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Jus Monkeyin Around

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Everything posted by Jus Monkeyin Around

  1. I have some very sad news today Gunboat passed away this morning in his sleep. As I get more details I will keep everyone posted
  2. I just got a Springfield XDM .40 3.8 inch and I love it. another good one is a Smith & Wesson M& P sub compact .40 its smaller and its more concealable. :2cents:
  3. ME TO :bawling:
  4. :Happy Birthday::Happy Birthday::Happy Birthday::Happy Birthday::Happy Birthday::Happy Birthday:Leaving Houston at 1100 am heading to Baton Rouge see y'all Tonite
  5. Jack That really stinks I hope you find it......
  6. :sign yeah that::sign yeah that:DOODLES TOOK PICS!!!!!!
  7. Nice bike!!!! I really like those but they dont have a radio
  8. Our deepest sympathy goes out to you and your family. Sorry for your loss..!!!!!
  9. prayers are sent out to you dan and rose....
  10. I like this one Nice looking scoot too
  11. OLD GUY
  12. Back from the Dunkin, Just want to give Vance and Brenda a HUGE thank you for the great hospitality and great food at their house.... To my surprise I got Baptized as well, monkey girl really kept a secret as she knew all about it.. and know I have my passport and am a TEXAN!! We had a great time with great friends as always it was great to see Boomer,Kbran,and Bethy boo.
  13. Looks like Honda's version of a B.M.W.
  14. Can't wait to see y'all!!!!!!!
  15. Got this in a text tonight. My dad took his first steps in pt today!!!! They had him push a shopping cart lol I think this is friggin AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!! I just had to share.
  16. We had a very special visit with Ponch last night as this is the first time being able to see him since the day before his accident. He was very tired after being worked over so hard in rehab but still knew who Renee and I were, he waved and tried to speak, showed me his head and all the road rash. All his road rash is about healed up, the bruising is bout gone. It was very good to see him and Kathy. If anyone wants to go see him I would suggest to go on the weekend in the afternoon when he is more awake as these nurses work very hard with him throuhgout the day he would be more awake to visit with you. Kathy mentioned she would like to see y'all to. Keep up the prayers as David is slowley getting better.
  17. Heat the reflector with a heat gun it will come apart
  18. So sorry to hear that Wayne,our condolences to you and your family.
  19. Watch out for the Lions this year, They are looking good!!!!!! It was a great weekend for Michigan sports. GO BLUE, Go Green, GoTigers.
  20. OH I wouldn't miss this fer n e thin.... You can count me and nay nay in.
  21. PT is physical therapy, He is at Tears rehab hospital and they are evaluating him all this week. as I get more I will keep fowarding them to Squidley. I'm at the same point, as I want to go see him. Still praying for you David.
  22. Sending prayers to your sister Hal.... Sending more prayers to you to David
  23. I'm glad to be giving Squid some good news instead of telling him the same thing. But he still has along way to go so lets all keep praying...
  24. I'm rethinking my helmet options and mesh riding jacket!!!
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