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Who Dey

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Everything posted by Who Dey

  1. I know that you are supposed to change it every 4,000 miles but what if it takes you a full year to get that many miles on your bike? Do you let the oil stay in the bike for 1 year or do you change it every 6 months no matter what? The reason i ask this is because i have heard people say that they change their oil every 6 months even if they don't put many miles on their bike because oil with age becomes acidic and can become corrosive and do damage to your engine. I'm not sure if i believe this but i have heard several people say it. I have no problem getting the miles in on the Venture but my other bike i am lucky to put 2 thousand miles a year on. I have been changing the oil in it once a year. Do you think that is acceptable or should i change it twice a year? Sorry if this is a dumb question, i just want your thoughts on it. I'm not mechanically stupid by any means and i used to race cars and mess with them all the time, but i have never heard of oil becoming acidic until recently. I guess i could check the PH new oil vs oil that is a year old and find out. What do you guys think? Oh yeah....for you synthetic guys, i have heard that it does last up to a year before becoming acidic. I run regular oil from the dealership and not synthetic.
  2. Me and my wife went for a ride with another friend and his wife yesterday to get a bite to eat, great ride the weather was beautiful, first ride of the season after a long winter. It felt so good to finally get to ride after what seemed to be the longest winter ever, it seemed like the perfect day. I just bought the Venture toward the end of 2008 and i love the bike, it rides great and is an awesome looking bike. Now, i'm not the biggest guy in the world either but i handle the bike pretty good after doing a couple of short guy mods. We get to the local Hooters and of course lots of bikers etc sitting out front on the patio enjoying the nice weather, and i am backing the bike in a parking spot and there's probably 50 people at least looking of course. Everything was going just fine until.............i get a Charlie Horse in the back of my left leg and i am thinking to myself Hoooooly Shhhh.......!!!! The parking lot was sloped to the left so there was no way i could get the bike over to the right especially with the wife on the back and rest on my right leg. I could barely even move my left leg much less raise it to put the kickstand down lol. I finally did it but let me tell ya, it wasn't easy. I thought for sure that my new Venture was going down, scared the crap out of me! I think the only thing that gave me the strength to keep it up and get the kickstand down was knowing that all of those people were watching lol. Anyone ever had that happen to you?
  3. I would personally stay away from it because probably for a little bit more money you can get one with low miles on it and i think it would be worth it to spend a little more on a bike that has low miles. I'm not saying that the bike is wore out and not any good but that is a ton of miles. Even if you have to spend a little more you will probably gain that money back on the repairs that you may have to make to the one with the high miles and then you would still have a high milage bike. Also if you decided you wanted to trade up in a couple of years you would have a hard time selling that bike because of the amount of miles that's on it. Just my opinion but i would look for another Venture with low miles. You will feel alot better if you get one like that and there certainly isn't any shortage of nice Ventures with low miles on them at a great price, especially in todays economy.
  4. Make sure you go to the Smokey Mountain Brewery in Gatlinburg If you are a Beer drinker and get yourself a Mountain Light, best beer in the world i promise you. They have a band after 9pm at night also. There is also one in Pigeon Forge but the one in Gatlinburg is better. Bring me back a case pleeeease!!!
  5. I have the 08 Black Cherry but i really like the Blue that was on the 2007 Model i believe it was. The blue ones look awesome.
  6. I have 2 bikes, a 2007 Suzuki M109R and a 2008 Yamaha Venture. I bought the Suzuki because i fell in love with it's looks, speed, and power and i bought the Venture because my wife loves to ride also and she has some back issues, needed it for her comfort. I never dreamed that i would see the day that i owned a bagger but i have fell in love with the Venture. I didn't even know the Venture existed until a friend of mine bought one, rode it one time and was hooked. The Suzuki is an awesome machine but the comfort of the Venture makes me want to ride it everywhere i go.
  7. Thanks for the heads up!
  8. I am thinking about getting a luggage rack for the Venture and was wondering how many of you have one and how you like it? Also opinions on which one is the best to get. I'm just looking for general information, cost, how much weight it will carry etc. Thanks.
  9. Going nuts here in Ohio too, the weather was looking pretty good last week and had my hopes up and then BAM!!! It's cold as heck here again now with snow coming in tommorrow. I wanna go riding dangit!!!
  10. That is a steal. I assume it is a used 08 right? If so how many miles was on it? I paid 15,300 for my new 08 last and thought that was a pretty darn good deal.
  11. He done mine also and you are right, his work is very proffessional. I would fully reccomend him to anyone.
  12. I lowered the back of mine and i love it. I also just had Rick Butler do the seat mod and now it's even better. I now am much more flat footed when coming to a stop and i don't feel the rear lowering kit affected the handling at all. The bike will bottom out if i hit a hard bump a little with no air in the shockes so i put about 25 pounds in them and that problem is resolved now. I love this bike!!!
  13. I would just use what ever the dealer/manufacturer tells you to use. I'm not an oil expert but i'm not a believer in Synthetic oil. I just dont think the cost of it is justified. I know from another website that i am on that alot of the guys use it in their bikes and some of their bikes started using oil, and they switched back to regular oil and have had no problems. I use to Drag Race for many years and i never used Synthetic oil and i never lost an engine ever. These are not race cars we are dealing with here so i really don't see a nedd to use synthetic.
  14. V Star all the way. They are one of the most dependable bikes out there and easy to ride. I had a 650 V Star and loved it, never had a minutes trouble out of it. The Silverado has saddle bags and a windshield so i would reccomend that if you are going to be on the highway traveling. I would probably also get the 1100 just because of the extra weight might handle better on the highway, although the 650 will do just fine. Someone said they also make a 950 V Star now??? I didn't know that but it may be worth looking at also. The V Stars have a very low seat height that makes them easier to ride for a woman, plus they are just good looking bikes also.
  15. Wow 5 bikes! I have trouble riding two lol.
  16. Man....really sorry to hear this.
  17. I have a 2007 Suzuki M109R and a 2008 Royal Star Venture. The 109 is a Beast and a real head turner and i love it. I bought the Venture due to my wife having back problems and i love it too. I was one of those guys that thought i would no way ever own a bagger and now i couldn't live without one i don't think after riding the Venture. I usually take the 109 when i'm by myself and for short trips around town. It definitely gets tons of attention, it's fast, powerful, and alot of fun and people just go nuts over it. I get so many comments on the bike that it's unreal. It has been lowered 2.75" and just looks Bad Azz. As much as i love that bike though i still find myself wanting to ride the Venture because of it's comfort, storage, and stereo etc. If i could only have one bike i'm afraid the 109 would have to go, but it would kill me to do so because i love it. The Venture is just a great all around bike and Yamaha's reliability is second to none in my opinion.
  18. Who Dey

