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Herb In Texas

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Everything posted by Herb In Texas

  1. Nope got called in to work. I happen to be on "The List" of people who must report when things are bad.
  2. Well Glen, balls in your court. sure am curious as to what you decided.
  3. Sadly not done yet. Other "stuff" has priority now. I have a small window of opertunity on Saturday and Sunday this week due to weather. I had to set aside the Wing project and get back on building the " Equine Facility" for the horses. Yes I know, I started that project last year. But you know there are a lot of roads in Texas! I gooffed off to much this summer, and winter is almost here. It is 55 right now, damn the cold. Prediction is for highs next week in the 30's and some wet weather. So if I don't get some progress on the barn Dawn will be shall I say less than pleased. I will post when I start though and take a few pics. BTW I got a wood stove in the shop so cold and wet won't hold me back on that!
  4. Well said. My advice would be to take your navigator with you when test riding. When we bought the wing after putting 80,000 miles on an RSV on our return from the dealership going home first "real" ride, 125 mile from dealer to home, Dawn was asleep with in 30 miles. The pasenger seat on the wing is like a Barka Lounger. The foot position took some getting used to for me, but a set of ergo pegs on the crashbars fixed that. My knees get a little wetter in the rain than they did on the RSV but all other areas of weather protection are comprable or superior. my feet never got hot on the wing even in 100 degree heat( in the standard position). Cant say that about the venture. hot feet is why I built my highway pegs. And on cool days the wing has foot warmers. No decernable benifit after about 30 deg. or less. I can not coment on the BMW as I have no experience with it. We did look at the Ultra and the Vision but the wing won out in handling and comfort. Audio system is premium not only in name but performance. Slow speed stop to stop manuvers are no problem, the wing can be turned around it the space of two standard parking spaces. Top heavy no. Out on the road the wing is quick and quiet If I ever get boxed in traffic or uncomfortable with my lane position we just disafreakinpear. The front end stuff folks talk about is in my opinion a non issue see the post in tech talk. Maintenace is easy for the most part. the air filter is a drag to get to but the induction system is designed to clean the air and reduce noise. so even trade if you ask me. My only complaint with the wing is the Nav system I use it but the Garmin I had on the Venture was better. No trafic alerts on the wing and the inputs are more difficult. not sure but I think they have addressed that on the later versions. Thats my 2 cents mabee Tom can shed a little more light but I don't think you will be disapointed.
  5. I had a slight wobble at 35-45 mph but only when decelerating with no hands on the bars. That said mine is gone now. It wasn't head bearings although I have bought them. it wasn't fork springs although I have bought them. See my other post on front end work. the cure for mine has been talked about on this forum manye times but not on the wing tech tab. My cure was the same as it is for many Venture riders even though front end wobble isn't a trait of the Venture. This item was used on the Venture to increase tire life and drivability in general. This miraculas thing is, wiat for it, one more second, An Avon tire! Oh and I have given up no hand riding. Cause me pain in the rib cage just above my kidney on the right side. Dawn has a wicked right hook, specialy if ya aint lookin.
  6. Guess I ain't so smart. I answered 9 on the last one.
  7. By majority vote spring install is goirng to wait till after the first. When Jim reopens after Christmas I'll go back by and order the traxxion springs. thanks for the input ya'll.
  8. Just got back. I heard the same from the man where I got the bearings. His advice was to get traxxion too. he even called traxxion to see what size springs I bought. Theirs (traxxion) were 1.2s and I have 1.1s. traxion are a one rate spring and these are Progresive not only in name but in how they react. The heavier the load or the harder thebump the rebound rate is proportional. My thinking is that will give me a more forgiving and favorable ride. Who knows in six months I may get the traxxions. It's only time and money. Had a nice ride though. Ate supper @ Willie and Dicks just off the square. next time your in Gbury give them a try. Good meal decent price. No cheese cake though. As far as tools I should have that covered. Got impact tools up through 3/4 drive. The long hex your talking about If I don't have one to reach up through the axle yoke I will just cut off an Allen wrench and then put a standard socket on the cutoff.
  9. I can't do vidieo but mabee can do a couple of pics. With dawns help o'course. Plan to start Saturday after I fix the neighbors Dozer. Heading to Raceworxs now.
