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uncledj last won the day on September 10 2024

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948 Excellent


About uncledj

  • Birthday 12/14/1962

Personal Information

  • Name
    John Sheehn


  • Location
    Marengo, OH, United States


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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Interests
    Motorsports, hunting, fishing.
  • Bike Year and Model
    87 Venture Standard 06 Black Cherry

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  1. Wishing my entire Venturerider family a very Merry Christmas !!! Hope Santa's good to you. Hopes for a healthy and prosperous New Year. Remember to take some time to reflect on the reason for the season.
  2. uncledj


    The operators don't want to be a threat to Santas' sleigh.
  3. uncledj


    I saw DJT in a press conference where he was asked about it and he said the government knows what they are and if they were a threat they'd be shot down. He further said they don't want to let the people know what's going on and he doesn't know why. When pressed for further information he said he wouldn't comment on it further. So, all in all I feel a little better about it.
  4. uncledj


    What are they? Gubment, bad actors, foreign origin, aliens....?
  5. Every time I use one of my saws, I don't put it away until I sharpen it. I just use files, but if you do it every time, it only takes 5 or 10 minutes per saw, and it's ready to go again. If you keep it sharp, and ONLY use ethanol free gas with a quality oil, you'll have a lot less trouble with 2 stroke gas equipment.
  6. The cordless electric tools are getting better and better, but I ain't there yet when it comes to chainsaws. Besides....It just wouldn't seem right without the NOISE !!!. LOL Glad it worked out for ya.
  7. uncledj

    In need

    That's a good lookin' bike. I don't have a cover for your bike, but I'm sure someone will chime in with one for ya. Welcome !!!
  8. FANTASTIC !!! Congratulations....I'm jelly. All the best to you as you enter this next phase in your life....ENJOY !!!
  9. Congrats !!! She's finally broke in !!! Looks like you had a great time.....Some cool pics....
  10. Yeah...I'll take it. Mine's squeaking, so it may be a good idea to get a rebuilt shock ready for install so the bike won't be down while I wait for the rebuild. As I think about it, after it's rebuilt and installed on my bike, I can offer up my old one for the next VR member that wants to do the same thing. I'll PM ya.
  11. What a wonderful moment. Thanks for sharing. Congratulations !!!
  12. I think dfitzbiz is the fella you're looking for.
  13. You're no stranger. Just a friend we haven't heard from in a while. Glad you popped in.
  14. I'd be interested in the service manual if you still have it.
  15. There was some weirdo there that looked a lot like YOU.
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