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Everything posted by bryan52577

  1. I had brand new Avons put on my o5 and had the same problem. Wobble / shimmy when letting off gas. Took it back to the shop and dealer lifted the bike up and spun the front tire. That is where it got interesting, bead was set good and true. But tire had a bow in it side to side and was not "round" tire would go in and out as we spun it. Only time I could tell was when I let off the gas. Avon sent a new tire "free" but it didn't get here by the long weekend. So dealer put on a Dunlop E3 he had (we tested the bike with it on before telling Avon too) and I bought it. Turns out it was of the 130 size not the 150 size...... After just 100 miles on the 130 I will never put the 150 back on! WOW is all I can say. " Now I have a 150 new Avon just sitting in my garage." Avon had less noise than the Dunlop and Dunlop or Avon don't matter to me but I am hooked on the 130 now. Long story short have the front tire checked, (even new tires can be bad) or the steering head bolt could be loose too. Bryan
  2. That all looks so real? So that is what I look like? That is why I stay away from mirrors. Gee, Thanks
  3. Work for "MBCI / ABC" metal buildings, in Omaha it's close to the air-port on Elison dr. As for riding I would like to but company will not let me, have to take company pick-up back and forth. Thanks for the comment on the trailer, built & pulled it for the past 11 years with a Honda Shadow Spirit 1100cc. The RSV does not even know its back there. LOL May get off at 5:00pm today think my cell # is in the profile. If you want to give me a call and we could meet for supper some where? Bryan
  4. I work in Omaha about every other week. That is where I am this week. Do the maintenance at the plant here and in Oskaloosa. Wish they would hire another guy ,,,,, but guess it's job security? Bryan
  5. Nope, didn't go west of Oskaloosa. We may have to have a small meet & eat to get to know each other? Bryan
  6. I saw a Black Venture "2nd gen" heading east on hi-way # 92 out of Oskaloosa, Iowa November 1st at 1:40pm. Anyone from here? I was in the cage, been pheasant hunting.:bawling:The long guns stick off the trunk of the RSV to far and look funny. Plus the little woman says I can't turn her saddle bag into a game bag. Bryan
  7. Got our mug yesterday, THANKS! Got to try it out for work tomorrow. Bryan
  8. That is not a "con" when you see a few of those "fainting" goats,,,,,,,,,,, Yep! it will make you laugh real good. Bryan
  9. $$ sent for 2 second gen pins. Thanks, Bryan
  10. $$ sent pay-pal for 1 mug, keep the change.........Thanks Don Bryan
  11. Sounds interesting, I would like to see it first? OH heck, count me in for 1 also. Bryan
  12. It sucks but I guess I have to agree with Redrider. This is what I got from the SSI page > Figuring the reduction Your monthly Social Security disability benefits, including benefits payable to your family members, are added together with your workers’ compensation or other public disability payment. If the total amount of these benefits exceeds 80 percent of your average current earnings, the excess amount is deducted from your Social Security benefit. Example: Before you became disabled your average current earnings were $4,000 a month. You, your spouse and your two children would be eligible to receive a total of $2,200 a month in Social Security disability benefits. However, you also receive $2,000 a month from workers’ compensation. Because the total amount of benefits you would receive ($4,200) is more than $3,200 (80 percent of your average current earnings), your family’s Social Security benefits will be reduced by $1,000. Your Social Security benefit will be reduced until the month you reach age 65 or the month your other benefits stop, whichever comes first. Bryan
  13. . I'll take two of the second gen. Let me know when & where to send $$. Will the $1 per pin be included in price and you send it to Don when you get them all sold or do we send in the $1 separately? Thanks, Bryan
  14. I'm good for 1 mug. Bryan
  15. Well I will take one (1) also. And do they come with the case too? Bryan
  16. Wheels may not be ballanced or may have a bad tire. I put on new Avons and the front tire was bad. Avon gave me a new one so it can happen. May also want to check the steering head bolt, make sure it does not have play there. Bryan
  17. It is Savanna, IL right across the Mississippi from Sabula, IA on highways # 84, # 52 and # 64. Up river from Clinton, IA and down river from Dubuque, IA. Some are riding in on Friday October 2nd and a few on Saturday morning, (EARLY). I think from what I have read we are planning on heading out for breakfast around 8:00 am and then on the ride at 10:00 am to give the people coming on Saturday a chance to get there. Ride could go into Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa and of course Illinois. Most are staying at the L&M motel but I think they are full so you may check other motels in the area if you want to stay the Friday or Saturday nights. On a side note I saw where "Poopy's" restaurant is having Confederate Railroad for a band on Sunday from 1:00pm to 6:00pm think we may stay and watch them for a while also. Sounds like a good ride so come on and join the fun! Bryan [ame=http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=38766]Here[/ame] is a link to the thread Red started.
