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Who Dey

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Everything posted by Who Dey

  1. The Venture is a sweet bike and you will not be sorry. You can ride these bikes all day long and not get tired. They ride like a dream!
  2. My opinion is the Venture is the nicer bike of the two. I do however like the looks of the Voyager alot and i'm sure that it is a nice bike, but i think the bags and the trunk seem to be kind of cheap compared to the Venture and don't hold as much storage. I love my bike and i think it was worth every penny i paid for it, and i have no regrets what so ever. The only thing that i probably would have done different is maybe bought a used one and save a few bucks. There are a ton of used ones out there on Craigslist with very low mileage on them at great prices. Also just like someone else said, all of the Ventures are exactly the same with no changes from 1999-2011 so it doesn't really matter what year that you get. It probably would be nice though to get one 2-3 years old that still is under warranty.
  3. Here's how i look at it. I don't even know Old Goat but he is a part of this family on here and is in a time of need. It would be real easy to just not help a fellow out and not think too much about it, but i thought to myself that God knows i sure waste money on things that are far less important than helping a person out that is in need and that is why i decided to help out. I would like to see some more people step up and help this guy out that can do it financially. Maybe donate one hour of your pay and appreciate the fact that you have a job and are doing ok financially. Maybe instead of going out to eat "just one time" that would cost you 30,40,50,or 60 dollars you could eat a can of soup that day or something else cheap and throw a few bucks Old Goats way. Just think about it folks and i promise you that it will make you feel good inside knowing that you helped a person out. I am not rich by any means, but i'm also not so poor that i can't help someone a little bit. If alot of people get together on here and just donate a little bit, it will help this guy out a WHOLE BUNCH. Another thing also to think about....it could very possibly be YOU that finds yourself in a bad way next. I would say that 90% of us on here are just a job loss or serious illness away from being in serious financial trouble or maybe even homeless.
  4. Donation sent to your Pay Pal account. I am sorry to hear about this rough time that you are going through, good luck my friend.
  5. Wow, that was very good. I'm impressed!
  6. My GPS goes in the trunk and i lock it, especially since the Garmin 660 doesn't have a mount that locks. I still wouldn't leave it on the bike even if it did have mount that locked though. I have been known to even take it with me too. There are just way too many thieves out there to leave it on the bike for people to see.
  7. Thanks for the info guys!
  8. Hi Folks, sorry if this is the wrong section to post this is but i am wanting to put some passing lamps (i believe that's what they are called) on my bike and was wondering how much they cost, where can i get them etc? I also want those little visors on the lights like the bike shown below. I have also seen a LED light strip that people are putting on the trunk of their bikes that i would like to get. Can i run both of these items and my GPS without draining my battery? Sorry if that's a stupid question but i just want to make sure. Thanks in advance for your help guys. P.S. Also to who ever owns this bike, i hope your not offended by me using your picture.
  9. "We are setting in a McDonalds with our families and a doped up crazy person comes in with a gun and is going to start shooting everyone, do you want me to pull my gun and protect your wife and kids?..............." Oh come on now you know that will never happen to someone in the anti-gun crowd, especially the ones that live in an upscale neighborhood! You must just be some paranoid person or something, you should go see a Doctor and get help.
  10. I am shocked at how many people in this world have the "It will never happen to me" attitude and they see no reason to carry a Firearm for protection for themselves and their family. If you carry a gun chances are you will never ever have to use it to protect yourself, hopefully you wont have to anyway. The thing about it though guys, is this is your life and your families lives that you are gambling with and you don't get a second chance if some idiot decides he is going to end it for you so what is so bad about being prepared just in case? There are alot of dead people 6 feet under that wish they would have made the choice to protect themselves that never thought they would ever be the victem of a violent crime. Ok i'm done ranting..........it just really ticks me off how some people want to make a person look or feel like an idiot for choosing to protect themselves.
  11. I agree with Skydoc. That is way too much money for that bike.
  12. Well first of all it's a fact that Harley's were junk back in the 60's, 70's, 80's, and 90's, so i find it very hard to believe that you have had absolutely no problems out of those older HD's, especially in the AMF days. If you didn't have any trouble then you were extremely fortunate. I do however think that they are better than they used to be but they still aren't as good as the Jap bikes, and they never will be because HD is too worried about selling an image instead of a good motorcycle. Second, it is a proven fact that foreign cars and motorcycles are far superior in every way to American cars and motorcycles in every way. Last but not least, they are not picking your bike up for free and i cannot believe you even think that for one minute. They charge you three times as much for the service, that's where they get their tow money back out of you.
