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Everything posted by SapperMedic

  1. :farmer:We thought we would take a trip north towards Johnson City or San Saba to get away for a few hours, Lonestarmedic said he might join us in the afternoon. where's a good hole in the wall to eat up that way? SapperMedic (wilkie)
  2. Ebay to the rescue
  3. :clap2:Hey, I think he doesn't know what he has yet http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/1987-Yamaha-Model-XZ3-1298-cc-34500-in-daily-use_W0QQitemZ200266626596QQihZ010QQcategoryZ6718QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem Wilkie
  4. Just for clarification, any kinda amusement park ride counts, in the parking lot with the roller coaster in the background, the state fair, county fair. the merry go round at the the grocery store. I made it easy, so we can get this going again Wilkie
  5. Great Idea, Sorry I missed the stampede, I tried everything to get out of my clinicals, but still have a 96% average
  6. In my rotation at the ER, we had a Harley rider that zigged when he should have zagged. skipped down the road (and gravel,grass,rocks etc.) Leather pants saved his legs but the Wife Beater shirt and no melon protector means that he almost became the answer to the prayers of dialysis patients waiting for a transplant. I may look like a black leather grandpa (add the mil-spec neon vest) but I am not the most coordinated anyway so its me against them. Sorry to hear about the crash AM. I hope you get back in the saddle quick. Abrasions heal and Chicks dig scars right?
  7. The one weekend that I had to do my clinical rotations for the Emergency Room coincided with the Texas Stampede. It is about a 5 hour ride from here, but I had all kinds of plans to leave right after my shift yesterday and then be back here in time to start the shift at 4 this afternoon, but my instructor called a study hall for yesterday for a refresher. (4 of the 6 of us failed the exam) I asked if I had to be there because I had passed (96%). She said that she wanted me to mentor the other students. I need this course for my potentially next career. I am a nurse already but the Army requires the civilian exployees (which I hope to be in March)to have a paramedic certification to teach the same thing that I have been doing for 25 years. I know JB, Tom and Maverick will bring great pictures and stories back, but Mama told me to stop whining to her, so I thought I would write it out. Sorry to complain. At least I can still ride all winter, and I know some of you already have Seafoam or Stabil in them looking forward to another early spring, so what do I have to complain about. Wow this is therapeutic. Thanks for the chance to vent. Wilkie PS UTAdventure...... will be back in Utah for Thanksgiving so I feel your pain
  8. I talked to my local Kawie dealer today. He said that when they went to the trade show, the company didn't even give them a release date. He said that there were several dealers that wanted to order and were told it would not be available for ordering until after the new year. Then he said that as slow as they ship, even if I paid cash today, I wouldn't see my bike before April. I asked him what they figured it would cost, he said he hoped $16-18K depending on options. I even thought about selling my venture, but Mama put an end to that, BTW My state retirement systems quarterly report came in. It lost 27% this year. Good thing I am retiring from the Army and not Utah. Wilkie "The secret to good management is to keep those who hate you, away from those who have yet to form an opinion" (Casey Stengel)
  9. Gotta remember to attach [ATTACH]22960[/ATTACH]
  10. I have a huge flag at the top of our street, Tag, You're It. You, the bike and any kind of amusement park ride Wilkie
  11. Blues, I hope you get feeling better, Now what I want to know is.......do the stitches make you look better or worse? Wilkie
  12. I took a pix of myself with my bike and yosemite sam from six flags yesterday. does that count. I will download it tomorrow Sapper:thumbsup:
  13. Glad to hear everyone came out without major problems. We got back this morning with the new ride, it is the black cherry colored and has 18,400 miles on. It's not showroom quality, but definitely the closest I ever seen for a 22 year old bike. I rode it for about 30 miles to check any problems and had Barnetts Harley Davidson look at it. Unfortunately their mechanic couldn't be any help except to try to convince me to sell it to him Wilkie:cool10:
  14. I have to go to El Paso (actually Las Cruces) to pick up my new bike, but don't think I'm running away, I will be back to clean up the mess if it hits. Sapper Medic Grenada,Desert Storm, Enduring Freedom, Iraqi Freedom. "Saving Soldiers one war at a time for 26 Years"
  15. As you can see, I have the 87 for sale now. (I am no electrician) and Lonestar Medic found me a beautiful 86. But this one has the hitch on it. I don't plan on towing but thought it probably doesn't increase the sale price on the old bike. Is it worth the time to pull it off just in case, or give it up?
  16. I am brand new, and thanks to Lonestarmedic I have found a great group to talk about my project. I purchased a 87 VR in fair condition, (runs good, looks bad) but the prior owner tried to rewire the lighting and now nothing works, I have the tech manual on disk and all the wiring diagrams. The problem is that he cut and tried to splice everything instead of following where they went. Am I going to have to remove all tape from everything and trace from each light to the fuse box, or is it easier to buy a new wiring harness? I am not as worried about asthetics as I want to get it legal so that my Duramax can get a rest on good sunny days. Thanks in advance
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