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About curt99rsv

  • Birthday 11/11/1971

Personal Information

  • Name
    Curtis Self


  • Location
    Hamilton, United States


  • City


  • Home Country
    United States


  • Interests
    riding, outdoors
  • Bike Year and Model
    99 Royal Star Venture
  1. I have a friend looking for a CDI box for an 87' Venture. I found one for a 1200 on Ebay, and several parts on the classifieds here but he isn't sure or not if it will work. Anyone have an old one laying around to sell or know if the 1200 one will work? I'm not too familiar with the 1st Gens. Thanks, Curt
  2. Just another thanks to Eck for putting on another great ride! Hate we had to leave so early Saturday but we had a great time. Didn't get home until around 7:00pm ourselves. Curt
  3. Like many others have stated here, I carry but pray I never have to use it. I do not carry mine when travelling in states that do not honor my permit though. Curt
  4. Seriously though her ACT scores are incredible. I wish her the best. BTW, I still hope to make the ride your way one day when I'm visiting Russellville. Thanks for the support. Just give me a call when you're down this way. Looking forward to it. Curt
  5. Three guesses....Nope, I'll take it. That's my story and I'm stickin' to it! LOL! Her mother called me this afternoon. Apparantly the District Judge stopped her in the courthouse to congratulate her on Elizabeth's score. Stories sure move fast in a small town. Curt
  6. Thanks for the support guys. And like you said Don, she may be up for some college courses this summer. Duke sent us some info on that last Fall and suggested she take some courses in the summer if she scored high enough. I think a 28 is plenty high enough. Thanks for the concern also. Her guidance counselor suggested a private school for 9-12 grades. The closest one is 100 miles away. She will have to really, I mean really want to go for me to even consider that. Curt:bighug:
  7. I recently got the best Christmas present of my life. My daughter, who I knew was special, got invited by Duke to take her ACT at the age of 12. This didn't suprise me since they have been scouting her for a couple of years. I took her for the test last month and waited patiently for the results. I was expecting a 14-18 for a score and was just thrilled that she had taken the test. She got her results last week and scored a 28!! Her guidance counselor was amazed and said in all of his years (he was my teacher in 7th grade also) he had never seen any 12 yr old score higher than a 22! Anyone know the implications of this? Maybe in a few years I can get a new Venture and name it "College Fund"? Sorry for the bragging, just a "proud pop". Curt
  8. My bad! Camera's at work. I'll try to get some up tommorrow. Curt
  9. Just finished mine tonight. My wife won't ride when it's under 80 degrees so I thought I would kill some time. Followed the instructions except for the antenna. I fabbed a bracket that attached to the tag holder and mounted the antenna back on the rear. Kinda like the look. Also will be much easier to swing my long legs over. Of course, come warm weather it will have to go back on...Now only if I could find a set of reasonably priced pipes to give it a growl...won't take much longer to swap them out every fall & spring. Curt
  10. Just finished mine tonight. My wife won't ride when it's under 80 degrees so I thought I would kill some time. Followed the instructions except for the antenna. I fabbed a bracket that attached to the tag holder and mounted the antenna back on the rear. Kinda like the look. Of course, come warm weather it will have to go back on...Now only if I could find a set of reasonably priced pipes to give it a growl...won't take much longer to swap them out every fall & spring. Curt
  11. I had the same problem on the same side. I took a dremel-type tool and cut edges on the head of the allen bolt where I could get a pair of vise-grips on it to loosen it. Then I replaced it with a hex bolt. You could also possibly cut a groove across it for a screwdriver. If I'm not mistaken it's a 6mm bolt. Not sure about the length though. Hope this helps. Curt
  12. Personally, I run a swivel hitch because it was on the trailer when I bought it. Here's a different angle to look at that I read on a different forum several months ago. They said they had a blowout at speed on a trailer without a swivel hitch and the violent thrashing caused them to crash the bike. They believed that a swivel might have saved them from going down. Just a thought. Curt
  13. Oh, I almost forgot, my old CD changer had a black ring just where it plugged in. You pulled the ring away from the changer and then unplugged it. Curt
  14. I might be interested in your saddlebag rails...I'll PM you. Thanks, Curt
  15. I just recieved my Avons this week & picked up my tire changer/mc adapter. How about some suggestions or better yet, pictures of how you balance the tires once you get them mounted? I've had a couple of suggestions but some pics would help. Thanks, Curt
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