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Herb In Texas

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Everything posted by Herb In Texas

  1. Boomer......who knows there is no such thing as the PERFECT oil, spark plug,seat,or motorcycle.....but the Jury is still out on the perfect woman. no need for a jury Boomer, I have her under my arm right now:thumbsup2:
  2. the mighty steed
  3. :rotfl:A second Gen.:rotfl:
  4. Just let it walk on out the other side!:rotf::rotf: Sometime I can't resist either. Hope you better soon. Herb
  5. That Sir is one fine ride! I have to ask about the rear seat not quite stock is it. I think my gal would much rather have one like that. Did you fab it yourself? If you had it done where? Sure a nice ride. Many many kudos!!
  6. Other than the dash part. I suppose a guy could raise the bar ends on a Venture. May have to try tonight. might relieve some low back strain.
  7. That worked, and thanks for the link. You rock.
  8. I cannot remember how to color in the states map. I need to fill in Utah after our trip. Any help would be apreciated. I know I'm a dolt so those comments are wasted. Thanks Herb:hihi:
  9. We took around 300 pics but the photographer has yet to get them out of the cammera. I can't even spell it let alone use it. lol. I will select a few nice ones mabey one from each state and put them up. be warned there is one of mee in a three piece suit. You won't see that one though, unless Dawn puts it up.
  10. We made it! what a great trip even without the bear tooth pass. Went for a nice ride from Lipan to San diego by way of Yuma, to Reseda, to Santa Cruz, over to Lake Tahoe, then to Salt lake. on to Rock Springs through Cheyenne down thru Denver across the Raton Pass east to Amarrillo and Witchita Falls back to Lipan. Don't sound like much really rote down like that, but the things we saw and the folks we met, would not trade for it at all. Had a great time. A few wrong turns and such. The Mighty Steed performed flawlessly. The Butler mod to Dawns seat helped her alot but we did need to stop in tahoe and get her a sheepskin pad for her bottom. All in all a great trip. Can't wait for next year!
  11. Dawns gotta be back at the hospital and working on Thursday so plans must be curtailed. Whine...
  12. I printed the map to show her. Dont sound too bad for weather. we got cold/wet gear. Gerbings if need be.
  13. If Dawn will go for it Bear tooth it is. I am truley excited about this trip.:dancefool:But how cold will it be this time of year? One website said you can some times get snow in August. I may withhold that small tidbit of info from Dawn. Think she might get cross threaded over it? I don"t want one of these:buttkick:.
  14. Thats the reason for the long first leg. Gona pull up a google map on bear tooth right now.
  15. Apreciate the well wishes, Yellowstone don,t sound like a bad idea, been kicking around going south to the grand canyon. But my Gal don't take the heat so well. thats why going north on the return trip. Thanks for the offer of help in SLC, Lord willing we will sail along on our quest without a single hiccup.
  16. My Gal has to attend the ANA conference in San Diego starting tomorrow. She will fly out. BUT I will take the Venture out on Tuesday (first leg 1200+ miles in one sitting) then we will attend the banquet on wendsday. Now the fun starts. From there to Reseda Over night, Then on to San Jose Up 101. Over Night. From there to Elko Nv Over Night On to Rock springs Wy Over Night. Next stop Colorado springs. Over Night. On to Amarillo Over Night. Last day back home in Beautiful Lipan Tx. About 3900 miles in ten days or so. Don't do the math we will use all ten days but don't know yet where we may spend more than one day. Any sugestions are appreciated. Near certain to spend at least an extra day in Colorado Springs. Pikes peak, Royal Gorge, Garden of the Gods. Hell May take Twelve Days who Can say.
  17. Glad to hear all is well again. I know when your bike is broke it is like having a sick friend you just want them well and going again as fast as possible. Herb
  18. I guess its time to dismiss the jury. Will remain with the venture! Heck still got 4 years waranty left anyhow. Thanks ya'll for the slap back to reality. I did do some other on-line reserch at Victory owners group and most of the posts are about increasing performance. goes to show what folks here have said is true. I have NO issues with the Venture, but I am kinda like a crow, see somthing shiney and different, well you know. Thanks Again , Herb:Venture:
  19. I appreciate all the replys. Expected the Ugly comments. I will check back in the morning to see what others may say. Again thanks Herb
  20. Not looking for trouble just honest opinions. I am currantly mounted up on an 08 Venture. But went to a PGR meet and greet at Strokers in Dallas this past saturday. They are a Victory dealer, Big Dog, and a few others I imagine. Anyway went inside the show room to "just Look" guess what caught my eye, (the gals too)? The Victory Vision Tour Premium. Looks like a sweet ride. Big, Bold, Futuristic, and maybe just too sweet to pass on. I don't know. I love my venture. 40k+ in a year. But this vision is just freekin cool. so heres the questions. Anybody Rode one? Opinions please. Anybody bought one? After the honey moon thoughts. Anybody thinking like me but afraid to trade a devil you know for one you don't? Be honest and constructive, 23k and change as is on the dealer floor. I know thats a cosiderable bit more than our beloved Ventures do you think the value is there? I read a few on line reviews and the bike has recieved a better than favorable rating. Kicked the snot out of the Ultra. was not rated against the Venture that I could find. what will I be giving up going from the V 4 to a V twin. seems to make the same horse power +or- but the torque seem to be a bit more. Thanks Herb:fishin:
  21. Just curious if you found out what the problem was.
  22. I didn't think to take it to a store to have it load tested. Good point. Probably cause I own one. I some times have to go around the barn the long way to get to the out house. But I usually get there without incident.:rotfl::rotfl:
  23. Because you had full voltage before the switch was engaged that tells me the start circuit is ok. But with the voltage down after the start switch kinda leads me to believe the start relay is held in after the start switch is released. But with out the start motor turning this would be a constant drain on the battery. But the 0.5 thing also has me conserned. If you were pulling enough amperage to drop the voltage that low you should see smoke from some where. sorry this sounds ramblely but it is developing as I type. I still think a battery load test is in order to rule out dead cell. If your sure the battery is good. Run a heavy gauge jumper from the + terminal on the batery down to the big post on the start motor. key on or off the start motor should turn. be sure your in neutral. If it turns then need to back track. I don't think in will. my opinion is battery or starter motor. batery most probible.
  24. Small posibility starter motor is at fault. With the voltages you are describing apears to be a dead short. my first thought would be to remove it and bench test it.
  25. Check the main connection at the starter motor. I don't have a diagram in front of me and my bike is half a mile away. But seems to me the positive lead goes to the starter motor and splits off from there to provide power to the other circuits. Heat vibration and road grime can sometimes make this a poor connection. Sometimes loosening and then retightening this will correctlow power issues. Also check the termination of the ground lead for the same reasons. And I appoligize for my previous thread only took literal what i read.
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