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Herb In Texas

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Everything posted by Herb In Texas

  1. Probably right, Just wishing outloud I guess. Even if they came out with a new and improved version would it really be imprved or just different. anybody got my kind of miles on their bikes and are you starting to have trouble. I don't realy mean catostrophic just the agrivating stuff. Rattles oil consumption leaks etc. I know if I trde I will take it in the shorts due to milage but don't want to be going to the shop for piddly stuff all the time either. Seems mine is louder as time goes by, exaust note and the dreaded whine. The whine is gettting almost intolerable through the head set. When I'm one up I shut the IC off. But two up after about 150 miles I get that dead spot in my hearing from the high frequency whine. Guess its time to see about an "I" basket.
  2. I like the idea of the alternator connected to the trailer tire via a belt. Kind like the way they used to light up train cabooses when they still used them. Bet it wouldn't be to hard to do either. would need to rig up a spring loaded idler or mount the alt. to the axel as the suspension springs would cause variing belt tension. member the little gemerators to power the head lights on your Schwinn? a feller could machine a friction drive like that also. ramble ramble oh ramble on.
  3. I used I 10 on the way to and from San Diego Aweek ago. It was nice as pie. Lotts coyotes in Az though. Musta seen 15-20 crossing in front of me just at the edge of my headlightss. Last time I was on 40 was about 2 years ago and it was kinda wallered out. but that road does belong to the 18 wheelers. they rule and they know it. Tell your friend to be careful for me.
  4. The reason I am asking is the GL1800 has realy caught my eye. And although I have 3 years of waranty left by year end I should be in the 100k range so Im thinking by fall I should be looking to replace this Venture with another one or go on and get the GL. I suppose I just need to wait and see what is realeased in the fall. But then comes the GL for 2011 whats it gonna be 2000cc is rumored. But a Vmax based Venture has also been rumored. Never should have let the GYpsy have that crystal ball back.
  5. Yes the Kick Outs Owen your pic won't work on my computer
  6. I realy like those. Been trying to come up with somthing for Dawn in the pasenger position. Do you supose they would work there as well?
  7. Could you posibly have reversed the conection? If so the "bright" would be on the running light circuit and you my not be able to notice the others coming on when you apply the brake. I have yet to recieve mine. Did get a ship date of 27 May though. Ordered the first week in Feb. When I get mine I will better know what you are up against.
  8. Has anyone heard any new rumors about the 2011 Venture?
  9. # 1 Regular Classic horse shoe avalible at Tractor Supply.
  10. But there is the problem of your stator being somewhat insuficient. Dingy would be the go to guy in this case. I say try it. Would say tho put a 20 Circuit breaker that auto resets in line with the extra battery that way if the draw was enough to trip the breaker it could cycle on and off till it caught up. Can't say that it won't eventually fail but yuo won't be over taxing your stator for long periods. It's your bike so I ain't skeered. Realy I wouldn't be scared if it were mine either.
  11. Six shoes one electrode and 4 1/4 20 bolts total cost about 20 bucks
  12. One poster above said his RK pipes are getting a little louder as time goes by. I must agree my stock venture pipes are getting a real nice growl. Not to hijack the thread but can they be repacked. Iv'e only got 68k on the bike but am concerned they will get a bit anoying before long.
  13. I ride all winter in carhart bibs and jacket with my beloved Gerbing gloves. Temps to the low 20's and 70 mph not a problem at all. I got Dawn a TourMaster gloves and a TourMaster Electric jacket with a temperature control dealy for what I paid for the gerbing though. When the gerbings crap out I will likly goe with the tourmaster stuff.
  14. My audio is working again. If it fails later on then there may be a loose solder joint in it somers. I got home last night and was going to dial up Garmin and I tried it one more time and its working, can't fixit if it ain't broke. thanks all
  15. Customer relations Department Yamaha Motor corparation 1-800-962-7926. Give the dealer a call and ask him to "do the right thing" If still unsatifactory call these folks. My dealer got the clutch covered under warenty @ 60K+ miles. No call to corporate required by me at all. I believe it all has to do with the dealer. They have an agreement with Yamaha to accept what they pay on warenty work. Which is below standard shop rates. I do believe however that when I read my warenty it did say somthing about the radio being under a different standard. Hope this helps
  16. +1 On the ground issue. If it is real bad it could heat up and cause the "Magic Smoke"
  17. + 1 again on Fort Indian town Gap. There is a great dive within walking distance, good burgers and chille and the coldest beer within walking distance.
  18. +1 on most of what everone said above, But. It ain't how fast you can go Its how fast you can stop. We all know about Venture brakes, but thats a whole nuther can o-worms.
  19. I use it quite a bit. Most installations wil let you reserve 30 days out but not any longer. They like to make sure they have rooms for traviling active duty. I stayed at MCRD just last week. Fort Hood a Month or so ago. Fort Leonard Wood back a ways. All were clean comfortable rooms at a price you can't get off base. Last week stayed for 2 nights 2 people 54 dollars. Hampton Inn on the interstate was 124.00 a night single. I ain't no mathamaticsatician, but i think I got a good deal. Ditto on riding gear. The reservation desk should be able to give you the dope.
  20. Thanks Tom, iwill try that, I have updated the maps already, took for ever. And Kim I cant speek to the battery life part as I use the FM enabled power cable that plugs up to the bike.
  21. On my recent trip to california my brand new Garmin stopped audio function through the internal speaker and aux output. Anyone had a similar problem. Only mod I did was to split the aux input behind the casette deck so I would not have to ride with the door open. Working fine till I shut it off then no output. Works fine through the FM transmitter I should add. By the way the audio books are a geat thing to listen too crossing the desert.
  22. Made it home yesterday. What a great ride only snow was in the mountians on I-8 in Cali. Thanks to ya'll for your well wishes and support. It truly is with great pride I can report while Jake was is boot camp he was meritoriously promoted for being the company high shooter. Takes after his old man in that respect. I was a PMI for awhile and have taught him, and Kate for that matter to shoot in the Marine Corps. style since they could hold a 22. He can hit a gallon jug at 1000 yards consistantly with a .308. As I was there I spoke to a D. I. who had a familiar name. Turns out he is the son of a Marine I had long since lost contact with. Going to correct that soon. Being a Marine vet it was cool to watch through wet eyes as my boy did the about face and steped forward to be a marine. There are many of you out there who know what I'm talking about. When I was able to shake his hand and give the one arm hug. I said to him You know you have and always will be my son, but today you became my brother. And thanked him for picking up the gauntlet that old age had caused me to set aside. I will never forget the time I served nor will I forget those who have and serve today. I wish that I did not have to work any more so I could spend more time riding with the Patriot Guard. Sorry for the long and rambling post. Im just a proud dad and folks at work are tired of listening to me as I am sure you are too. Semper Fi Herb
  23. The Mighty Steed
  24. Thanks Ya'll. I will let them know. As many of you who have served know the wieght of what my kids are doing today, and can truly understand the sacrifice they are making. then you can understand the pride and worry this brings to a parent. I do trust that the Lord God above has everthing in hand. and his will be done. as for my part all I can do is pray and hope that his will includes that my kids will be among the old folks in time. and to anyone who has had a loved one give the ultimate. My eternal thanks for what your family has sacrificed. In Jesus's name we pray, Amen
  25. Hard to say who Im more proud of my son tne marine or my daughter the Spc 4 in Afganistan. Each in thier own way have made me a proud papa.
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