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Herb In Texas

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Everything posted by Herb In Texas

  1. Absorbine Jr
  2. 17 hours double time! Snow storm Christmas eve.
  3. You can lift the front of your RSV by placing the bottle jack under the right side floor board mount. The side stand will support the left. raise it only high enought to do your work and you will be fine.
  4. That you can get a jammer installed where a cell phone won't work with in 5 feet of your vehicle. Aimed at kids to be installed by parents to prevent kids from using the phonee while driving. Good Idea to me. Even better would be if the insurance company would give a discount for having said jammer. Totaly better if you could up the power and get a 500 foot circle around your bike.
  5. http://www.pgrtexas.org/North%20Texas/2009/December/Snowball.html
  6. shoot was the nicest word I could edit with
  7. I tried to cut and paste an article about the Snowball Express missions we did last week. Insufficient computer skills:confused24:
  8. If you don't like the way I hung it, Change it. Your a big girl now put the seat where you want it. No more arguements. She found a new seat.
  9. Fork tube skirts vibrating. Mine does it warming up on choke. Found it by accident cleaning off a grass hopper.
  10. Good to know. Thanks
  11. Understood Dingy, So if it should fail to ground that would show as a dead short? And if it were open?
  12. Took a second look at the schematic. If the problem is in the reg/rec or the asociated condenser it will show up on the thirty amp main fuse as Lilbeaver has said.
  13. The condenser in the charge circuit goes to ground. following the ground back I see it to be common to many other circuits. So if the condenser ohm reading is not up to par it also could be the culprit. I have no clue what the reading should be.
  14. I agree with the Beaver. I looked at the wiring diagram provided by Dingy in the tech section. as best I can tell the only thing that should have battery voltage with the key (read switch) in the off position is the odometer fuse and the regulator/rectifiyer along with the condenser for the charge system. So after following The Beavers directions one other thing could be a failed diode in the rectifier. (letting current flow both ways). Allowing the battery to drain at a slow rate through the altenator windings. I don't think this would show a a dead short due to the fact of the amount of wire in the windings. and it is likley should this be the case you would show a low charge rate with a VOM across the battery with the engine running.
  15. Got to go with Monty on this one. If you use your bike every day and have no problem, then let it sit for a week the electrical draw on the battery is fairly low. But none the less there. I really cant think of anything that draws when the key is off other than the radio memory, clock and odometer memory. does the radio back light go out when you switch off the key. If not the acc part of the switch is not disconecting. Some one help out here. Does the key switch activate a relay or is the acc power through the switch it self. Fishing in the dark her. If the back light in the radio control in fact switches off then the acc circuit is at least partly de-energizing. What relay could be hung on? I am lost. Need to look at a wiring diagram. do you have any aftermarket electrical items on the bike?
  16. In my less than humble opinon, Thats a croco bull. Even if concrete could (which it don,t) drain a battery, the battery would have to be in direct contact with the floor. As far as your battery drain problem, most likley relates to a failing battery.
  17. 2008 Venture 55,000 miles bought new july 08:Venture:
  18. Can't find my a$$ with both hands in mine.
  19. OH J forgot unless yourr runnin 65+ in 5th down shift to 4 or even 3 before you grab a handfull of throtle. When I do it that way I sometimes get a pain in my ribs aboout 6 inches below my armpit, but only when riding 2up:rotfl:
  20. sounds like you need to rev a lot higher in all gears. wind it up you cant hurt it your past your break in. ride it like you stole it. bought my 08 in July last year. now got 55,000 miles on her and ain't looking back. Crank on it don't worry you ain't got enough clutch to get the gal over on her back.
  21. A little more info would be helpful. like what gear are you in when this ocurs. what speed. Do you happen to be coming of a v-twin. most common with this symptom is the last one. these bikes love to rev. post back with a more discriptive description of when and under what conditions you experience this problem ad someone shurly can help. Herb
  22. Here in Texas we have a saying, If it's true it ain't braggin'''. I cant speek for the other folks here in Texas but I love the weather here. Ifn the man is complainin' well that is a perogitive of we Texans. As most know everthing is bigger in Texas. Even the *****in' I have learned not to complain about the heat. Last time I did the tornado that came out of the heat induced thunderstorm nearly wiped out my Daughter and me. So from that point of view, he's probably braggin'. We can take it. Some other folks from more sissy pants kinda places need to stay where they are. Now I must send my greatist envy to those of you who live north of the Red River. I love the heat y'all can have the cold. Can not ever endure a month of -14 weather. been there done that. below 20 I'm goin south.
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