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Everything posted by Celt

  1. Go canada go go canada go go canada go go canada go go canada go :63:
  2. so mmmmm....... dunno if i should ask which dealers you went to . tho i do have an idea. Western ps wouldnt be one would it . not a bad parts dept, if they've got it in stock.but i would never ever buy a bike from them again. i buy most of my parts(Triumph and Yamaha) from the States ,then have em shipped to Point Roberts . way better choice and price and that includes paying tax at the border.
  3. good job they were'nt Scottish midgets ,they head butt ...........nuff said
  4. sheeet i'm feelin bad about steerin ya to that guitar shop Rick .i really did hear good things about them .glad your back at it tho.keep on strummin:080402gudl_prv:
  5. 86% 37 Miles 504 Secs not to bad a score for a transplanted Scot
  6. Happy New Year to all at Venturerider .org.
  7. http://guitar.about.com/library/blguitarlessonarchive.htm http://www.scenicnewengland.net/guitar/ http://www.roedyblack.com/Downloads.html http://www.chordbook.com/index.php http://www.ultimate-guitar.com/ http://bobsguitarlessons.yolasite.com/ http://www.songsterr.com/ http://www.youtube.com/user/scoby1knoby hey Ric ,heres a few sites that i use and have found to be helpful,theres also a ton of info on youtube . i quit smoking a few months ago and bought a guitar to keep my hands busy,been bashing away and having a lot of fun since .sore fingers are done in a few weeks .practice practice practice and keep it fun . theres a good guitar shop in New West a few blocks south of 10th ave on Kingsway ,Neil Douglas Guitars ,have heard good things about him.
  8. Got my 2 pins yesterday ,thanks Bob much appreciated mate.
  9. http://www.gvmc.ca/classifieddetails.asp?ID=170 came across this parts bike for sale. i,ve got no connection to this .
  10. Bob,payment sent for 2 x 2nd gen. thanks
  11. Celt

    New Lights

    they look good Rick ,may have to make a quick trip to CT myself .
  12. awsmsrv,do you have the cost for postage to BC Canada. will paypal(2nd x 2) as soon as you let us BC ers know. thanks.
  13. Happy Thanksgiving Canucks
  14. :banana:was a great day for a ride .as usual we came down the chuckanut and again i forgot the camera ,one of these days i gotta film that road . thanks for sharing SD.
  15. http://www.tsbshipping.com/ been using these guys for a few years now. they charge on package weight,usually a coupla $.they will hold things for months(there is a storage fee). 15 minute max wait at border crossing,well thats the most ive ever waited . just make sure you have some kind of receipt for the cost of your items. theres no duty on motorcyle accessories just pst /gst.
  16. like it. 2 for me please.
  17. 08 RSV and yes my fuel light does come on(2-3 secs) when i turn key to on.
  18. Rode to work and back ,then to my MRI appointment. no fishin for me right now with my knee,i just cant walk the river and this a pink salmon year too . but i should be ready for steelie season . tight lines fisher folk
  19. Celt

    GPS Mount

    Another ram mount here, from these guys http://stores.shop.ebay.com/MF-X2__W0QQ_armrsZ1 . free shipping and quick delivery even to Canada .
  20. http://www.ram-mount.com/Products/MotorcycleMounts/tabid/128/Default.aspx or http://www.mountguys.com/category_s/362.htm they also have a Ebay store . just ordered mine (TomTom 930) yesterday from them . seen a few Ram mounts when we were in Nelson a coupla weekends ago . they look like good quality units.
  21. Try nail polish remover. this works great ,just make sure your pipes are cold if you try it.
  22. i 'd say a 1970ish(late late 60s) Yamaha YG1 100 cc
  23. Sadist
  24. if you can ,have the sender/shipper write on the package "Returned Item/s" and always use USPS. ive been doing this for a few years now ,shipping bike bits back to my mates in the UK and theyve never been charged duty . i also have a P.O. box in Point Roberts which does come in handy .
  25. http://i141.photobucket.com/albums/r46/Motorbiker_photos/NewsPics/Fart-Power.jpg i think at $5 a gal , the alternatives are not looking good
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