  18. Steve, There is a ride at Savava Ill October 3rd tha Red 1 started. We are going Friday. Welcome to head up there and ride along. Bryan
  19. I could use 2 myself.... What kind of cost are we looking at? Bryan
  20. I am same size as you. Wife is in the 5' 7" and 140 ish catagory. We pull a trailer and have the bags and trunk pretty much full on trips and have NO issues at all. We both love the bike and have never bottomed it out. Run about 35psi in the rear shocks. Hope this helps. Bryan
  21. Mine just did the same thing when I put on brand new Avons. Well the tire was in ballance but it was out of round and would move side to side. The bead was good and everything. Avon sent me a brand new tire free of charge, but it did not get here in time for the Labor day weekend. So the dealer had a Dunlop "E3" in the 130 size. I bought it and was going to change when my Avon came in..... Well that 130 made a world of change to my in town driving. Needless to say the 150 is out and the 130 in on. Dunlop has more road noise then the Avon, but 130 is for me. Bryan
  22. Just a thought...... Wouldn't it be neet to have a traveling rally? Think about it, we could plan a route around some of the great lakes. That would incorperate both US and Canada. We could all help each other pack up and leave by 10 am, ride till lunch then ride and see a lot a GREAT seanery on both sides. Travel 200 ish miles a day. Riders could join in anywhere and get out anywhere. Could have camp grounds and motels close by for those that don't camp. Set up camp about 4:00 pm and the riders that wanted to see more of the areas could go on another 2 to 3 hour ride each day if they wanted. Have a couple of days that are supper over the camp fires. Set and swap stories? If you know the route and know where and when the rest would be there you could call and get reservations and what not ahead of time. Anyway it is just a thought I had and threw out here. Bryan
  23. Just got home from work and I got mine too!! Kid has the camera so no pictures this week anyway. LOOKS GREAT ON Bike and trailer! First rate job!!! Thanks again Randy! Bryan
  24. I have been reading about the Motorkote saga too. I put in MOTORKOTE 4oz in the oil. (Pick it up at a Flying J in Omaha, 32 oz paid $22 for it. "They charged me wrong price the shelf said $29 but who am I to argue, right?) Anyway went for 75 mile ride. The wonderful chirp "even after only 75 miles" is 30 to 40% quieter. I am hard of hearing and I now hear more of the exhaust that the "chirp" was covering. COOL,,, sounds great. I will give the "130" E3 Dunlop and the MOTORKOTE a better run for the money this weekend. This will be two up not just me. Bryan
  25. I have heard and read about the Avon V Dunlop tires. I have heard about the 150 v 130 for handling. And I have been reading about the Motorkote saga. Well here is my story, I decided to go with the Avons front & rear last week of June 2009. Front end had a little hop when I first picked up bike from service. Was going to take it back and then thought it was the way they banded the tires together from factory and it would come out of it. (They were banded tight causing the tires to sink in where the six bands were). Well not sure if it came out or got use to it but bike started to get a shimmy in the front when stopping. Thought it was the "black-top" road, then it started doing it on pavement. Well I took it back last Saturday to the shop as I had to go to Omaha to work for the week. Shop called me at 10 am on Monday said the tire was not true (around or side to side) but still was in balance. Said they called Avon and Avon was going to replace the tire free of charge (had to pay for mounting & balance). Shop mounted a Donlop 130 E3 on it and test road it to check everything else and said bike road like a dream compared to when I brought it in. (My thoughts were "Yah,,,Right") Well Avon was sending a new tire and it "would" be here before the long weekend. WRONG.... Shop called me as I was heading back from Omaha today and said tire did not make it. So I said is the Dunlop still on it? Shop said yes, I said leave it on and I would buy it and have the Avon as a spare when it comes in. (Why not right)? Figured I could check out this fantasy of the 150 V 130 this way. WOW!!!!!! I could tell the first 50 feet this tire was great at low speeds! I took it out on the road, put on 5 miles in town 25 on highway then came back and paid for it. Road home changed close and also put in MOTORKOTE 4oz in the oil. (Pick it up at a Flying J in Omaha, 32 oz paid $22 for it. "They charged me wrong price the shelf said $29 but who am I to argue, right?) Anyway went for 75 mile ride. Tire is GREAT handling, has more noise than the Avon (even a bad Avon). The wonderful chirp "even after only 75 miles" is 30 to 40% quieter. I am hard of hearing and I now hear more of the exhaust that the "chirp" was covering. COOL,,, sounds great. I will give the 130 E3 Dunlop and the MOTORKOTE a better run for the money this weekend. This will be two up not just me. Not sure where we are going but who cares right as long as we are riding! 130 V 150???? So far 130 has it hands down for handling for me. Believer. Avon V Dunlop for noise??? So far the Avon was quieter, for me. MOTORKOTE??? Up in the air so far, but looking good , for me. More up-date later, my two fingers that I type with are tired now. Bryan...Who wishes he would have paid more attention to the typing teacher then the cute brunette in the desk in front of me.
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