  10. Will do. If I recall your Sis lives in Bluff Dale. 18 miles by road, but only 5 or so by air.
  11. Just got off the phone with Jim Cambora @ Raceworx in Alvarado. He's got one set in stock. Heading that way in a few.
  12. will check it out. that ain't too far. 45 miles or so take 4 to Grandview and Im almost there. Can you say " time to ride." And 4 happens to be voted one of north Texas' best rides in Ride Texas Magagine. BTW We live on 4, get to ride it daily.
  13. peeing outside she said, "Peeing on the ground out side would not be tolorated anymore." So here is my solution. http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3219/2678471673_2631127e24.jpg
  14. Good Plan.
  15. Just fishing for tips and tricks from any one who who Has done this. Mine is an Air Bag. I am hoping that disconecting the battery is sufficient to prevent mis hap in that area. Plan is to drop the forks tear them down install Progresive springs and reseal and re bush. In my head it is a pretty straight forward operation. I should have gotten "All Balls" for the steering head as well but it is an afterthought and with the holiday and availible time off now I will go ahead with the forks and do the steering head later.
  16. dis regard last post> I should use google first. Shoot my mouth off second:whistling::sign **** happens:
  17. makes me think solinoid is at fault Can You remove the solinoid and disassemble it then flip the copper disk over and dress up the contact studs, As I have often done on Delco style solinoids.
  18. yep sound like a ground issue to me as well. Not real familiar with how his bike is wired but I would look for every ground spot related to primary electrical. is there a main solinoid that energizes the whole thing. poor ground side on that would also show in this fashion. The lack of capital letters is an intentional way to show uncertainty. ( for the spelling and grammer cops out there) Oh, Im on VR.org. We need Dingy to chime in he's an electrical guru.
  19. All I can say is DITTO. I have been trying to come up with a way to say the same thing, but I tend a bit more sappy. This board and the folks on here are great. I was gone for a while for the same reason. Lo and behold when I peeked back in we "wingerers" had our own spot. As in a family there was room made for the "odd" members. Dawn and I would like to wish each and everyone of ya'll a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Heres wishing Santa brings us all some really cool saftey chrome.
  20. All right then. Going to have to get Dawn involved for that part though. My pics are all the time to light or too dark or to big or too small or too what ever. can you tell I don't get along with HER camera very well?
  21. Thanks Tom I have gathered some material already. mainly the angle iron to build the base frame. I'll go to Northern Tool tomorrow to order the torsion axle. Should be starting in a week or ten days. Iffffffff My skill set can match my vision then it should come out pretty cool. Got a yard in Fort Worth that sells "useable" scrap, might can get a good deal on the aluminum for the box and lid. Good result or bad I'll post.
  22. Good on Ya. You do know that a clean shop is the sign of a disturbed individual. LOL Gotta do mine soon left fork seal started leaking the other day. Might just throw some traxxion springs in to boot.
  23. Weather like ya'll got up there is why I now reside in Texas. Don't tell but I was born a Yankee. At 18 I hauled a@@.
  24. I have been chewing on this all day, I work with my hands so my scull is free to do as it pleases. Anyway, to my thinking the place where the axle mounts would be the fulcrum point and therefore should be at the 60/40 spot. But when you think about a leaf spring setup, the axle is at this point there by the hub center is there also. Hence the question is it correct to have the 60/40 point where the rubber meets the road or where the fulcrum would be. There by having the rubber meet the road several inces back. Now if the trailer were 16 feet long the effect would not be as dramatic, but since the box length is going to be about 5 ft or so, reduced length = more critical correctness. But thats just how my head works. But then again if the rubber meets the road is several inches back then that would translate into a greater load on the hitch thereby reducing the possibility of the fearsome tail wagging the dog syndrom. Chingow my head hurts. Think I'll ride home the long way. BTW thanks for the offer of picking up your trailer Tom. If we can't sort it out on the board then maybe the week after Christmas I will sneek down your way and have a look. Whats a couple a hundred miles on a wing any way, TIME WELL SPENT. Wouldn't nessesarily need to drag it home. Just look at it a while.
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