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Everything posted by dlhoulton

  1. You will not beleave me when I tall you that they are made for "Pocket Racer" type motorcycles. Or even go carts!!! I found them ranging in price from $12.95 to $20.95 each. K&N has them for $35.24. I went to my local muffler shop and had them make a connecting tube that went from 2.25 to 1.75 and abought 3" long. The local shopes here charge everything they can to get your money ($25 for two). Most of these filters have a 1.75 or 45mm I.D. opening in a rubber mounting flange. The 2.25" is what was needed to connect to the stock intake tube of the RSV. Here are some sources for the filters. You may have to scroll down the page to locate the "Pancake" type filter. http://www.neoscooters.com/high_performance_parts.asp?id=17&pg=2 http://www.davesmotors.com/s.nl/c.885035/sc.12/category.27871/.f http://www.dansperformanceparts.com/buggy/intake/buggyintake1.htm http://www.knfilters.com/search/product.aspx?Prod=RC-0340 K&N have other filter I might try. Some are round and some are oval. There part numbers are: RA-062V (5.5" round, 2" thick), RC-1980 (4.5" x 7" x 2" oval). This has a 203cfm draw. These have a centered flang for mounting and have chromed top cover plate only. They also have K&N stamped into the the top cover plate!! If I go up to these filters they have a larger flang mounting opening (2" to 2.5") so I can go to the local auto parts store and get ready made muffler connectors in the sizes I need for just a few dollars!!!! I also got some scrap aluminum sheeting from a local sheet metal shop to fab up some brackets to make the filter mount more securely. Just took off the stock filter housings and traced a few ideas and matched the mounting holes. Being these filters do not come apart I just rivited the fabed up brackets to the back. So when I need to take them off I just unbolt two bolts holding the bracket and filter and one screw holding the connecting tube to the stock intake tube. Dennis
  2. Just wanted to post this for feed back. I have been trying to think of ways to dress up the air intake/filter box area. Not looking for high performance just visiual appeal. My bike is an 08 RSV and I have added some RK mufflers. This is the only mechanical modification that has been done. I first started off by trying to find out how much CFM the stock filters drew so I would not be messing with fuel/air mixtures. Let me state I have no technical skills at all. Just about everyone that I've seen that has altered the air intake has had to adjust or re-jet and shim needle valves!?!? Seems the filters they used drew way to much air and exceeded the cfm required by the RSV. The only way I could come close was to call K & N and they gave me the info on CFM of the replacement filter for the RSV. Part #YA-1399 has 338 cfm. Then I looked at different types of "Pod, Pancake" type filters. Nobody making filter is willing or knows how much CFM there filters draw (except K&N). I wanted to keep the filter size small so that I would not exceed the 338. Thinking that K&N was a high flow filter, the stock must draw less. Also the stock air box has only a 1.5 inch hole drawing that air through. I was able to get info on several filter that looked good and had the low cfm draw. I decided on a small 4.5" round chrome pancake filter that is 1" thick. The filter is reusable/washable and oil charged. I fabricated small brackets to secure it solidly and also got some muffler pipe to form a connection between filter and intake hose. The filters draw 127 cfm each. I've had them on for a couple days now and have ran the bike on the highway and in town. Running through the rev limits and down shifting. There has been no hesitation of sputtering at all. Lots of get-up and go. Have only put about 20 miles on her so far. As for the filter being small my thinking was the stock flliter box is roughly 9.5L x 5W x 4.5D with a small 1.5 inch hole drawing air into a filter that is roughly 5.25L x 3.5X x 3.5D. The outside box makes the filter look bigger than it really is. If I need to go up in filter size or cfm K&N also has several round and oval styles with cfm draw of 172 to 269. Have included some pictures to show how it looks. Sure would like to here some of your thoughts (good/bad, postive/negative). Or if anyone would like more information just let me know. Thanks for reading, Dennis
