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Everything posted by Celt

  1. http://www.customdynamics.com/motorcycle_lights.htm everything you'll need is at CD. also have a look for LEDs thru the search function ,tons of info in there . i,m just about to order a bunch of leds from CD myself . bestaluck
  2. i call BS on this rumour ..... he would 've been riding a Venture Royale not a RSV all those years ago
  3. Celt

    one album

    The Wall ,Pink Floyd.
  4. about bloody time too
  5. Just a heads up about JCW http://www.epinions.com/content_403199135364 same thing is happening to a mate of mine,took him many many months to figure it out. so watch your CC bill when dealing with these guys
  6. $74 bucks shipped from this Guy http://www.fasteddysports.com/ .i believe the model number is Progressive front fork spring 11-1112. outstanding customer service from Eddy and generally really fast shipping. shoot him an email and ask . tell him Celt from BA sent ya.
  7. that was my first thought too
  8. Look for "Ride like a Pro " DVDS ,great series of how to,s .theres some clips on YouTube [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jDfyDRXapKg]YouTube - Ride Like a Pro V sneak peek[/ame] best $30 you can spend
  9. SilvrT ,i use a place in Point Roberts called http://www.tsbshipping.com/ been using them a few years now. great people to deal with. you pay per package ,price determined by weight. usually a couple of $ .they email you when a package is in . border crossing usually quick and sometimes they dont charge you any taxes (both gst +pst) . thats also dependant on how much item(s)are worth.
  10. Upto a foot for London they're saying. just checked where my folks live, outside of Glasgow ,there getting light snow . one of the good things about snow is it does reduce the amount of idiots driving ,altho some ,who do drive in it become even more stupid,like the SUVers with 4x4 engaged and summer tires on and cant figure out why they are stuck:crackup: .well its like that here in Vancouver anyways. good luck mate.
  11. Thats cool,pricey but cool . Loud stereos save lives , well thats what i tell my riding mates (with loud pipes) at stop lights .
  12. NevrDull
  13. Triumph Bonneville,America or Speedmaster ,3 classy bits of Brit Iron ,almost bullet proof (no more Lucas elec),this year 09 they are F.I. . i know alot of people (lads and Lassies)who own them and 99% of them are very happy with em.they,ll hang with Harleys or metric cruisers with ease ,great in the twisties . me i,m a wee tad biased ........as i own a 04 America . worth a look and a test ride,sure you,ll like it too .if you want more info have a look on http://www.bonnevilleamerica.com/forums/ubbthreads.php Best of luck
  14. Definately a SEXY lookin beastie .i,m glad Norton are back in British hands, but will it survive in this economy ,i hope so. would luv to see Norton do as well as Triumph has done. http://www.motorcyclenews.com/MCN/News/newsresults/mcn/2008/December/8-14/dec0908-first-prototype-nortons-arrive-in-uk/
  15. http://www.videolan.org/vlc/ this is the only way to go ,i download all sorts of British tv and it plays and fixes(if needed) every type of video file. simple and easy.
  16. yesterday http://www.bikebook.ca/bike/d/1542-2/Picture+147.jpg todayhttp://www.bikebook.ca/bike/d/1546-2/Picture.jpg
  17. My Daughter works for BestBuy (dept manager),she says Samsung are the best of the bunch (followed by LG). least returns best bang for buck happiest customers etc .1080 p the only way to go for blueray and dvds .
  18. " - 37 C or - 37.6 F this morning Burrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr" aaaa thats nothing. my mother in laws waaaaaay colder than that.
  19. How about renting a bike for a day or so and riding around the Vegas area ,Bubber. we're thinking of doing this in March. how long would a ride to the Grand Canyon take ? any decent places for bike rentals ?.
  20. these come to mind when dealing with management/foremen at my work . Couldnt manage a hardon in a whore house. couldnt organise a piss up in a brewery and being unable to make a decision- up and down like a whores knickers .and in relation to my bad back of late- hunched over like a bulldog f**king a football. funny how mine are all work related
  21. Proficient Motorcycling is definately a good read, as is Lee Parks Total Control (got both).but for me best money i spent was on Ride Like A Pro V .more interesting to watch than read i suppose.
  22. running 45/50 in the rear and 5 up front ,i check the pressures weekly. the back does lose a bit of air over a month, couple o 3 psi. HD dealers have them pumps usually on hand ,but the Yammie dealers here ,well some of them didnt even know their bikes had air shocks .
  23. http://rubanspangler.googlepages.com/ReliantRobin.jpg/ReliantRobin-full;init:.jpg coughRIPOFF cough
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