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About uncledj

  • Birthday 12/14/1962

Personal Information

  • Name
    John Sheehn


  • Location
    Marengo, OH, United States


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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Interests
    Motorsports, hunting, fishing.
  • Bike Year and Model
    87 Venture Standard 06 Black Cherry

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  1. Mine's still sitting in a temp / humidity controlled shed. It'll need gone over, but I'll take care of that when I retire.
  2. Happy Birthday Don !!! Many happy returns.😀
  3. About the only thing that I'd use it for that requires a large compressor would be sandblasting or soda blasting. To do either effectively takes a lot of air and a lot of pressure. I've done it with a 5 horse compressor that I have and find that as pressure drops I waste more sand "cause I don't have the discipline to stop and wait for pressure to build. This compressor is rated 175 psi so it should work well for the sandblaster or the sandblast cabinet. It'll come in handy if I ever need to use a jackhammer too. lol. I'll post to let everyone know if a 10hp drive starts this 10hp motor.
  4. Well, I seem to have created some cornfusion with the A/C description of the motor. It's an air compressor, not an air conditioning motor. Yes, in most air conditioning compressors, if they're hermetic or semi hermetic, the oil travels through the system and returns to the compressor. There are large systems, designated as having "open" compressors that have a separate motor that typically drives the compressor using a Woods style coupler. These systems do not flow oil with the refrigerant. With an air compressor, I don't think they're supposed to discharge any oil, but only in a perfect world. I think they all leak a little oil and let a little oil into the airstream, but should be negligible on a healthy compressor. My suspicion is that this compressor, while never worked hard, has not had good / any service over it's 14 year life. I think the oil leaked out or was pumped out (slowly over the years) Still has the original oil filter on it. The question there will be how long did it run with low / no oil, and if / how much damage was done. I'll need the power converter to run it off of single phase. Since originally posting I ordered a 10 hp converter and will be able to determine compressor condition once I can run it.
  5. It IS an air compressor. A 10hp drive is just over $200, a `15hp drive $300. A used 10hp motor would be around $700 + shipping, a new motor would be around $1200 +. I'd like to go the cheap route since, although I ran it for a couple of seconds, I don't know for sure that the compressor itself is healthy. If the compressor ends up without any major damage, this will make one hell of a shop compressor. I guess the question would be whether an air compressor motor would be a "Heavy start load" or a "Rated start load". I'll be retiring in a couple of years and will be looking to move back to the Youngstown area. I'll be looking for a place with a large detached garage, or with enough land to put up a pole barn to use as my "Tinkering space". This would be a hell of a compressor for such a shop.
  6. I recently changed an air compressor at a facility and the one I removed was too nice to scrap. I know that it runs as I started it for a few seconds while it was still in place, before disconnecting for the changeout. It started and ran well for the 2 seconds I ran it. It had no oil showing in the sight glass so I didn't want to run it any longer. The maintenance guy at the facility condemned it because he saw oil film around the compressor end and thought that meant it was bad. So, I strapped it to my bike trailer and brought it home. The issue is that it's 3 phase and I'll need to get a converter to run it. It has a 200 v ? 10 hp motor. I typically see 208-230 for a 3 phase or 220-240 for single phase. So I don't know what the 200 v on the nameplate is about. My question is, should I get a 10hp or a 15hp converter. My tendency is to go larger, but I read that an oversized converter can cause the motor to run hot. Whaddya think....1o run a 10hp air compressor....a 10hp drive or a 15hp drive?
  7. It's been pretty cold in Central Ohio, but, working at OSU I was surprised to see how many motorcycles were in the student parking areas. Mostly crotch rockets and adventure bikes. As for me, I'll wait for warmer weather.
  8. It'll fit on an 8' trailer, but if you have a ramp tailgate it'll likely hit the trunk. I used to haul mine on a 5 x 8 but had to cut the center of the front rail out to move the bike forward about 8" to keep the ramp from hitting.
  9. Been a busy couple of weeks. Jeff is now in a local care facility. Pretty much a nursing home. His condition is such that we can't care for him at home anymore. He doesn't seem to mind, and might even like it. It's a decent place and I think he likes the idea of having 3 meals a day served to him. It was a bit of a hassle to get him enrolled onto Medicaid to get the cost of care covered, but we got it done. I actually got 6 letters in the mail on the same day. 2 told me that his Medicaid application had been denied, 2 saying that he'd been approved, and 2 telling me that his SS Disability amount had been reduced, as the amount was now to be paid to the care facility. I stopped at the facility and spoke with the business manager who said she had just gotten an e-mail from the State saying that Jeff had been approved. He seems in good spirits as he begins this next chapter in his life. I never thought him to be much of a burden when Lisa and I cared for him at home, but now that he's gone I realize just how much effort went into his care. Kinda sad, but after 20+ years as his caretaker, it's a weight off my chest.....sigh....
  10. Water's back on....Bad part is my brother had a minor stroke. Not sure if he'll be coming back to that apartment. Sorting it out now.
  11. Rode my old CB750F through a few miles of 4" deep saltwater, riding from Key Largo up to the mainland. Probably 3 miles or so. It tarnished all the aluminum. Was never the same again. That was on Cardsound Rd. It was the only other route besides US1. I rode that way a lot, but never again when there were heavy rains / flooding.
  12. Underground water line to my brothers apartment froze up......When I put that line in 15 years ago I had one point where the tree roots were pretty thick / crazy so I only buried it about 16" at that point. I sure hope it thaws before May.
  13. Wishing my entire Venturerider family a very Merry Christmas !!! Hope Santa's good to you. Hopes for a healthy and prosperous New Year. Remember to take some time to reflect on the reason for the season.
  14. uncledj


    The operators don't want to be a threat to Santas' sleigh.
  15. uncledj


    I saw DJT in a press conference where he was asked about it and he said the government knows what they are and if they were a threat they'd be shot down. He further said they don't want to let the people know what's going on and he doesn't know why. When pressed for further information he said he wouldn't comment on it further. So, all in all I feel a little better about it.
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