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Everything posted by timk

  1. Those bags on my 86 were in my way also. I mounted them "backwards" on the handlebars. Worked very good.
  2. 92 GEO Metro. 13psi.
  3. I have a silver Tourmaster jacket, and went with silver Fieldsheer mesh pants, as I don't want black anymore. Only 2 pockets, and the knee armor off the knee a little(going to remedy myself), are the only 2 things I would change.
  4. I used a UNI washable on my 86 with no problems, and about half price of s K&N.
  5. That's basically the way the Dunlap crew does it at the race tracks, and they go way faster thsn the street biked.
  6. When we had our 1st gen, and on a long trip, we would run 2 tanks of gas, then get off for at least a half hour.
  7. I repaired a XS1100 with plasti-dip painted on and it held for 4 years till I sold the bike. I cleaned them with a few alcohol swabs. This was on the rubber manifolds, never had a problem with the diaphrams.
  8. I use the kickstand over the cut portion of the pavement.
  9. $4 at Wally World, they're adjustable for different size drinls(but not a Big Gulp. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v731/timmy55/variousFJR006Small.jpg
  10. A guy on another site uses the panel out of a automobile heated seat. I imagine the wiring going to it would be more than adequate. Biggest problem would be finding a junkyard that would let you get one.
  11. I used electric fuel pump relays with the connectors for the trailer wiring on my 1st gen. I thought the quality would be a little better than the headlight relays that are for fog lights.Went the easy way, and used the "block" of relays from Electical Connections, on my present mc.
  12. Here's a little tip on servicing 1st gen batteries. I detested pulling the battery to top it off with distilled water. I had a syringe from one of those ink refill kits. After it was empty, I cleaned it up and made a mark on the needle part to coinside with the upper level of the electrolyte. Push an ounce or so in then pull back, if you get air, push some more in, till you are pulling a little fluid back into the syringe, as soon as it starts suckin air, then it's on to the other 5. I went from servicing once a year to much more often. I use this on new batteries with the acid.
  13. Old style shaving cream may do the trick. It's a tip for keeping a bathroom mirror from fogging. Worth a try.
  14. Why not just get a new set of springs. Not sure of the model you have, but if it's a RD, you can probably get them at Moto Carrerra.com. I have a couple of 76's, and mine don't bottom.
  15. This don't solve your problem. but a half inch of a ink pen filler can be used temporarly to restore function to the button. I rigged one up with a chrome cap to scan my radio, as the presets didn't work from day 1.
  16. My bike has a catalytic converter, so I'm glad I stayed away from the diesal. Thanks for the heads up, I was considering it.
  17. Were you blipping the throttle??? Was the mercury really "dancing around at idle??? I ask, because there should be a snubber(reducer)in each line to prevent that, and to smooth out the pulses.
  18. One tip for windshields, is to clean them with a up and down motion only, no side to side or circular rubbing. The INEVITABLE SCRATCH will be far less anoying in sunlight, or night riding.
  19. timk

    Best time to visit?

    Took the overnight ferry over to Yarmouth. August is when we went. Mornings were still cool. Funday was good, watching the high and low tides. Peggy's Cove is a must see. Also The Cabot Trail. Miles and miles of coastline everywhere, plus, if you want to get somewhere fast, they have a 4 lane up thru the center. Be prpared to talk about motorcycling every time you stop. Didn't go to PEI, but I heard it's another motorcycle paradise. It's on the agenda when we go back. Maybe one time to avoid on your trip is the week that they are hosting an "Isle of Mann" type of race. There seems to be lots of excitment, and Hotels may be filled.
  20. When I was in the market for a Venture, I called a guy that had a 93 with factory rear speakers. He said the bike came that way. Anybody know if this was bogus??? Anyhow I bought a 86(just fronts). I upgraded the fronts and they were adequate to about 70. We mostly used the helmet speakers.
  21. Buy a set for a 83-85 Wing, invert the bracket, then they can be muscled level. A guy from Canada showed me his at Americade.
  22. I have a Wilson also with Thinsulate. I layer under it, and have been as low as 26 degrees with little problems. It's been a great jacket, as it's over 20 years old, zippers still smoothe. I treat it yearly with some stuff that has been around for over 100 years.
  23. Air Hawk seat cushions.
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