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Herb In Texas

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Everything posted by Herb In Texas

  1. Good vid. Whoda thunk it. So when it is running you cant hear the noise. the lack of noise in you first post was what led me to think clutch. well shoot no quick fix there. gonna have to split it.
  2. I bought a Slime brand gauge a few weeks ago. 0-120 psi went to check the preasure on the gooseneck trlr before I used it and it shot the end out. No second chance I paid 3 times as much for a Milton, and the tire that blew the Slime gauge apart only had 45 psi in it. Rating on those tires is 85 psi so I had about half. Now think about this, had the slime gauge not came apart and was mearly reading a high number say 75 so I put in 10 lbs more now true tire preasure is 55, I'm still 30 psi light. But in not knowing the true state of my tire psi I went on and loaded the trailer to its rated capacity of 14,000 lbs and took off down the interstate at 70 mph. The heat generated by the low preasure situation would cause that tire to come apart and possibly cause an accident. A good tire gauge is cheep when you look at the reality of what can and probably would happen due to poor information. Doubly worse when your on a bike. I have not experienced a catostrphic tire failure on the bike nor do I ever hope to. Tires are your your first most important concern IMHO. Check them often and accurately. Thats my spend it wisely.
  3. Have you considered the clutch is slipping in 5th gear. The higher the gear ratio the heavier the load on the clutch. I would think that if you did in fact shell out 5th gear there would be more noise than a sack o fightin cats.
  4. Since your in Fort Worth why not Honda Kawasaki West out on 820 south of 30? On the west side. I would not buy a new bike there but the parts guys have been good to me. Failing that google Honda directline parts. Im too lazy too chase the link. The guy that runs it is Hal. I haven't traded with them but they get good reviews on the gl1800 riders board.
  5. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZUabDrfjATY&feature=player_detailpage]‪PENGUIN BLEW A SEAL Video‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]
  6. I don't know its working for me. but I will try again.
  7. Guess it worked but how do you get rid of the extranious stuff that moved with it
  8. Stolen from gl1800 board.
  9. Notice I said kinda warm. It's not too hot yet this is just the first week of August. Generally it will start to warm up from here. BTW I use a hyperkewl vest at temps above 110. Plenty of water and park in the shade when you can. My Motto "No ice ridin is nice". I have had a thunderstorm or two shut me down for a while. When the wind has you draging a peg to stay upright then its time to wait it out.
  10. Bike was in the shade at work all day under a carport. when i fired it up and pressed the info button this is what it read.
  11. I was sittin on the porch just this morning havin my coffee, it was about 4:45am so it should have been quiet. But I kept hearing a slight hissy rythmic sound. Now I live about a mile off the "big road" so we see and hear all type and variaty of wild life. I could not identify what it was. So I got up and did the recon thing. snoopin around being quiet. After abouot 10 minutes I realized it was a very old live oak whistling to the dog.
  12. I think your 32.5 Distance rider.
  13. First one is on the dealer floor May of last year. The second is as of today 36,597 miles later. I ain't quit smilin yet neither.
  14. Welcome Hawk! But you know the rules, BTW I think the count is 30.
  15. Im thinking of a lion in Frisco eating Richard Simmonds:7_6_3[1]:
  16. Be Proud I know I am. I have two serving. A daughter in the Army who has been to Afganistan. And a son in the Marines who has yet to deploy but undoubtedly will. When Kate was over there she had access to I-net and phones so that made it easier, but you still worry. Here is what I do know. since the begining of the war more of our youngsters were killed at home in traffic accidents that have been killed in the war. Not much comfort I know but those are the statistics. Get you some blue star stickers for your vehicles people will notice them and give you the opertunity to talk about it many of us are in your shoes and welcome the chance to share our the fact that our kids chose to stand the line to prserve our freedoms and way of life. Thanks for raising fine children who have a sence of duty and honor and chose to make a difference and not be a burden on society.
  17. +1:7_6_3[1]:
  18. Roger that!
  19. Gota Gig a squid ever chance ya get. cept for corpsmen.
  20. It realy ain't that tough. my advice is go to the IBA web site and read the 29 tips and follow them. Sitting in the seat and turnin the grip will get it done but reading and following the advice of the "LD Gods" will make it easier and much more enjoyable. Welcome to the Madness. I got my Bun burnrer gold maped out and on the calender already.http://www.ironbutt.com/tech/aowprintout.cfm
  21. A Touch over a grand in 16.5
  22. I don't know exact details, but there is a legend of a guy who went from San Diego To Jax Fla, non stop. I think he had fuel plumbed in from a trailer and a hose runnin out from his britches. Like I say don't know if it's true but I heard it somwhere.
  23. Now that there is funny.
  24. I searched pinwall got nuthin. So sorry cant help. but will look around.
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