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Pete Mann

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10 Good

Personal Information

  • Name
    Pete Mann


  • Location
    Independence, United States


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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Interests
    Motorcycles and boats
  • Bike Year and Model
    2007 Royal Star Venture
  1. The Venture is a machine of its own right, If you love the present ride you would be wise to have both. At the price of Ventures you can have both and still be under the cost of a new ultra (38,000.00). I have the '07 Venture and never expected the performance and the comfort that it affords. You can say I'm a die hard rider and still love my HD Lowrider. Have both and you won't be sorry. The Pete Mann
  2. I went to a dealer who will remain nameless, He advised that he'ed been selling kawis and before that HDs. He had nothing good to say about the voyager and alot of it. Suprised me, I thought it looked good on print also. He advised if your looking for a HD look-a-like this is the only thing going for it. Get ready to vibrate under low power. Next...
  3. The camera is a friend at times. They keep the honest honest and do help more than we realize. The dude on the porch was just covering for the chick, the chick needs to be nailed ( if she was the one in the truck). How good is the picture? Our cameras don't show any details. Good luck and hope the system works for you. Pete Mann
  4. Hi Mac, looks as tho your a new sign on also. I've just found this site last mo. I'm running a '07 RSV. More later. Pete Mann

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