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Everything posted by BigBear

  1. FYI Polk Audio speakers (db 401s and others) on sale at Crutchfield buy one pair...get the scond pair 1/2 price...approx $45.00 savings.:cool10: And...FREE SHIPPING! From Crutchfield's website: Double the speakers, not the price Buy one pair of Polk Audio db-series speakers or subs, and get a second pair of Polk db speakers or a Polk db sub of equal or lesser value for half price. Just add the qualifying Polk Audio gear to your cart. We'll automatically apply the 50% instant savings to the qualifying item on your order.
  2. Fleetwood "WHO"????
  3. Could you loan me a cassette? :rotf:
  4. that the head unit on the RSVs are junk!?!?!?! What I dont understand is...even after amplification, the speakers still sound like crap... Why is that? As you can tell...I'm not an audiophile by ANY stretch of the imagination....so put it in small words! :)
  5. Don't spend the money on an amp UNTIL I do something about the ports/baffles behind the speakers! I know that some have put the foam weatherproof baffles behind the speakers and get somewhat better sound. If I wanted to take the baffle cone a step further...would a rigid plastic cone (instead of foam) provide more "life" to the inidividual speakers? Or are the foam baffles as good as it's gonna get? Reason I'm asking...I was over a Daytona Bike week last weekend, and HEARD a custom stereo installation on a custom bike...and it sounded GREAT! May have to ask the question "how did you do that"???
  6. I'm contemplating adding an amp to an 08 RSV, and I'm considering the following two amps: Poly-Planar ME60 - 4 Channel, 120 watt Amplifier: http://www.polyplanar.com/product/me60-4-channel-120-watt-amplifier-volume-control and Poly-Planar ME400D - Class D Power Amplifier (125w x 4 ch) http://www.polyplanar.com/sites/default/files/documentation_pdfs/me-400d.pdf Anyone have any experience with either? What amplifier did you install on your bike? Happy with it? Thanks for any and all comments/suggestions.
  7. My "most used" apps: Pandora (I have an all-you-can-eat data plan) Facebook WWF (Words with Friends) RunKeeper MotoMinder (maintenance tracker) Aurasma Lite
  8. What do you DO with that lathe?
  9. Thanks Twigg!
  10. Any members in Florida have a shim kit...or just the shim tool...that wouldn't mind loaning them out for a couple of weeks? Decided to take the plunge and check the clearance on my valve shims, and replace the ones that need replacing! Thanks!
  11. ASUS used a VIA chipset in that particular board ...VIA indicates that Windows 7 has the most current drivers for that chipset. http://www.techsupportforum.com/forums/f16/solved-asus-a8v-deluxe-seagate-barracuda-1-5-tb-wont-work-333432.html This link gives some pointers on how to get > 1TB drives working on your MB...but looks to be connecting the drive to the "other" controller (RAID controller)
  12. Last weekend, I pulled the carbs to clean the jets (both sets). Pilots were clogged, mains were fine. Started the mixture screws at 3 turns out from seated. Question: Is there a recommendation on WHICH CARB to begin the mixture adjustment process? I've review numerous threads regarding the adjustment process, but no mention of which carb to begin with. Does it matter? Question: Does the idle adjustment affect all four carbs? Or does turning the idle adjustment screw adjust one carb, then the others "synch-up" to it?
  13. What version of BIOS is your MB? Looks like the *newest" BIOS release is 1017 (5 Dec 05) with a BETA relase of 1018.002 in Aug 2009. The 1017 (2005) release may NOT support the larger (> 1TB) drives... Windows 7 "may" have a newer ACPI driver to support the drive.
  14. I'm trying to figure out how to keep it from "rolling"... it never really displays ONE SPECIFIC RPM...seems to be 750, then 804, then 690, then 850... Kind of hard to adjust the idle when it keeps jumping around...
  15. Anyone have a PDF version of the instruction manual for the Electronic Specialites 325 clamp-on digital tachometer? My printed version has grown legs....
  16. Mike; The air intake is the little black rectangle on right side of that picture...There is a plastic pice that snaps into that hole with a hose barb on it. I was thinking about putting some filter-type material in that opening (not the trumpet openings).
  17. I've finally got around to installing a Stebel horn...and have a question about the air intake. I understand the logic behind installing the hose to provide "clean/clear" air to to the compressor. Since I've mounted the horn in the factory default horn location using Carbon_Ones mounting bracket, and the air intake clips into the horn is downward facing, couldn't I cut a small piece of a "horse hair" AC filter and insert that into the air intake opening, thereby eliminating the black plastic fitting and the unsightly hose option??? Seems like that would be an easy solution? Thoughts?
  18. I agree...I prefer the Skyway over the Dragon...way tooooo many CRAZYS on Dragon... This summer, we rode US 28 from just north of Augusta, GA til it intersected with US 129...capped off the day with a ride on the Dragon...headed to Wears Valley. Anyone interested in the videos? Captured the whole ride on the GoPro!!! LOL!
  19. I've a 2008 RSV that I've owned since brand new. This weekend, I decided to clean the carbs per some great instructions on this site. The diaphrams on the right side of the carb banks looked fine. However, both of the left side diaphrams looked DEFORMED... While the left diaphrams dont have any holes in them, the center hole looks deformed (larger...maybe swollen), and doesnt fit the slide as well as the right-side diaphrams do. The left side air box-to-airfilter hose was completely disconnected as well (back to my theory on 16-year old "technicians")... I'm going to order two new diaphrams for the left side.... QUESTION: What would be some of the issues I would have if the diaphrams were bad? Lower MPG...less vacuum...no power in 5th gear... I defer the to the wealth of knowledge on this site! Thanks!
  20. Runnings ligths then brake lights
  21. I went with the Custom Dynamics LEDs. Here are some before and after pics....judge for yourslef!
  22. Most Autoparts stores carry Dorman products. This part number -> 47392 contains 6 - 7/32" caps (5.5 MM) ...costs a whopping $3.00. Got mine at Advance Discount Auto...
  23. My wife just pointed these out to me: http://www.llbean.com/llb/shop/70813?feat=sr I've been reading these "heated clothing" threads with interest! During the "winters" in FL, my wife gets cold (who's doesnt?? )...mostly her hands/fingers. Anyone have a pair of these gloves? Do they work? How long does a charge last?
  24. A couple of weeks back, I had the water pump inner seal leaking oil into the cooling system (2008 RSV). No problem...took it to the dealer, and they warrantied the entire repair. The tech told me that he flushed the entire cooling system twice. Thanked them kindly, and rode home (approx 50 miles). I got home and pulled the side panel off to insure the dealer did a good job flushing the cooling system....as I suspected, there appears to be a cream-color sludge in the reservoir. I have used radiator flush in cars to clean and flush a car's cooling system. Should the dealer have used a chemical flush to remove the oil from the cooling system? Seems to me, just filling the cooling system, then draining it (twice) isn't going to remove the oily sludge. Your comments would be greatly appreciated...dealer opens on Tuesday...gonna give them an earful..
  25. My chlorinator is disabled when running the spa...because it is connected (spills over) into my pool. That keeps the spa from over-chlorinating when it's in use... I dont beleive there would be enough water volume in a standalone spa to make a chlorine generator worthwhile?
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