Hocking Hills Oh to meet up with some Harley riders.Pic of bike last march,just went thru 25 miles of rain,got home and it was dry:-) http://i156.photobucket.com/albums/t37/yamaha_28/DSC_0278.jpg Hipshot,yeah I will be back,good group here as at many other places but I do lean towards Yamaha and if ya like pics I have a few..once I get my act together. Cheating here as I edit for second pic......from saturday nite in Maysville KY at a Kaw rally... http://i156.photobucket.com/albums/t37/yamaha_28/DSC_0054.jpg
http://rideohiomc1.proboards82.com/index.cgi?action=display&board=destinations&thread=1042&page=1 Ok I have been having some trouble getting more than one picture at a time on here, it is on my end I know but I thought I would still share a ride so I used another site.I look at my old 1100 with it's Craig Vetter Windjammer fairing and at the early Venture and I can see a bit of that sport touring in each..the bikes have that"Lets go" look about them.Sorta taunting at ya..."Why Did We Stop?" look. As I have been lurking around this site,you have a fast paced,interesting board with some very good information.....and a few different brand riders also join in..nice..adds a little different perspective to the ride when all are not locked into the same mind set. Ride safe, Bill
I have not kept up with the new bikes the last few years but not in my wildest dreams would I have thought that was a BMW if I were riding by and did not see a name tag.... Been able to put it thru the paces yet? Looks like a real sporty touring bike.Fun with all the comforts:cool17: Any trip reports?
Well I am looking for the other three thousand places the mug has been...I want more You are in an area I have never been in and don't have a clue as to where it is...YET!! Will get the map out.........more pictures please
Forgot to mention when ya look at the bike murual there is a pair of mirrored sunglasses like we had years ago at the bottom center and when you are lookingat the left eye you will see a white house and about a 1/4 mile to the west is that white house and is home to the all brand Portsmouth Motorcycle Club....they have ALWAYS waved to me when I have rode past.
After a little breeze on sunday I finally have power back. Thanks Lone Star. This is a destination spot if in the area and a bike rider. http://www.ohiobarns.com/othersites/wallmurals/floodwall/pfw59.html
Well I showed this thread to my cat Amtrak,smart guy,train buff and he just sorta nodded..ok Bill go for it............ http://i156.photobucket.com/albums/t37/yamaha_28/DSC_0269.jpg
Hit your profile and then all posts by you will give you the answer.
I am a map person,give me an Atlas & Gazetteer any day,I don't mind riding around a might confused for 3 or 4 days...don't need to know where I am going,give me your credit card and I am happy but there are some hard core riders who need one..:-) [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lPtDxRzeYiY&feature=related][ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lPtDxRzeYiY&feature=related]YouTube - Rebel biker[/ame][/url]
Well you see,Dragonrider , it's like this . . . A herd of buffalo can only move as fast as the slowest buffalo. And when the heard is hunted, it is the slowest and weakest ones at the back that are killed first. This natural selection is good for the herd as a whole, because the general speed and health of the whole group keeps improving by the regular killing of the weakest members. In much the same way, the human brain can only operate as fast as the slowest brain cells. Now, as we know, excessive intake of alcohol kills brain cells. But naturally, it attacks the slowest and weakest brain cells first. In this way, regular consumption of beer eliminates the weaker brain cells, making the brain a faster and more efficient machine. And that,Dragonrider, is why you always feel smarter after a few beers." Makes perfect sense to me.......and why motorcyle riders are the smartest people around.....
That had to be one of YOU TUBES best videos...best one minute of my life I have spent:-)
:draming:I am with ya............work never ends!!!!!!!!!
Well The Boys From The Bronx have never met Large Lewis...The Fixer:hihi: He always settles the score for a couple of bucks...
I am reaching here a bit on my memory,did a search on here but didn't find it... back in"83 I got a package in the mail from Yamaha introducing the brand new "83 Yamaha Venture,advertising stuff the normal, a map of the United States,and a square little record made of a flimsey vinyl with a 45rpm cut with a Song "Don't Follow Any One"...a Waylon Jenings type voice singing the song......any body else remember that?
Ok ,Ok I knew I would be back to have a look see,human instinct. I know I would be welcome at any Venture outing as a Venture rider would be at an XS meeting..we like bikes.I came here on a fact finding mission but...stayed a bit cause I liked what I saw and Freebird was begging me to stay and since he lives in the greatest state in the Union...I will lurk:sun:I will keep to the picture and wateringhole areas mainly as I don't know any thing about your bikes.I am connected with a site that I have not spent the time there that I should,moderators are supposed to do those things:-) but it is dying any way. Thanks for the kind words, so keep your eyes open the Wolf is back in town and on the prowel.Invited to a Kaw run in two weeks and a Harley run in three weeks,should be fun with some pictures. So as I say good bye....a picture of me camping.................. http://i156.photobucket.com/albums/t37/yamaha_28/5-12-07079.jpg
With great sadness I wanna say thank you for being so kind to me..I realize I ride a different bike and this site is dedicated to the Venture...I came here for some info for another site,I like all brands and all bikes,but in fairness to those who ride the Venture and came here to read about it cause it is their choice and passion to read about it...the XS1100 is a different motorcycle,and when on the 1100 site I wanna read about the 1100 and when I am on my all brand site I want all brands to participate. So you have a great web site and a good group of people!!!!!!!!!!! You are riding a great bike and racking up the miles and seeing places that only you will remember........so...life is a collection of memories..they will live on forever...TAKE CARE RIDE SAFE... Bill...........The Wolf
just jt, Naw, you are just trying to convert me into buying one of the new'83's...I am riding one of the original founding fathers of the Venture,the sparkle in your mom's eye years ago....this bike is me....it's all most all orginal and the commet has been made a time or two from other riders "It always starts"..I have history with this bike.. I wouldn't wanna run it on the interstates from here(Cincinnati) to LA but put me on RT.50 to Frisco....give me your credit card.My independent dealer,who only works on the top 4 Jap bikes and does not sell bikes rides a Venture...forget the year'89 maybe,a pretty blue color. I am hooked a bit as you say,if I come across one,maybe I will get it and make it my 2nd ride......ouch that hurt I am sure:-) Bill..Wolfie