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Everything posted by BARKEEP1956

  1. Larry, did you ever get any more info on this item? Thanks Barkeep1956
  2. Thanks Don...keep it going!!
  3. I had a Cath Ablation in 2006. What would you like to know?
  4. I have a Rivco center stand sitting in my extra parts box. If someone is looking, PM me.
  5. Thank you for the info, guys. That is exactly what I was looking for !
  6. Has anyone put a Tach on their RSV. If so, do you have any recommendations on type or brand and is it a big project to do?
  7. I have to say that of all the extras that I have added to my RSV, the Utopia Back rest is #1 on my list!. Just sayin
  8. I started doing a few maintenance items to my RSV now that riding season is over. I am having trouble removing the gas tank. I have had it off before, but never had a problem. The issue is the main bolt on the back end of the tank. It just keeps spinning but does not come out. Whatever the bolt screws into is spinning, but there doesn't seem to be a nut to grab. Has anyone had this problem before?
  9. I remember seeing in the past someone that made and sold an ignition bypass for the RSV. Does that rind a bell to anyone?
  10. Do you know if you can still get parts or options for them?
  11. I recently came across a pull behind trailer to go with my RSV. It is an older model Escapade. Does anybody know anything about them? [ATTACH]87155[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]87156[/ATTACH]
  12. Thanks for all the info. I hadn't even heard of F4, but I am definitely interested now. Has anyone tried the tinted over the clear?
  13. Hello group. I have to replace my windshield and was checking to see if anyone has used Clearview replacement windshields? I like the height of the original and they offer one that works. The big thing is price. A replacement OEM is $300 plus. Clearview seem to be about around $100 cheaper. I am curious if they are good or if it is a matter of "you get what you pay for". Thanks
  14. Is this sarcasm or are they actually making some changes???
  15. Wishing a speedy recovery!
  16. I agree, the arm rests are great...my wife can fall asleep now and I know she will still be on the back when I stop !!!!!
  17. I would be interested in the 2nd gen thumb swith.
  18. I would like one 3-1/2 and one 5-3/4 patch . Thank you
  19. Congrats on landing a great bike. I own a 2007 rsv and I think it is the best bike ever. Good luck
  20. Thanks for all the suggestions. It will give me some options to investigate. You are all a big help!
  21. One of my winter projects is to put a hitch on my 2007 RSV. I am looking for suggestions on what brand you all use and what you recommend. Thanks
  22. I got mine from www.ram-mount.com They have all different styles and cradles for most GPS and MP3 players.
  23. I also just installed a set of Larry's arm rests on my 2007 RSV. They are excellent. And as they lift to get on, they will not swing out at all. Very easy too install, also. Thanks again Larry
  24. There are many great places to ride in New Hampshire. Tha Kankamagus Highway (rt 112) is an excellent bike ride. You can turn off that road onto Bear Notch Road and go over a couple of mountains and end up in North Conway. From there you can pick up rt 302 and go to Mt Washington. Another nice are to ride is around Lake Winnepesauki. There are so many great areas to ride in New Hampshire. Enjoy and have a safe trip. Barkeep1956
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