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Everything posted by Dave77459

  1. Is this the lamp you are talking about? High Intensity Plus 7" L.E.D. Headlamp http://www.customdynamics.com/Images/2261-1.jpghttp://www.customdynamics.com/Images/2261-2.jpg Dave
  2. Note that Cardo Systems have announced an update to the Scala Rider G4 firmware. It is now v3.0. Here's the "What's New" page... These are some pretty important changes. Not sure how I'll feel about being randomly selected in a click-to-link escapade, but we'll see. Dave
  3. I left mine blank. Mine is a midnight bike, and I liked the darker vibe. I plan to replace my hinge stickers as well with plain black. Dave http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4153/4835364712_085ca63d1f.jpg
  4. I thought you were gonna say that Brad was the one parking this piece of crap next to my office. Tell him to take his 250,000€ hunk of junk and.... give it to me. http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5020/5486389553_8262447f8a.jpg http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5176/5486985710_d04517d793.jpg
  5. I live across the street from Stafford. Dave
  6. I had a transaction with them for Gerbing stuff. They have special videos for the clothing and gear, but I had questions. The customer service rep was happy to exchange mail to ensure I got the right size. I like them.
  7. You can also buy a replacement HD and start fresh. Then you'd have your Win7 install in case you ever wanted it.
  8. The one with the giant GMAN INDUSTRIES costs more than the patch without the advertising. I'd pay less and not display that abomination. Dave
  9. Why would you pay extra to advertise his business?
  10. On a 2nd Gen saddle bag, there is a sticker that covers the top half of the hinge. Mine says "Tour Deluxe", other models have different badging. Dave
  11. I also wonder how effect they'd be as turn signals. A couple uses that come to mind are those PodMod "twinkle lights" that enhance visibility, and as "parking lights" that remain on when you turn off the bike. Also, just looking cool as we roll.
  12. One of the views shows the side and back... What do you think? http://www.iowa80.com/DirectionsWEB/client/images/a177330.jpg
  13. What about the electrical? Fabricate a plug? Dave
  14. What would it take to install it? $81 isn't too much for something cool like that. Dave
  15. I too stay logged on. But I hit the Today's Posts link. *shrug* Dave
  16. Would you guys try setting a bookmark to http://www.venturerider.org/forum/search.php?do=getdaily? That will automatically bring up the "Today's Post" page... see what you think. You might also try http://www.venturerider.org/modules/Active_Topics/index.phpwhich is the link that "more" clicks to. If you are using the home page as your, um, home page, why not set it to your actual desired target, the "More" page? Do those links work for you? They do for me, but some browsers act differently. Dave
  17. Ah, I got irritated at that too. So instead I hit the Today's Posts link on the left instead. It gives you a longer page with the Page 2 you seek. I think you can bookmark it too. I don't generally go back more than a day for fresh meat. Dave
  18. Thank you very much. The site software must be complex on a site as complex as the site. Sorry to nag you into an hour of effort, but I do appreciate it. Dave
  19. Someone had to post the link to the J&M set, which got me conflicted again about spending the big bucks to get what I really want. The deal saved $11, IIRC, but if I really want the J&M, spending $68 on the Midland is a waste of money.
  20. It was the Midland 75-822. http://amzn.com/B00000K2YR
  21. I think "like" is an understatement!
  22. Are you predicting that I'll win the lotto soon? If so, I'll buy you a case of peppers with my winnings! Dave
  23. Definitely, mounting is an issue. Mostly I want to hear what is going on, rather than participate. I've been hoping to find a bluetooth solution, or at least something that would mount compatibly with my existing bluetooth intercom.
  24. Lightning Deal! $62.99 - Midland 40-Channel Two-Way Radio http://amzn.to/GoldboxDeals I am thinking this might work for my RSTD so I can communicate with my RSV chatterbox friends. Yes? No? The deal ends when it is sold out, or by noon Central time. What do you think? Dave
  25. I'm gonna bump this again, because twice today so far I have hit the Subscribed Articles link. Once because I was looking for my Subscribed Threads, and once by accident. Would it be possible to rename this to Subscribed Threads and to then link it to the threads we are subscribed to? That would allow for you to implement the function you may someday get to, but for now it would be useful. Failing that, is it possible to hide the Subscribed Articles/Journals links on the left until they are implemented? You know, to reduce bandwidth. Dave
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