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Who Dey

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Everything posted by Who Dey

  1. We have one that we took in as a stray thats about 5 years old and i would pay you to take him if the wife would let me give him to you. You got to keep him on a leash or he will run off, especially if he sees a rabbit or something, he is nosy and into everything, chews up everything, paper, cell phones, you name it. Bassett Hounds have a very bad odor to them that you cant do anything about, he can be very very aggressive at times especially toward our cats but even worse he is aggressive toward us and the grandkids at times also. He's never bit anyone yet but he growls and wants to sometimes. He's aggressive toward other dogs also, he dont care how big they are. He doesn't get mean real often but even once in awhile is too much in my book. He is also though very lovable, wants to lay all over you all the time etc......i think he has a split personality or something. He's a really good dog over all but we have a Black lab (another stray lol) and she is one million times a better dog. I don't know if you ever had a Lab or not but you really should consider one i think because they are the best dogs in the world in my opinion. I would re think the Bassett if i were you. I would actually encourage you to look into rescuing a dog at the pound, it's a really good feeling knowing you saved an animals life and there are plenty of great dogs at the pound to choose from. Me and my wife have already made up our mind that we are going to rescue an adult female (Female dogs are way better than male dogs) black lab once our Lab dies that we have now. Adult dogs are also a plus in my opinion because you don't have to go through the puppy stage. There are probably lots of Beagles that need a good home sitting in your local pound right now.....might be the perfect dog to replace your buddy that you just lost!
  2. Got about 50 miles in today and man did it feel good!!! You don't get to ride to often in January in Ohio and it was 49 degrees so i had to take her out for a spin. Hopefully we will keep having a few days like this but in case we dont this little ride today should get me by for awhile. I love my Venture!
  3. Prayers sent
  4. Jerry i didn't think that there was even 2 inches to cut off below the loop, looks like a little over an inch? I didnt actually measure it so i could be wrong.
  5. My Venture is lowered and now i need to shorten my kick stand a bit. I was wondering about how much i need to take out of it? I am thinking maybe an inch, does that sound about right? Also to those of you who have cut your stands, did you cut it above or below the loop on the stand?
  6. Very nice looking bike! Congrats
  7. All i can say is that if they wont let you ride "YOUR V STAR" with them when they go on rides then i wouldn't go with them at all, not even on the back of your husbands bike. If owning a Harley is a requirement for you to ride with them then they are not your friends, and i'm just going to be blunt here, if your husband feels the same way that they do i would ditch him too. Sorry but that is just stupid!
  8. I just picked up a can of Plexus and it is definitely good stuff!
  9. Thanks for all the replies and pics guys, you have been very helpful.
  10. A friend of mine has the 550 but i think the 450 would actually suit my needs.
  11. Thanks for the pics guys. Where is the best place to get one at and about (ball park) what kind of price can i expect to pay for one?
  12. I'm thinking of getting a GPS and was wanting to see one mounted on your Venture. Also any advise on where to get mounting brackets etc would be greatly appreciated. I am thinking about going with a Garmin 450 or 550 maybe. Thanks.
  13. I love the Blue, looks awesome! That would have been my choice of colors if it would have been available when i bought mine last year. Congrats, that is one beautiful machine.
  14. I don't truly no anything about them but i have heard negative things. I can't even remember what has been said but it wasn't good.
  15. Harley's are junk and you couldn't give me one of any kind. A Sporster is not half the bike that you have right now. Tell him to ride what he wants to ride and you will ride what you want to ride. If you sold that bike for a Sportster you would be sorry i guarantee it. Sorry but your husband is just being ridiculous.
  16. I would stay away from the White Walls personally because they require more work to keep them looking good, plus the black walls look better anyway i think.
  17. I tried to buy one off of them last year and they wouldn't budge off of the 18,000 dollar sticker price. I told the salesman that i could buy one at Competition accessories for 15,300.00 but i would like to buy one there because it is closer to my house and he said "15,300.00 is a good deal, go to Competition Accessories".................so i did and i couldn't be happier that he suggested that because they have treated me like gold there before and after the purchase.
  18. I lowered the back of mine with the Barons kit and i like it alot. When riding 2 up you can bottom the bike out if you hit a nasty bump, but i solved that problem by putting about 20 pounds of air in the rear shock. I personally haven't noticed any negative effects of the bikes handling and it still rides like a dream. I guess that it would be better to not have to do it but i didn't have that option, it was either lower it or ride the bike in an unsafe manner because of not having my feet securely on the ground. I also had Rick Butler mod my seat which helped some also, plus it gave me more comfort over the stock seat. Give it a try and see how you like it, you can always change it back if you need to. I like my bike much better now though and i am leaving the rear lowering kit on.
  19. Anytime Bob, I see you're in Indiana. Not sure where your at but im about 45 minuts from Richmond. Maybe we could meet half way for dinner some day or something. Just send me a PM and we will work something out.
  20. I'm not real computer smart, i'd probably have a heck of a time trying to put a picture on here.
  21. Went to the dealer today to get my oil changed and was browsing around and seen that they had a luggage rack for the Venture so i also bought it and had it installed. It looks awesome on the bike and will be very helpful on trips, can't wait to put it to use! I also got in about 200 miles today to give Rick Butler's seat mod a good test too, and i give him an A+ on the comfort of the seat and his work. What a great day!!!
  22. Bought a 2008 Venture in about August last year and it's only got 2,150 miles on it. I'm hoping to put in some good miles on it this year. I also have a 2007 Suzuki M109R so that bike has to get some attention also which makes it a little bit harder to rack up more miles on the Venture. The Venture is one sweet bike though and i enjoy every second that i get to spend on it. I'm hoping to get a trip or two in on it this year. I can't believe the amount of miles some of you guys have logged in such short time periods, wish i had that much time to ride. Sound like the Venture will go 100,000 miles though with no problem, that's good to know.
  23. I need to chime in here also. Rick did my seat a month or so ago and i got the bike out today for it's first good ride, about 200 miles and i have to say that it is much better than when the seat was stock. I had no complaints before on the comfort and did it mainly to get my feet flatter on the ground which it did, but the seat is also more comfortable then ever. Rick is also one of the nicest people i have ever dealt with in my entire life and his prices are just great. If this world was full of Rick Butler's it would be a much better place. Thank you Rick, i sincerely appreciate what you did for me and your helping out of the other members of this forum.
  24. Congrats, hope you enjoy it!
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