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Everything posted by timk

  1. timk

    new jacket

    Tourmaster Transition for me, Tourmaster Flex for my wife. The Transition paralels what you looked at from Buel. The Flex is about $30-40 more than the Transition. Both have CE armour. Both are 3 season jackets. I wear Fieldsheer mesh pants, also 3 season with the liners.
  2. timk

    New Bike

    I think I see you smiling in that picture. Congrats
  3. That is what I like about the xm radio, you can listen to decades music from the 40's till now.
  4. Big 10 still holds the edge all time against SEC. According to cfbdatawarehouse.com the Big Ten teams vs SEC school records are the following: Ohio St. 7-10 Mich 20-5 Mich St. 5-6 Indiana 26-21 Illinois 2-6 Minnesota 5-3 Wisconsin 4-8 Penn St. 16-6 Purdue 4-5 Iowa 4-3 Northwestern 2-5 That is 95-78 in favor of the Big Ten. I don't know if all those games were while the teams were in those conferences though and I believe it is current to the beginning of the 2007-2008 season.
  5. That's the month we went, cool am's nice pm's.
  6. I learned over 20 years years ago, one reason for the minimal funding for diabetes was NO ONE was dying from diabetes, heart attacks strokes etc. I have requested(sa advised)to my physician to put "complications of diabetes" as cause.
  7. Very good write up. I read in one of the new mc magazines that they were making heaters for the inside of the bars, so you can use your stock grips. I imagine they would take longer to heat up. I have hot grips brand with grip puppies on them, and wouldn't be without them.
  8. 37 years for me as a type one. Best advice is to believe all the horror stories, because they are true, there are many "sweets" you can eat, but you must count the carbs. A lot of times there are more carbs in the low sugar/no sugar candies, etc. 11 eye laser surgurys on my eyes, and 15 months fighting ganghrene on my foot. Since I've been on the pump, the sugars are easier to controll. My endrocronologist classified me as a brittle diabetic. Doesn't matter what kind you have, you MUST TEST YOUR BLOOD SUGAR REGULARLY!!!! That way you can make adjustments.
  9. I got one of those for a Christmas present, Rocket was speaking of. Really bright, even on low power.
  10. We bought a Thor Funmover and a Saturn Vue Dinghy to tow behind.
  11. Thanks, don't know how it got unchecked
  12. I can't view anyone's avitor, including my own. No problem viewing member pics in their profiles, etc. I'm sure the problem is on my end, but can't figure whar it is. Is there a avator turn off or what?? Any help appreciated.
  13. Hot Grips come in 1" as well as 7/8".
  14. I've had the Grip Pups on for close to 3 years now. They still look like new. I drilled the end of the Hot Grips per their instructions, so I could use the bar ends. This was on a FJR, but I think the principle would be the same.
  15. http://www.letssaythanks.com/Home.html
  16. I've had 2 pairs of Hot Grips over the years. Never experienced your problem. I put a set of Grip Puppies over the ones I have now.
  17. When I'm in a impish mood, I ask the clerk if they will accept Federal Reserve Notes(cash). Then I show them one.
  18. Upper Ohio Valley for us, right next to the Ohio river, lots of twisty roads with decent elevation changes. WVa and Pa only 20 minutes away for more of the same.
  19. Don't have a pic, but a few miles out of Moundsville WVa on US250, a farmer had one of those round bales of hay with 8 peices of flexible sewer line coming out of it for legs. Looked like the worlds largest spider.
  20. Haven't varied 6 lbs up or down in the 36 years since discharge.
  21. I know most watresses are just gettin by, so I leave at least 20% at normal(low cost) eateries.
  22. I have a Tour Master Transition, my wife has the Tourmaster Flex. Hers is waterproof and converts to a full mesh. Both are all season jackets. Mine has ram air vents for summer wear. Both are very warm, when used with the cold weather liners. Very well made jackets. ownside is you can't stow them in the bike because of the armor. I think it is CE armor. Pants, I use Fiendshear mesh/armor that also has a winter liner, We both have the Dragon jeans, I use mine for local riding.
  23. The April/May edition of Machinist's Workshop did a test of penetrating oils where they measured the force required to loosen rusty test devices. Buy the issue if you want to see how they did the test. The results reported were interesting. The lower the number of pounds the better. Penetrating oil .. Average load .. Price per fluid ounce None ................. 516 pounds .. WD-40 .............. 238 pounds .. $0.25 PB Blaster ......... 214 pounds .. $0.35 Liquid Wrench ... 127 pounds .. $0.21 Kano Kroil ......... 106 pounds .. $0.75 ATF-Acetone mix.. 53 pounds .. $0.10 The ATF-Acetone mix was a 50/50 mix (1 to 1 ratio).
  24. It's a annual thing for me. I clean the connector with eletronic spray cleaner, then re pack the female side of the connector by putting the opening of the tube right against the connector so as to force ti into the connection, wipe excess, good till next year.
  25. Don, you my be able to sell your rear gears on one of the FJR sites. One guy is swapping one out, and there seems to be a lot of interest. Question: Is the speedometer on the RSV driven by the transmission, or front wheel?
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