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About JohnnyB

  • Birthday 05/31/1944

Personal Information

  • Name


  • Location
    Chilliwack, Canada


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  • Home Country


  • Interests
    Riding-Gardening-Dancing-Hiking - Instructing Tai Chi -
  • Bike Year and Model
    2008 Royal Venture
  1. I agree with you 100 %
  2. I like to travel light with my Ipad. It is good for weather reports - emails - surfing the web - games - and ebooks.
  3. deleted new info
  4. I had a problem with my Gerbing gloves . The liners would pull inside out when I take my hands out. I was told to carry a chop stick to push them back in, or get some silk liners to put inside the liners so there is not as much friction,also if you get caught in the rain they absorb water like a sponge. I would not buy another pair of Gerbings.
  5. OK I'll bite, what is HID
  6. I have a Magellan and it comes with maps for the all the USA States-Canada& Puerto Rico. I thought all the GPS units came loaded. Thank you for the info I will stick with Magellan in the future.
  7. We have a MicMute and it works well. My problem is not the wind noise it is the engine, even @ idle you can hear the tic tic tic tic and as you get up to speed it gets louder. Is this normal? It sure is hard on the ear's. Has anyone had this problem and solved it? Johnny
  8. Thanks for this posting. I checked mine and they were OK however I put some lock tite on them. Johnny
  9. I think this is what you are looking for . I put one on mine and it is great. A quality product. @ a reasonable price. Johnny mailto:dathan@shaw.ca email this person and they will give you the info.
  10. Yes it is worth it. My wife and I did it in the rain (no fog) and it was still worth it.
  11. I saw the movie last month and it was great. My wife and I rode from Vancouver BC to St John's NF and back last summer and a lot of the sights along the way were just like in the movie. Go for it. All the best. Johnny PS If you make it to BC you have a place to stay, we live close to Vancouver. 604-792-2880 I am a cancer survivor
  12. I have one that I ordered from the Yamaha Dealer. It is a running and brake light. In the daytime it is hard to see, the LED's are not very bright. I mounted another light bar below the trunk sold by Diamond R Accessories and it is 10X brighter and less than half the price. They are good people to deal with. diamondraccessories.com 817-925-4901 Allen & Patti (they really look after you) Johnny
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