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About beckyanne19

  • Birthday September 11

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  • Location
    Woodbury, United States


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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    '88 Venture Royale, '95 Virago 750
  1. I have a garmin zumo 450 - it's significantly cheaper than the 550. I haven't missed the bluetooth stuff which the 550 has, but the extra mounts would be nice. This one is pretty rugged, and definitely helps me get around. When I lead rides I put in the routes, and if I have to detour it's really helpful. Also recommends different routes, and I learn the roads better that way. Kind of a security blanket. -Becky
  2. Need the left side vent for an '88. Mine flew off while I was passing a line of bikes trying to get to the front to do my cornerguard duties. Heard some kind of plastic noise while passing at high speed, noticed it was gone several miles later. If you find a source, let me know! Becky
  3. Thanks again, Rocket. -Becky
  4. Rocket - that makes a lot of sense - the power "surging" probably comes from the cylinder occasionally cutting in. Got my tool kit and electrical meter with me on the bike, any chance I can check/tighten the connections without it being a big project? Otherwise I can at least limp home. Both bikes are now down - Venture with this problem, and my Virago 750 just lost it's stator, so my club ride this weekend looks iffy. Thanks for your quick response - this forum is fantastic and you folks are :337: -Becky
  5. Thanks for the quick reply, gibvel! The tach dropped all the way to zero, but moved occasionally. Volt meter reads OK, all other electrical (radio, lights, etc) seemed OK too. -Becky
  6. Riding into work today, my '88 Venture Royale suddenly lost it's tachometer reading, mostly. It comes on occasionally. At the same time, the engine kind of lost control of it's speed, at least it would rev up and down with the throttle held at the same place. Made it very scary to corner, not knowing it would keep a steady speed. Any ideas on what is wrong? The cruise was off. The charging system is OK. There's gas in it - not full, but should be enough, so it shouldn't be surging the gas tank, though it felt a little like other bikes have when the fuel is about to cut out. Fuel Pump? Some kind of ignition problem? I'm not sure it's safe to ride home, even though it's only a few miles. Does the tachometer get it's signal from some component that controls fuel or spark? Becky
  7. Looking forward to no clunk, and anything that will make it feel more secure on low speed turns would be nice. Sitting higher is OK - it's such a change from my Virago that I may not notice. The bike does feel topheavy compared to my other bikes - all cruisers. I should be tall enough and big enough to handle it, just feels like I need to always worry about keeping it upright when I come to a stop or back it out of the garage. On the plus side, there is virtually no wind when I'm riding it. Goodbye bad hair days! And the little heater vent on the side makes it cozy for Minnesota riding. - Becky
  8. Poledar, Thanks for the offer. Somehow I missed your message until today - already got one but it was much more - $400 - has 9,000 miles on it - but the dealer I bought the bike from payed for most of the repair. Anyway, that fixed the noise on decel - so I'm feeling good about that now. I have the front fork bang when I hit a big bump or go onto the driveway, so I'm trying the progressive springs (my venture riding friends and several of the threads here suggest them). Then, I need to hit the parking lot and get used to the slow speed turns. At high speed it's pretty nice. At low speed it feels a little sloppy and I keep thinking I'm about to dump it. Anyway, thanks for the offer. You and many folks on this site are very helpful. - Becky
  9. Rick, The coupling that the drive shaft spline goes into was cracked, and actually broke when they took out the drive shaft. The nut that holds the coupling to the gear was was sheared off. The gear teeth inside the housing were chipped and rough. My guess is that this caused vibration, which transmitted all the way back to the transmission and created the whining noise. The vibration might have been from the final drive itself. Anyhow, we now have an '88 final drive, and hopefully it'll be here Thursday, and the bike will be ready Friday. Then I'll take it to my mechanic and change all the fluids, and put in new springs on the front fork (it bottoms out sometimes). Thanks, -Becky
  10. Thanks for the clarification, Denden. I'll keep looking for the '86-'93. But I think I could deal with greasing the spline of the drive shaft - I already need to do this when I replace the rear tire on my 750 Virago. Thanks again! - Becky
  11. update on the search for a new rear end (I wish!) I've found a bunch of '83 final drives. Pinwall has an '84 and '85 available that they list as "1200/1300, for $139 & $189. OZ powersports in Kansas has an '88 for $495 (ouch!) SportWheels in Jordan, MN is still looking. So my question - Do I need an '86-'93, or would an '85 work? I'm pretty sure the '83's won't work. I hear they did some changes in '84 to solve the 2nd gear problem, don't know if they changed the rear ends at that time too? Thanks, Becky
  12. Thanks for the help Rick! - I have a request into Sportwheel. 'till then, I'll just be riding the Virago. - Becky
  13. You guys are right - I tried searchin -ebay before, but PinWall has several. Thanks! Hopefully I'll be up and running in a few days, practicing not dropping the bike in a parking lot. The '88 Venture is huge compared to my Virago. Thanks again, Becky
  14. Hi folks, New here, and my 'new to me' 88 Venture is in the shop and needs a new rear drive. Anyone here have a good source? I'm in the Twin Cities area of Minnesota. Thanks!! Becky
  15. I had one on the inside of my helmet visor yesterday. I was riding with the visor up, and then closed it and there he was, crawlin over the inside. Pulled over and gently lifted the visor and flicked him out, but very scary. Got a new black leather jacket this year, and the sleeves don't keep bugs out. Had something crawl up the arm, under the armpit, across my .... then down my tum. I was doing corner guarding for my club, and had to wait for my turn at an intersection. Then I unzip the jacket, pull out the tee shirt, and out he comes. This is the third time something flew up my arm. I'm thinking of getting those bicycle rider pants straps and putting them on my arms. Would work for pants but don't get the air cooling though. -Becky
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