  13. What's the purpose of our bikes having the ability to run 100mph? We could also pass someone going 100, or 120 in the same lane if we chose to do so. Don't blame the bike, blame the idiot riding it. I had some Moron and his wife (seperate bikes) do the same thing to me once but they were on Harley's. I didn't see them coming and it scared the crap out of me and almost made me wreck. I felt like running them down and kicking someones Azz. The guys wife or girlfriend wasn't big enough for the bike she was on and it looked like she was riding an elephant and just barely could hang on to it while it was running or something. She had no business riding that bike and especially to come flying past me in the same lane like that. I can understand the HD people riding like that because they got to uphold there cool and tough image, not sure about the crotch rocket guys lol.
  14. Almost forgot till Wes mentioned it, the passenger definitely gets on and off of the bike when the klickstand is down. My wife got on ours when we first bought it while i was sitting on the bike with the kickstand up and i came a hair of dumping the bike. It felt like an Elephant stepped up on the left floorbored of the bike, and she is not a heavy person either. That was the last time we made that mistake lol.
  15. You wont have any trouble at all since you are not a short person. will say this though when a passenger gets on the bike becomes quite a bit heavier and harder to control when stopping. I just tell my wife to sit on the back like a statue and don't move when i am coming to a stop. So far so good! You will fall in love with the Venture, it is truly an amazing motorcycle and it rides like a dream.
  16. The Smoky Mountain Brewery is my most favorite places in the world! I do like the one in Gatlinburg better than the one in Pigeon Forge though.
  17. Send me a message next time you will be in the area and if my work schedule permits i will buy you dinner.
  18. I hope you get to feeling better soon Don, sounds like you have been through alot lately. How far are is where you live from Cincinnati? I'm a little North of Cincy, actually right between Dayton and Cincy.
  19. Wow that's a tough one. So is he wanting his old pipes back and wanting to return the ones that you gave him?
  20. Why do you want to take the lowering kit off? Mine is lowered in the front and the rear and i love it. I put the rear kit on first and the next year i put the front end lowering kit on and had some trouble dragging my pipes riding two up occasionally, so i put the 7 lbs of air in each front fork and now i never bottom out at all. I usually run about 20-40 in the back shock also when riding two up.
  21. Sorry to hear that.....i hate seeing stories like this.
  22. I know this is the wrong forum but i figured more people would see it and respond here about it. I am thinking about getting the Garman 550 and was wondering how much it cost, where is the best place to get one, is it or will it be outdated soon since they have the Garman 660 out, and where can i get the brackets that hold it? I think i would like for it to sit above the radio maybe? Also until i can get it hardwired in. does it come with a power cord that i can plug into my fairing and use it until i get it connected to the wiring harness? I'm not a tech guy and for some reason the GPS thing just seems complicated to me, with having to by the mounting brackets from another place, and which GPS to buy etc. I just know that i have heard alot of good things about the Zumo 550 and now i am seeing that the 660 is out by Garmen. Sorry for sounding like a Dummy, but i just need some help with this. Thanks.
  23. I was just wondering if anyone uses this backrest? I know most of you guys use the Utopia or the Diamond R. I am leaning toward the Diamond R or possibly this one as they seem to be easier to install. Also does the Diamond R come with the pillow top look? It would be nice if it matched my stock seats.....thanks. http://www.cruisercustomizing.com/detail.cfm?model_ID=42&Category_ID=32&manufacturer_ID=6&product_ID=15939&related=short
  24. When we first got him and took him to the Vet he also had a double ear infection, Vet said he hadn't been cared for very well. He is fine now and my wife cleans his ears every day or two. They do supposedly get alot of ear infections. It's no wonder because when he eats or drinks his ears are laying in the food and water bowl.....he cant help it because they are so dang big lol.
  25. I'm no dog expert by any means and i dont know my Bassette Hounds history at all. He showed up at our house and he couldn't hardly walk and i felt sorry for him and took him to the Vet figuring his leg was injured, turned out it was his neck. He's a great dog 99.9% of the time but he does have an aggressive side to him on rare occasions for really no reason at all, it's kinda strange actually. We love him anyway though but we just have to keep an eye on him a little bit around kids and cats. It's rare though that he acts up but one bite to a kid or another animal is just too much. Our Lab ran the neighborhood for like 5 months and wouldn't let anyone get close to her, she was eating out of trash cans and we finally trapped her and she has been the best dog in the world. She is the first dog i have ever had and has turned out to be one of the best things that has ever happened to me in my life. I'm pretty confident that she was an abused dog by some of her actions, but we earned her trust and she has turned out to be the best dog ever, she loves us and we love her. You can just tell that she really appreciates her new home. You wont be dissapointed in a Bassette Hound i don't think but they definitely do have a different personality then a Beagle does. Beagles seem to be a little more easy going from what i can tell from my limited experience with dogs. He does stink though and that's one of my biggest complaints with him being in the house.
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