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Everything posted by Celt

  1. Howdy all, so i came off the bike this afternoon ,something invisable and very slippery in my lane right in the middle of a right hand turn .........whoa whoa s*#t and down i go:doh: . me, im good few wee bruises and a wee scrape on my knee.the bike, right side of fairing scraped (not that bad really), lower fairing scraped (again not to bad ) ,both right engine guards ground down pretty good (did their job well) and a bit of a dent in right side pipe .worst thing about this whole deal ,is i'm off to Nelson BC tomorrow morning(maybe) on the bike, (musta pissed karma right off) . anyways i'm in the market for some right side engine guards, if anybody has or knows of some for sale ,please let me know . watchout for them hazards ,ride safe folks.
  2. again, must be short tax money at city hall
  3. Ouch ,i was bitten once like that, never again .if you really need it delivered to your door USPS and theres a ton of places just over the border,at the crossings, that will hold your packages etc for a nominal fee .personally i use these guys in Abbottsford/Sumas http://www.myshiphappens.com/ .theres also one in Point Roberts, TSB i believe. best to order a few items to make it really worthwhile.
  4. http://www.customdynamics.com/Light_bars.htm Light bar for rear is on this page . I also have the 100 led plug n play rear light .both really light up the back of the bike. Congrats on the new bike btw .
  5. Give em a call Miles, i havent been down at British Import for a coupla years now (sold my Triumph to my son in law,but i do watch their site regularly for my next Triumph hope the wife aint reading this) as i remember it, they wanted 20gs for that 74. rebuilt from ground up etc etc. an yes that 69 is ssseeeexxxxx eh ,shudder to think how much they want for that . there is a place on Vancouver Island that sells classics ,thought i kept a link to it but unfortunately i didnt ,but ill keep lookin for ya no matter how difficult it becomes llookin at old Brit iron heres the Van Isle place http://www.internationalclassicmotorcycles.com/mm5/merchant.mvc?Session_ID=d274675617ecad9c432748c2c20f6268&Screen=CTGY&Store_Code=ICM&Category_Code=MCFS and heres a few other potentials http://vancouver.en.craigslist.ca/search/mca?zoomToPosting=&altView=&query=norton&srchType=A&minAsk=&maxAsk=
  6. http://www.motorcyclesource.com/motorcycle-showroom.htm how about this one, scroll down page a bit . their a local Triumph dealer up here ,pretty expensive i believe and beautiful lookin ride.
  7. Congrats Grampaw ,now you got 2 good reasons to get the Scotch and stogies out
  8. Wow that sux Ric , glad Nina is ok . she'd better go see Dr Chris Massov .he's pretty good about fixing them kind injuries , ifn you know what i'm saying
  9. Been using Seafoam for many years now ,great stuff . bikes lawn mower etc. picked up 8 bottles for $7 each at Oreillys in Wa state last coupla weekends:cool10:.
  10. looks good Ric, but by the amount of that wet stuff falling from the sky(reminds me of a Scottish summer) your gonna have a lot of time to tinker . hows that frame look in black .
  11. Celt

    Weird problem

    I couldn't wait for the phone call from the dealer so I called lunch time thursday . The service guy says yup all good ,battery was shot and they have one on charge and bike will be ready to go in an hour. Wow I thought ,not quite what I was thinking was wrong but that's what it was. I thought the battery was all good,it was on a trickle charge most of the winter and I load tested it a coupla months ago and it was fine .Anyways glad it wasn't that ignition switch . Thanks for the help fellas its appreciated
  12. Celt

    Weird problem

    I'll be running by the yami dealer this afternoon , ive still got a year left on the warrenty so i dont want to mod anything (bypass switch ) just in case . It started no problem this morning but when i got to work (1/2 hr ride), i shut it down then tried to restart and click dead for a second but everything lit up right away , the click is very noticable and comes from left side behind saddle, starter solonoid . Is that what happens when the ignition switch goes ? i have no driving lights or other accessories , well other than brake light bar ,that shouldnt have a bearing on this . Thanks for all the replys i appreciate it
  13. Celt

    Weird problem

    Well I've checked most of the wires, batt etc all seem tight and clean.i buffed up allthe fuses .now that the bike has cooled down I can't replicate the problem. I had a similar problem on my BonneyAmerica. That turned out to be a loose and dirty ground strap,but the click was way different like when your battery don't have enough juice to turn engine I'm not sure about the ignition switch, anyway to confirm that is/has a problem ? .I hope it's not that ,i have a run to go on with my son in law thursday and idoubt the local stealers would have that part on hand.
  14. Celt

    Weird problem

    oh i cussed it out good and proper Rick , well the old accent does tend to revert back to full blown Glaswegian when im pissed (both kinds of pissed funnily enough ) so the bike may not have understood i was upset
  15. So made a few stops on way home tonight but had a strange thing happen as itried to leave my last stop. Did my usual click into N then hit start button and nothing, bit of a click but nothing, absolutely nothing radio off dash off lights off totally dead. After a bit oftime I turn key again dash lights up N lights up ,so ihit the start button and again click dead. So i check all relevant fuses everyone looks ok. I call a mate who lives nearby,he shows up with some extra tools and ofcourse I turn key everything works and bike bloodywell starts . I'm not sure what's the problem but have a suspicion its the starter relay. So my question to you guys is what do you think it is? or has this happened to you and what was the fix. I appreciate all and any input Gordie.
  16. Have you looked at any of the these F150 forums tons of good info and some very helpful doodz. http://www.f150online.com/forums/index.php http://www.fordf150.net/ http://www.ford-trucks.com/forums/index.php Ive got a 04 F150 5.4l, great truck (other than gas mileage and them stupid 2 piece spark plugs),had it for six years and never had a problem
  17. these cameras are back on sale for $98 bucks again ,till the 27th .
  18. I had the" between the blades burn "and also pins and needles in my pinky fingers, tried the risers they didnt work for me. so i pushed the bars forward, almost touching the inner fairing (about a 1/2") cured the burn and no more numb pinkies. now if i could only find a seat that doesnt cause numb bum .
  19. Sorry to hear that Ric ,give Nina our best and our thoughts are with her . Lorraine and Gordie
  20. Do you have an Acklands and Grainger store in your area ? thats where i got my moly paste. Jetlube moly 50 , cost with a bit of a discount was $30 . Its not added to the gear oil its daubed on the shaft splines etc , its a very sticky grease
  21. Celt


    i use a TomTom 930,it has mp3 player, takes sd mem cards(8gigs is a lot of tunes) ,fm transx ,bluetooth for cel, works with gloves on ,not the best in direct sunlight but i bought a little sunshade and cradle from ram mount which helps a bit . it also has Euro maps on it which i have used for alot of trips back to the UK(great for all them speed cams).its not waterproof but a sandwhich bag just happes to fit perfectly.
  22. very nice Ric ,very nice indeed, enjoy matey .
  23. full tank of gas (as much as you can get in) with a good dose of seafoam added, fresh oil, maybe some fresh antifreeze. wipe the bike all over with some pledge or similar stuff (easier to clean when your back,helps with rust to) . a blankey or two and a good bike cover . if your worried to much about the cold temps a 60 or 100 w bulb in a metal caged trouble light can chuck out a bit of heat.
  24. Hot buttery caramel flavoured cognative popcorn is a particular favorite of mine, but i hate it when it gets stuck between my synapses. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YK3ZP6frAMc]Hot Butter - Popcorn - YouTube[/ame]
  25. not sure where your shipping to, but best to use the USPS as the shipper, they wont add on a stupid broker charge and duty taxes are some times not bothered about .
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