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Herb In Texas

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Everything posted by Herb In Texas

  1. Just need to know the box length then how far from the front of the box to the center of the axle and then to the center of the hub. I can figure it out from there. Thanks
  2. I get on here every day just to re-read this one!
  3. You do know that at 12 deg. the temp display stops reading the temp and only shows two bars don't you. Ride long and prosper.
  4. With all the talk of building trailers it got my giddyup goin so a question for ya'll. I plan to build a trailer similar to the aluma, the construction of it is going to be pretty straigt forward. My question is about rubber torsion axels. When I calculate where the axle will go I know the 60/40 rule applys but do I center the wheel hub or the rubber flexi part on that line or split the difference? Retarded mind want to know,lol
  5. Although I have only had my wing 7 months or so it gets pressure washed about twice a month. I have yet to have a problem. Now I don't hit the speakers or switches with the full force of the water but they do get cleaned that way. Had my Venture a couple of years and I washed it the same way. Again no trouble. Caution and descretion are very valuable comodities when dealing with bikes.
  6. Thats looking real good. Im trying to get the "big picture" though. Are you looking to replicate a buck board wagon? If so your on the right track. And I must disagree with a previous post. I have seen many a buck board, chuck wagon and buggies. Most were really well crafted pieces. It was the care they got that rusticized them. Made no sence in them days to take off across the prarrie in a cobled up POS. Nor does it make any sence today for that matter. Good work so far keep us posted.
  7. After i re-read it you didn't use fabric did you?
  8. Now you gotta remember..... Don't blink the next thing you know he will be saying "Dad I wanna get married" and just like that they are grown. My true hope is that your proffesion allows you to be there for all those special moments that a picture or vidio just won't quite capture. Mighty fine looking youngster they truly are a gift from God give praise to Him and also to your wife, you sir deserve a pat on the back as well. Ride long and prosper.
  9. A very well spent ten minutes thanks Eck once again. For anyone reading this you must also remove the trim piece that runs down from the mirror to your knee it just pops off starting from the bottom. Once I got it out I took the screws out that hold the pawls in place being careful not to loose the spring. I then gave the posts a good coat of bees wax along with the places where the to pawls run against each other. then a little on the screw head that does the unlatching. Reassembled and DONE. Works slicker than a gut now. I took a couple a pics to better tell my tale. Note the creative source for the bees wax. Source was previously unused and not harmed in any way so it can some day be used for its intended purpose. LOL:7_6_3[1]:
  10. Thanks Eck. I thought as much, needs lube gonna try it at noon. I have had the box out before to install the 12v. plug so getting in there aint a prob. I reallly thank you for the detailed description, it is spot on as I remember. Ride long and prosper.
  11. 07 wing w/air bag has a "glove box" on the left side for small items. Well I got my phone charrger in there the gate keys and what not. I also put my ID in there so it is easy to get to when getting on Base every day. Well lately the lid has been sticking. anyone have this trouble and how did you fix it?
  12. Good idea, I can see it in my minds eye. To bad I don't get along with fiberglass too good. Besides Im lazy.
  13. http://www.uncledennyscorner.com/teardrop/tear.php Check this one out. This guy built a real nice one. For behind a pickup or car. he goes into good detail on how he did it. With careful material consideration one could be made like it that a bike could handle.
  14. Thanks Dingy!
  15. I have a 97 PSD with 325k But she don't get used much the price of fuel is a limiting factor. Wing gets 42 mpg if I obey the law. In fact it's sitting on a flat right now. Guess I at least ought to air up the tire. Sure been a good old truck. Makes you wonder why (at least in Texas) most of the trucks on the road with a company sign or logo are of the no Obama Bucks breed. Could these successes be related to longevity and reliability? Things that make you go Hmmmm.
  16. I digress, to a point. Point is...aw nevermind we all know how thats going to play out. same old Harley v/s Venture v/s etc....
  17. From the short story by Sir Arthur Conan Doyal? a leather funnel tells the tale of a horrbile execution.
  18. Possibly. A recovery vehicle not a bad idea. I had a decal made up for the truck under the trailer in the pics that reads, OFFICIAL DODGE RECOVERY VEHICLE. After an ice storm a few years back I drug 5 Dodges out of the bar ditch on my 65 mile comute one evening. You should have heard those cummins boys crying that night. Cause I be Strokin.
  19. I been away awile I don't get it.
  20. Its a 78 model welder so its 12 v. But funny you mention jump starting. Had a similar rig years ago and when the truck would not start the welder would. So I could jump the truck and not have to bother anyone. Used to jump other equipment too. using the welding leads you can crank just about anything. even can hook the leads of the welder thats running to the leads of one that aint and send power into the dc generator turning it into a dc motor to crank the engine on the dead one.
  21. The plan is to get back as close as original as I can on both. When I bought it neither ran, in fact it had 6 flats. I backed the trailer up to the barn door and winched her on. now after a carb kit coil and new points style distr. the truck purrs like a kitten. Has a 390 FE in it 4 spd. granny low, and I believe 325-1 rear end. runns and drives nice. The welder on the otherhand was a different story. I thought it had a froze up engine. no prob. continental parts are available. turns out the mud daubers had found there way into the armature. they had packed it with their leavings. cleaned it out did some work on the brushes and the "working end" ought to work. I thought. Did a carb job and plugs, cleaned about 12 pounds of parrifin out of the fuel tank. (musta been run on drip gas) Filled radiator then hit the starter button. About 4 rounds with the choke on and she hit. fired up and smoothed right out. did a little tweeking of the carb and all was well on that end. But she would not idle down. trced out the idler circuit from an i-net source and found one wire disconected at the circuit board. pluged it in and it now works. Welds like a new one and runs like a top. I think it aint a bad rig for a couple days mechanic work on it and 400 bucks to buy it.
  22. This is my winter project this year.
  23. Sorry about your accident. But the way you told it was dam funny.
  24. Got to agree with Beer30. Tandems have to scotch sideways in a turn. hook your pick up to a tandem axle car trailer or some thing. then get out in a parking lot and turn as hard to the left as you can. then look back over your shoulder and watch how the tires on the trailer react. the slower you can go the better. Intrstate and good Farm to Market roads should be no trouble. But when you get to where your going and have to do slow speed stop to stop manuvers I am afraid the extra side load on the hitch may cause some real concern, read dificulty staying upright on the bike. Thats my 2cents spend it wisely. Edit. I do like the concept and am interested to see how it goes. And apoligize for the tone of this post. I have never been acussed of having tact. Probably why I had to make Technical Sergeant 3 times.
  25. I had Rick do the navigator seat on the Venture and Dawn said it was a night and day difference. Then on a trip through Lake Tahoe we got her a sheepskin at a roadside stand. Between the two she was good from Tahoe to to Cheyenne.
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