  3. Yama Mama, Can you ask Ron, with such a large opening around the filter and using that much filter area does the bike run rich or lean. I've been told that Yamaha spent long hours in R&D developing the air filter housings and the 1 1/2 inch intake hole was what was needed to make the bike run just right. Anything larger would cause the bike to run rich or lean (can't remember which) and that you would have to re-jet and shim stuff. I asked the question sometime ago (how much CFM does the RSV stock filter and housing take in and did not get the results). So I called K&N and they told me that the filters they sell for the Venture and RSTD had a CFM of 350 (not exact). So my guessing being that the K&N are high flow the stock must be around 300. I was thinking of using something like this: http://www.racetep.com/weber/300series.jpg CFM: Cubic Feet per Minute 300 CFM SERIES All part numbers commencing RF3 Eg: RF304s Filter Dimension Chart Pictures of installed Filters For SU and Stromberg Carbs $49.00 ea Buy It Now My local dealer said it could not be done without rejeting and they don't make jet kits for RSV and it would be expensive if they did and if the Venture was not rejetted it could cause damage to bike!!! Also it would loose tork in eather the high or low end??? I am not looking for high performance just something to give a unique look to the Venture. I should also note that I have put on the RK pipes with stage three mode (that is how they came to me) just for the sound. Thanks, Dennis
  4. The top pictures look great. You can click on them and they will enlarge. The last three won't let you do anything. Now,you told me to guess what he used to make them and I have no idea. So don't keep me in suspence!!!!!!! Thanks for the pictures and the work you've done to get them posted. Have a Merry Christmas. Dennis
  5. Got mine at chopper cycles only one thing wrong with them though. They have a minimum order policy and I could not find anything on there site that I realy needed and had to buy a chrome bracket just so I could meet the order. E-bay had them cheaper!!!! Dennis
  6. Go to this forum. These folks have put just about every kind of faring on just about every star bike. Lots of good info. http://forums.delphiforums.com/ultrastar/start Dennis
  7. Roger that Freebird. I did a little homework before starting this quest and did find that there are several ways to make plastic look like chrome. What I found was ABS was the plastic of choice and thickness plays a part in this. Also to get the ture chrome plating they first etch the plastic with a chemical so that the copper will stick then they can continue the process of plating with nickle and cromium just like it was metal. I know there is a lot more to it just kind of shortened it. Then a lesser process is Vacuum plating where they use vapor lead and adhere it to the plastic and after that process they put clear coats over it. Problem is this is less durable and will peal and yellow and even give an orange peal look to the surface. Then there are several more but toooo long to type. They even have a paint that they can use. Bottom line is that the Chrome plating process is the most durable and longest lasting. So far I've gotten quotes of $85 to $105 for each coverfrom one company. Just got another and they quoted me $45 each for the Vacuum chroming process and $255 each for the true chrome plating. For that price I could buy the billet covers from Yamaha!!!!!! Dennis
  8. Called him and they said they no longer provide that service. Said he would remove that advertisment from his web site. Thanks for the response.
  9. Trying to brainstorm an idea. Is there anyone out there that has connections or resources to having ABS plastic chrome plated? I've serched on the web and there are several out there that do this and in several was. My idea was to "bling" up the air cleaner covers. Much like the way you can get the chrome Ignition cover for the RSV. I know there air the billet covers offered by Yamaha, but costly as well as having to get the K&N air filters. One quot I got was having both covers chrome plated very much the same way you would have metal chrome plated for $85 to $105 each. Have contacted several other companies out there but have not gotten any answers yet!! Just thinking there might be someone here that might know someone or a buisness locally that might be able to do it for a little less!!! Thanks, Dennis
  10. Thanks for all the replys to my questions. Was not looking or trying to improve air intake or make any more gitty up and go. Just wanted to make her look pretty!!!! Thinking some other air filter/pod (chrome) or filter kit like "RamFlo", "MaxAir" would do it. Just can't dig deep enough in my wallet to get Yamaha's filter covers and to boot the extra expence of K&N air filters $$$$$$. Will have to turn my thinking cap around and go another direction!! I have noticed that out of all the pictures of RSV and all the accessories that have been put on them non have had anything but Yamaha's billet covers. It's a shame that this is the one area of the bike that can't be or is the most difficult to dress up.
  11. I think I could work this out but I have no idea what the stock rev limiter is set at for an 08 RSV. On Yamaha's web site it states that the RSV is 1294cc (79 cubic inch). So 1294 divided by 16.3706 = 78.964744133 (cubic inches). That divided by 1728 = 0.045694444 (cubic foot). Now for the missing formula!!!!
