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Everything posted by BigBear

  1. Nope...nothing electrical about the charging kit! It's a spray cleaner and oil-type spray to "increase the effectiveness" of the filter (I think)....
  2. I'm contemplating buying a set of K&N Air filters for my 08 RSV. Do the filters come "pre-charged", or do I have to buy a charging kit prior to first use? Thanks in advance!
  3. AirHawk???
  4. These are BOTH GOOD and CLEAR! I got the information I needed. I also have highway pegs mounted down a little lower on the crash bar as well. Thanks...these are exactly what I needed! Walt
  5. Anyone with the Baker Built Air wings installed have a GOOD, clear picture of the finished installation? The instructions showing a diagram of the fnished installation is about 2" x 2"...so it looks like a black "blob". I can't make out much detail...even with my "readers" on! Anyone?
  6. Painted a trunk light wing this weekend with very dark red metallic Colorite rattle-can. Perfect match! The Colorite documentation states that if you use TOO many coats of the clearcoat, it may yellow. I used three..no yellowing...but the dark red may "hide" any yellowing. HTH....
  7. Hey HogHead...sent you a PM.
  8. Just ordered a set for my RSV...should be here mid-week next week! $279.00 plus shipping...but they ARE in stock! :mo money:
  9. Thanks for the data!
  10. A couple of weeks ago, I pulled the rear wheel, differential and drive shaft to do the typical maintenance items. All came apart as expected, and all went back together as expected. Question -> Is there any kind of rear wheel alignment that has to occur? Or does the bolt-up procedure insure proper rear-wheel alignment?
  11. Thanks for the input...I'll let the dealer handle it...
  12. My trunk lid (where the passenger backrest attaches to the lid) has significant cracking around all of the mounting bolts. The cracks have now progressed to the point where they are visible from the outside of the trunk lid. The cracks are in excess of 2"...so I don't believe a "repair" is an option. Probably will have to replace the lid to maintain the integrity and safety of the backrest. Should this be covered under warranty? If it IS repaired under warranty, any ideas on how I can prevent this in the future?
  13. Anyone have a Bushtec hitch for an 08 RSV that they would be looking to part with?
  14. Thanks for the pics! Does the Bushtec hitch have a separate receiver that holds the pin? Or is all one piece? It would be quite handy if the hitch had a seperate reciever, so that I could just pull the receiver, and leave the hitch mounted. And...thanks for the offer to tow! The owner lives in Titusville, and offered to deliver it! Now...just got to come up with a hitch!
  15. I'm hoping to pick up an 08 Bushtec Roadstar trailer this weekend. Now I need to start thinking about a hitch? Bushtec hitches are "pricy"...and not the "attractive".... What/who's hitch do you recommend for an 08 RSV pulling an 08 Bushtec Roadstar trailer? Will the hitch accept the same PIN required for a Bushtec trailer?
  16. I've got them and like them! Keeps the air moving! Look around on the web...there is an article on how to make a set (2) from a WalMart brand beaded car seat cover. Think I spent around $8.00 for mine!
  17. Thanks to a number of you good folks, I was able to perform much-needed mainteance on my scoot! I changed out all of the OEM pads for EBC HH slintered pads...WOW...what a difference! (Thanks Steve!) I also pulled the rear wheel to clean out the 5 pounds of bearing grease that the dealer packed into the splines & pins (Thanks Cougar and Mr Freebird for their outstanding pictorials! And lastly, thanks to the number of folks that added their 2 cents along the way....your comments were invaluable... One again I say... "You guys ROCK!"
  18. Wow....very powerful message! Thanks for sharing!
  19. I've got an 08 RSV, and I'm replacing the brakes this weekend with EBC sintered pads. Which kind of stuff goes on the back of the pads to prevent sqealing? Seems there are two different kinds of goop, one for organic pads and one for ceramic pads. Which one? Since I have not changed the brake fluid...is it safe to assume that an 08 RSV uses DOT 4 brake fluid?
  20. I have a HF ATV jack (el-cheapo) and a carbone-one lift adapter. I'm "planning" on taking off the rear wheel this weekend to clean/lube the splines, etc. Couple of questions: 1) Will the HF jack lift the bike high-enough to allow me to remove the rear wheel? 2) Will the removal of the rear-wheel affect the counter-balance of the bike on the carbone-one lift adapter? 3) How "unstable" will the bike be on the lift-adapter with the rear wheel removed? I'm attempting to eliminate any CATASTROPHIC surprises during this maintenace event! Thanks!
  21. Excellent data! Thanks! For under $20, and a margin of calibration error (+/- 4%), the HF torque wrenches are looking pretty good! Even if I were to drop one, I could buy three more before I reach the price of a Sears torque wrench! Thanks for all of the comment! As usual, you guys rock!
  22. Squidley; That's the dilema...roughly $125 per torque wrench (both inch & ft pds) for something that I will probably use twice a year.... If I was a full-time mechanic, I would WANT better stuff than Harbor Freight! But...I DO believe in "Quality"...hence the question!
  23. Anyone using Harborfreight torque wrenches? Any opinions one way or the other? Thanks!
  24. LOL! Figures! I called the Honda MC dealer...he says their maintenance techs order one tube a year....and they DON'T stock it.... Interesting though..I called Direct Line Parts who sells the Moly 60...he says "it can be found at Walmart, Autozone, etc...just under another name". At Walmart he said it's the "techcraft" label. I asked "60% lithium"...he says "yep...that's were he bought his". Anyway...I'm off to Walmart to confirm my suspicions....that he's probably "mistaken"....or full of it...
  25. So...I know you guys said buy it at Honda... Honda Car Dealer or Honda Motorcycle Dealer???
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