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Everything posted by ronhenry4

  1. a very fine looking bike you got there MRS KITTY my mentor ( yammer Dan ) tells me there the best bike going ( im a second gen guy myself) but a good one for a girl !!!!:stirthepot:
  2. i saw the commercial today that is way cool !!
  3. Thanks guys !!
  4. can i have your autograph ????? please im your biggest fan!!! that is a really cool thing you got to do. congrats cant wait to see it:cool10:
  5. im in need of a name for this part the fist pic shows the part and the second shows where it goes.. and if you can tell me what they sold for that would be great as im looking to sell theses and lost my paper back copy of the book and they seem to be discontinued on the net. thanks for your help. Ron
  6. Thanks Annie:325:
  7. yea as i remember sin sey you did was it twice now ????
  8. Thanks Margret i knew i could count on you to bring a smile to my face and of course i will be putting up all kinds of pics when "SHE" gets here yep its a girl !!!!
  9. thanks Siler T it makes me feel good to hear things like that from the members
  10. well my thought was to keep the bike but my bride has a diffrent view of things ... guess who won that one
  11. I like many have fallen victom to the economy today with great saddness i watched my 2007 venture get loaded up on a truck and taken away. with a new baby on the way i couldnt afford to keep making the payments so i had to make the choise baby or bike... it didnt take long to decide on the baby so off she went. on another note i did get the opertunity to take off most of the extra's i put on like the hitch and wireing harness most of the chrome so i will be posting it in the for sale section soon as i get pics and clean it up. i hope that we all will remain friends and i hope i will still be welcome here as you all have become a part of an exstended family who have helped me through some hard times as well as the good times . thanks for your ear.. Ron aka "grasshopper"
  12. Tell him Congrats !! for me as well as a old grunt myself and 17 years of service and 5 tours under my belt its now a young mans game. and im proud to see the youth of today stepping up for what alot of us have fought to preserve. P.S. tell him to always remember his 5TH general order hehe every grunt knows this ......for those of you who dont i will enlighten you ..." I will walk my post from flank to flank and take no S*&t no matter what the rank. " Ron:325:
  13. Toughts and prayers are on the way !! good luck in the recovery process. Ron
  14. is the one with the hole in usable shape i may take it off your hands?????
  15. DONT DO IT its a JEDI mind trick
  16. Hey Dave , i was looking at the posts from this thread and i can meet the folks from tennese down here around cincy someplace and maybe we can catch you in Delaware and see about finding someplace to meet the others. I Pm'd Peggy (yama mama) she said they havent decided when they are going yet. but so far that looks like it will be the best plan so far but im always open for ajustments. Ron
  17. As a MP i need to tell you that PPE is reqired at all times on a military post vest boots gloves helmet ect just my .02 Ron
  18. would love to meet with everyone and ride up together!!
  19. Thanks sin-sey i was thinking i was going to have to go through West-by God-ver gin ia
  20. Not sure of the route this will be my first time going to MD but im sure we can meet up someplace
  21. Would be great to meet up with you guys !! i'll try to get yama mamma and see if there going and when maybe they will join us as well i'll call you or vise versa when the time gets closer. Ron
  22. Any one from the cincinnati,Ohio goingto Don's MD that wants to meet up Im going to go up on friday and would love any and all company passing through. Ron
  23. It is the 2007 model (the one i own) i love the color
  24. Booked my room for FRI and SAT night:Venture:
  25. Thats the one thanks guys !!
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