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  1. i disabled the servo on my v-max, BUT if you do this you need to keep some way of manually closing the butterflys, else there is no way to synch the carbs, other than doing it on a bench with feeler gauges.
  2. as of today i have 1k miles on mine, showing no wear. ride perfect, no problems at all. i do not ride in the rain or pull a trailor so i can not comment on that however.
  3. ok, had me worried there! i wasnt sure if i was being told that the starter clutch had to come out also. i feel relieved now. so what about the gasket, is it something i should be able to home brew if i need it? and one more thing, thanks to everyone for the help
  4. THIS ISNT NECESSARY TO REMOVE THE STARTER IS IT? I am just planning on pulling the starter motor and cleaning it up.
  5. is it a simple gasket? could i make one?
  6. can you enlighten me?
  7. great.............
  8. i have been using a single gauge to do mine. have to hook it up to one carb at a time, but it works. advanceautoparts has a gauge for $30 some dollars that would work (not the one I have, but similar)
  9. This thread over on the other board says to remove the RH header pipe in order to get the starter out. Is this correct? Because this one says nothing about it.
  10. sounds like perpetual motion to me.... (any closed system that produces more energy than it consumes. Such a device or system would be in violation of the law of conservation of energy, which states that energy can never be created or destroyed.)
  11. never easy on these machines is it? i hope it is just a loose connection, the bike rides fine with no air up front, but i would like it to work proper.
  12. Got new fork seals, not leaking there or from the rings on top of the forks where the hoses connect. Cant hear it coming out anywhere either, and it loses it quick, ie from max to 0 in 30 seconds. Before I tear the entire bike apart what is the easiest way to access the line going from the compressor to the forks? Also how do you get to the compressor? Just remove the seat? Thanks in advance!
  13. I ended up punching my OEMs out and putting them back on, it just looked a little naked without them.
  14. thank you, she dont look too bad when its all clean.
  15. Its actually sitting outside my office door with the key in the switch, it is a '90 model....
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