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Everything posted by ronhenry4

  1. believe it or not we went on a good timer's ride 2 weeks agon and she saw a small dog with goggles on and its mom had it in one of those things you wear to carry a baby and she said to me " we need a side car" for duece.. i said ok so now im looking.
  2. I will help with anything i can do let me know..
  3. He's eating me out of house and home..lol i need a sidecar so he can ride with me
  4. some of you may remeber when i got my new puppy "duece" a few months ago just thought i would share how fast he is growing..the first two are before and the second are today he is sooo much fun
  5. Again i want to thank everyone for there input and opions and advice. I do have a laywer and he has been working very hard for me for the last 1 1/2 years. i have come to the conclusion with some influence from all of you my friens and family that it is time to let the nice guy have a rest and be that guy who looks beyond my own personal opion and let her be served with justice as of now i will not step up for her allow anymore time for this and that and if i have to wait more time to collect the funds from her so be it. I have been in contact with the IRS and there not happy i have talked with a technision who is on my side with this and has offered to suspend the interest and penalty's for 90 days untill the correct paper work can be submitted. again i want to thank you all for all the great advice and kind words and suport i have truly found a great exstention of my family here and hope one day i will have the words for any of you who need words of wisdom. Ron AKA "grasshopper"
  6. lol thanks that came at tthe right time ... my lady is beautiful!!! sister no sorry
  7. i did and do have an attorny from the start. here is the thing when she was ordered by the court to have these taxes amended (by a pro) she drug me to the office and half way through she told me she couldnt pay for it and i refused to do so. in turn she trie to do them herself signed my name to them and fed-ex'd them to the irs because this was suposed to be done prior to us meeting in court aagin. so now i have gone to H&R block to get the returns they did for us and was told now that she filled those these are going to confuse the system.. uggg
  8. I knew i could count on you guys for love and suport.. the new lady in my life is GREAT and is so so suportive of me through this i dont know who gets more upset about it her or me.. but when she see's me starting to stress she tosses a RSV at me and say's "lets ride" can i ask for any better of a lady? oh and she cooks too
  9. I have a lawyer but the conflict im haveing is this if i have her thrown in jail how do i collect the money thats owed to me? to include some of the fee's the law firm is charging me.
  10. hey every one, i dont normaly like to air my own dirty laundry but i need some advice from friends ( you all) my diviorce became finial 2 yrs ago and since i have found a wounderful understanding lady to share my life with. Now here is my problem... she owes me alot of money from the diviorce 14,000 plus but here is the bigger issue taxes!!! while i was deployed to iraq she filed our returns (married filling seprate) she got a refund for 2 years and i got a tax bill for 3600 one year and 6500 for the second. now the judge has ordered a amended return to be filled for both years which would clear all that debt for the most part and im only responcable for 1/2 of any debt now for the real kicker she tried to do the amended taxes herself and fordged my signature on those returns.. the courts now know of this and have kinda left it up to me about sending her to jail.. im tired of her making excusses about not payiong me and i need to get out of dutch with the irs.. any and all advice will be taken under consideration.. thanks in advance. Ron
  11. Thanks steve your thumbs up. some days its not as easy to maintain the disapline i have to teach my soldiers. Ron
  12. " being a NCO is doing the right thing even when no one is looking" not always the easiest thing to do though.
  13. OK ch.29 it is for me oh when i used to drive a truck over the road i was "the phantom" now im just Ron or to some (yammer dan) Grasshopper
  14. Dan it always makes me feel good to think you are proud of me..i would offer to bring them along to afganistan with me next year but i dont think they would have the heart to do what we do.. you know stand up for whats right , defend our great country and our way of life. Humbly serving our great nation. Ron
  15. My prayers and thoughts are with you and your family. Ron
  16. Mike thank you for your kind words but im no hero just a man who will stand up for something i believe in and in this day and time if we loose the faith in our flag and what it stands for what do we have. Humbly. Ron
  17. Sir i would like to say thank you! for what you have done for our country i often feel like i am picking up where you fine Marines and soldiers left off it is my privelage to carry on the traditions that you and those who came before you set forth for futer generations. and I like you will stand up even for the more ignorant americans of our great country. Ron
  18. Your welcome, It has always been and always will be My Honor to serve our great country. but as a soldier i think i could have shown more disapline and restraint..... maybe should have been less.. Thanks for the thumbs up. Ron
  19. Thanks Margaret, but like i said somethings im not always proud of what i have to do but the reasons i do them are good enough. Ron
  20. It came to my Attn. today i am famous..lol not really but i am on youtube. maybe some of you have heard of "Matt moupin" (god rest his soul) was a soldier went missing in Iraq for several years. As a member of the Armys honor guard in cincinnati we as a team went to the servive at great american ball park. There were some folks there demonstrating against the war and so on (its there right) i as many of you have fought them to do silly things like that. anyway as i was walking past this lady holding her sign which read " GOD LOVES A DEAD SOLDIER" i noticed she was standing on an american flag wrong ansewer but i gave her the benifit of the dought and thought maybe she didnt know that she was stepping on it i bent down and pulled on it and said ma'am your standing on our flag she replied to me I know and started stomping on it so doing what any red blooded american would do i was going to throw her in front of on coming traffic i am not always proud of what i have done but am proud to serve our great nation i didnt get to throw her in the street i have a really strong corpral who grabbed me and pulled me off of this lady. just thought i would share my moments of shame/fame with you. if you want to see it search "matt maupin funeral protesters" on youtube Im the SGT. grabbing a lady. Ron
  21. Havent seen it????? no comment
  22. All you need for a 1st gen is duct tape and a hammer:stirthepot:.. im soooo glad your on cruches i can out run you hahahahahahahahhahahaha Ron
  23. I wouldnt look at your old time so called motorcycle either should have been in the bone yard years ago... come off with some of that money you hide in the mattres and buy a second gen.
  24. finger nail polish ?????????
  25. these are the add ons i bought and installed the tinted ones sorry for the confusion
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