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Everything posted by kbert777

  1. Problems with the factory CB/FM/AM antenna system? This site give some ideas on viable modifications: http://bludolphintravel.com/gmg/marshallmod.htm
  2. Well, I guess there are at least two choices to mount these on a 1st Gen: 1.) If you have driving light brackets you can mount the horn(s) below the driving lights with the relay hidden behind the side reflector cover. This is how Scott (tooldood) mounted his. 2.) The other possibility is to mount the horn in front of the oil filter under the front spoiler by attaching it with a hose clamp to the frame tube underneath the coolant bleed valve. I think Pegstr came up with this mounting position. I mounted mine the same way, the only problem was that the hose clamp came apart after a few thousand miles, don't know if it was just a faulty (cheap) clamp or if the sharp edge of the mount produced too much strain. I am using a rubber lined band clamp right now, with a bolt going through the original mount on the horn. According to some reports, you have to use the original oil filter housing, the mounting point will interfere with the Rivco adapter. Sorry, no pictures of these installation handy right now, have to look around if I find any. Klaus
  3. While my wife Denise loves riding on the back of my 1st Gen she has one constant complaint: After about 50 miles her left foot falls asleep. At first I thought it was due to the position of my big riding boots on the left peg, forcing her to move her foot in an uncomfortable position on the back left board, but the same thing happens when I have my feet on the front highway boards. She usually wears a real comfortable pair of riding boots but the same problem appears when she is wearing high top sneakers. I inspected the rubber mounts of both rear boards and they seem appropriate. Has anybody heard a similar complaint or encountered a similar problem? Thanks in advance, Klaus
  4. If I remember right stock heights were 20" and 22", with the 22" labeled "tall" and being the only one currently sold through Yamaha (ABA-26H01-11-00). Aftermarket ones are sold in a variety of heights from 18" to 24", I am about 6'4" tall and use the 22" Yamaha shield but should have probably gone with the 24". Hope this helps, Klaus
  5. Copied this diagram of the site pre-crash, don't know who the creator is or who posted it. Klaus
  6. Sorry, he was asking for the cap, NAPA 156 is the thermostat. Klaus
  7. 13 lbs cap for 1993 Geo Metro, NAPA# BK 7032443, Stant# 10227, Autozone CST 7513, works perfect and does not look too tacky. Thermostat is Napa# 156, needs a little 1/8" hole drilled near the rim to help bleeding. Klaus
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