    Venture Video

    You know that's not very nice to us people living in Ohio!
  19. I thought it was a good movie over all but some of the acting was a bit cheesy and the ending just flat out sucked and i was pretty dissapointed. I am a huge Clint Eastwood fan though and was glad to see him in action again. He still is in good shape and doesn't look his age at all. I would like to see him do another Western.
  20. I really don't see what the big deal is because people who smoke are going to smoke if they have coupons or not, and people who don't aren't going to be tempted just because they can get a good deal on ciggarettes.
  21. Both bikes are in super condition.....tough choice.
  22. Where do you get Joint Max at, just any store or is it for pets only? We do give her Glucosamine once a day and it has definitely helped. I just ran out and was fixing to go get more but i may try the Joint Max next. She yelps occasionally when she gets up and she limps sometimes also but all in all she's doing pretty good. There was one time that i was letting her out to pee and she walked out of the house and literally collapsed on the front porch and was just screaming in pain and i swear she layed there for probably 1-2 minutes just screaming in pain. It was strange, i actually thought that she was choking on something the way it sounded. I thought to myself "this dog is dying right here in front of me" and i just got down on the ground with her and held her thinking it was the end for her. She finally got up and was limping real bad, the vet said it was probably her hips. That scared the heck out of me!
  23. How about Kasey Jones or maybe Sergeant Kasey Jones? I'm not sure if that's how you spell Kasey Jones but.....you get the picture. By the way, i am from Franklin, about 45 mins north of you.
  24. I am from Franklin, about 25 mins north of West Chester, i will ride with you! Not now but when it warms up of course lol. My stepdaughter works at Jags
  25. I kind of hi-jacked your thread Mariner Fan and i certainly didn't mean to do that so sorry about that. I just seen the picture of your dog and it looks just like ours with all the gray hair and stuff and it got me rambling and i couldn't stop. It had to be absolutely heart breaking taking that dog to the Vet and having her put to sleep. Puts a lump in my throat just thinking about it.
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