  12. Whaaaat!!!!!????? I only speak Oklahoma!
  13. I'm trying to find out if there is any other air filter and housing that can be used on a 2nd Gen Venture. I called Yamaha and asked if they could give me the cfm draw of a stock filter and housing. They told me that was info that they could not give out. So I've been posting on another site and thougt I would post here to see if anyone else might have some knowledge on the subject. I got some info on another forum of someone using these http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Honda-Kawasaki-Suzuki-Yamaha-NEW-Chrome-Air-Filter-45mm_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQcategoryZ35595QQihZ012QQitemZ220310739471QQtcZphoto They have had good results and have not had to rejet. Also someone found this company that sounds like they could make an adaptor plate to fit the application. http://www.vesquared.com/ramflo/index.htm The problem here is we don't know the cfm of the stock Venture. Just trying to come up with something else that would not require rejeting and would not cause problems (running lean or rich). I'm not mechanicly smart and just looking for something to bolt on. Also a way to dress up the Venture without spending lots of cash!!!!!
  14. I would like to give a big public "Thank You" to Squidley. I asked around for info on RK muffler brackets and he had a set for me. Top quality in service and craftsmanship. Thanks Squidley!!!!!
  15. How does everyone feel about having nitrogen put into tires. I have it in my truck tires and they don't seem to loose pressure with temp change. Now only check them when I have my oil changed. Now more local dealers and Quick oil change places are starting to cary nitrogen. One local Custom Cycle shop here also will put nitrogen in MC tires!!! Any feedback or thought on this.
  16. I went ahead and got the slashed cut (slash up) set. The slash will match the angle of the saddlebags. When I look in on the outlet end they are clean, no rust and show no sign of cutting. Look just like RSV pipes only slashed insted of stright. When I look inside the inlet side I can see inside about three to four inches to a donut plate that holds the inner pipe. The donut has a series of 1/4" (more or less) holes in it (one at one o'clock, one at four, one at five, one at seven and two side by side at ten o'clock) which all look stock. Don't see any sign of cutting, drilling or knocking out of any plugs or plates!!! No rust or anything. That's why I'm confused when they say they drill, use a rod to knock out plugs/baffle plates!!! These came stright off a HD and would not have had the need for modification for an HD rider. Still like I described, you can see stright through the inner pipe (which is lined with holes). Do you think these have been modified or are they a stock pair of RK's. The shop that I got them from only works on custom Harley's. If in your opinion they have been modified what phase or level would they be in. And how loud will they be??
  17. I've been following and reading some posts on installing RK slip-ons. Have also read how to mod them for more sound. Everyone talks about drilling out, knocking out plugs, etc. Today I found a local customizing shop for Harley's and asked if he had any RKs. He took me over to a shelf he had in back and got several down to show me. One set were stright tip and I could not see through them another set which he had cut out (gutted) were in bad shape. Then he showed me what he said was a newer set (he said from an 06) that were slash cut style and were in good shape. When I held them up I could see all the way through them no plugs or anything blocking view or anything. I could see a pipe in the center with lots of holes in it running the length of the inner pipe. He said they were stock and nothing had been done to them. My question is are there diff cores in the stock RK mufflers. Some blocked by plugs and baffles and some that you can see stright through? Sure need help.
  18. Has anyone bought or had experence with these exhaust? http://rover.ebay.com/rover/1/711-53200-19255-0/1?campid=5335830059&customid=&toolid=10004&mpre=http%3A%2F%2Fcgi.ebay.com%2Fws%2FeBayISAPI.dll%3FViewItem%26item%3D230299008124%09 I've seen where several people have used the RK exhaust system and there are several that sell brackets. This seller has the whole kit. Any feed back would be great.
  19. Looking to get a Satellite radio for my RSV. Have heard that one is taking over the other but don't know which. My question is what is a good receiver for a motorcycle? Which receiver has the best secure docking station for bikes? Currently have XM on my truck but don't know if after the "takeover" which will and will not work!!! I'm showing how little I know about this subject so be kind in all replies.
  20. Not cheep but for 2nd Gen Rivco makes a bolt on center stand. Here is there web address, http://www.rivcoproducts.com/ .
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