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Everything posted by ronhenry4

  1. i was looking for a thread on the hotel deal for Don's MD my schedule has changed and i will be able to attend and i need to make a reservation
  2. thats what i did i got a blemished one the blemish was down by the vent and it is wounderful
  3. looks great i just ordered the small 4 light pod im thinking i can replace the reflector by the licence plate with it im thinking there about the same size or close so the mod wont be to bad to do....I hope
  4. Just ordered one
  5. can i ask where you mounted it? i was thinking i may be able to remove the reflector by the licence plate and mount it there?
  6. Today while riding i met up with a friend who i hadnt seen in a while. we got to talking i was saying i was thinking of putting a "back off" modulater on my RSV and said look at this. ( i should have taken pics) but instead of putting that on his bike he went to a saftey supply store and bout a red led flasher the type used on police and fire and mounted this to his sissy bar it has a built in flasher so all he did was wire it to the brake light hit the brakes and bingo has a flashing brake light for the low low cost of around 30 bucks. not a bad idea from a guy who rides a Harley........ just putting the idea out there. Ron
  7. i found these not sure if its whaty you r looking for but here they are.http://www.cyclemaxohio.com/inc/sdetail/31068
  8. I was on my way to work on monday and spotted a midnight venture on springrove by the main post office there i was on "big Blue" gave a wave . just woundering if he lived here and was a member. Ron
  9. i bought mine from a harley owner he never used the headsets but he dont wear a helmet i think they J&M brand here is a site that has some. http://www.newenough.com/parts/accessories/intercom__communication_systems oh they also have good prices on helmets as well . Ron
  10. Here in cincinnati they are stickering for 19k
  11. my sin-sey (yammer dan) says " a fool and his money shall soon part ways" look great wish i would have thought of it. Ron
  12. I vote for you Dan .. you dont have anything else to do .. retired and all:soapbox:
  13. i do have some 07 BLUE paint if i cant get you up todate on your ride i will on the color:pushups:
  14. looks like my Army schedule has changed so i am planning on going and need the carb sync to never had one..
  15. Put them in the gas tank.. they'll find there way back
  16. looks great!!! i did my bike in blue and also have some wizard lights that change colors
  17. I was an army tanker for 3 years dont know if i can help..if its work he will be looking for you may want him to look at CSX.com the railroad (where i work) is one of the top 5 military employers in the U.S.
  18. sounds like its time for another bell exchange?? isnt it bad luck to buy one for yourself??
  19. IM SCARED !!!!!
  20. jpcycles has a good selection of passing lights
  21. I bought a screw extractor from sears for 20 bucks best thing i ever used
  22. Do those 1st Gen's come with historical tags ???
  23. Keith has a set of the moto lights for sale in the classifieds for a lot less than 400 just putting it out there
  24. i bought some hiway pegs from them they fit good i wound up not liking my choise in pegs
  25. AYE !!!!
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