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Everything posted by shriva

  1. What year? I would look around and buy a used one.. EDIT: saw in your profile you have an 83? Check with capt murph... i bought the rear master from him, he may still have the rear res. He's got good prices and ships fast! If he doesn't have it check the rest of the classifes here!
  2. I would just do what your did.. "What helmet? Ohhh, You mean my weird looking hat?" He can give you a ticket, but the judge would throw it out if you went to the hearing.
  3. Thanks to the master cly and rear caliper that i got from Captain Murph---> i now have brakes! Still alittle spongy, but i'll finish bleeding them tomorrow (thanks god for mityvac!) The problem was the rear master cyl is was just not pumping enough under pressure. Thanks for all the help and suggestions from everyone! it was a real help when i felt like draging it into the Ocean.. hehe Finish beeding and putting the fairing on and cleaning it up and it will just be ready in time for me to put it in the garage when the hurricane gets here..lol (I live in Alabama right on the coast)
  4. If they were already stoped and the PO's stopped to give them some protection with the lights then.. That i have no problem with, heck.. would buy them some coffee or something! lol
  5. Pulled them over to protect them? What? I wouldn't want anyone pulling me over to "protect" me.. I'm an adult i can pull off the road myself at an exit or something if i want.
  6. Its people like that that really piss me off.. He takes a helmet thinking he is saving $50 and he causes thousands of dollars of damage that the tax payers have to take care of. 1. the time it takes you to go back and do everything, victim/witness.. and the paperwork and warant. 2. the time of the other PO's to look for him and issue warant. 3. extradition process and then the fugitive squad. 4. then the cost of holding him in custody for about a week. How much is all that gonna cost?? And what is the ammount he will most likely pay? Costs alot i bet and he will hardly pay anything and the taxpayers pick up the rest of the tab..
  7. Thats pretty cool.. not my style though.. having my feet stick out in front of the wheels, hehe Did some googling and found this.. http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/mm82/tshtrikes/?action=view&current=S7300566.flv along with lots of photos and a couple more videos at http://tshtrikes.com/?cat=4 THAT is almost exactly what i want to do.. except i wouldn't test drive with those sharp pointy parts ready to impale my head! lol Thats with the side by side seating also..
  8. Your all looking at me like i'm crazy arn't you?
  9. I know here in AL, you can put a storage lien on the bike.. Problem is it takes like 60-90 days before you can then close on it and apply for the title in your name. Couple things... 1. The person you bought it from.. did they have a title and lost it? You can have them apply for a replacement title and then have them transfer it to you when it comes in.. Could take a week or so? 2. If they also didn't have the title was it stolen or something? lol WHY don't they have it? If they got it off a friend see if the friend can apply for replacement title and then transfer into your name. 3. if you have no idea you can search for the title owner (there are forms for this at the DMV i believe) then ask them to transfer it over. Have a lien on it forst incase they try and pull a fast one and try and get it back for nothing. Thats if it wasn't stolen of course..
  10. A frame WITH a title don't forget.. Good luck!
  11. Reverse trike, hammerhead trike,tadpole trike.. whatever you want to call it.. Two wheels in front and one in the back. I'm planing on starting one this winter... Heres the plan... (in simple terms) 1. Get a donor car. (small front wheel drive automatic car) 2. Then chop off everything from the dashboard back. 3. Leaving the whole front end, that i can then weld on a frame leading back to the single rear wheel. 4. Then fabricate a fiberglass or carbon fiber body to make it look cool..lol 5. Ride it off into the sunset! -------------------------------- SOOOOOOOO.... Has anyone done something like this here? What are some of the "major" problems i might run into? Couple options.. Leave it a side by side 2 seater. Or make seating like a reg bike 2 seater astride. Side by side i could leave most of the stearing alone i think.. Astride i would have to change it around somehow, to center the stearing handlebars. Basicly just an idea so far.. just thinking of starting to plan it out. Its had to be done before so i'll of course google it and see what i can find.. but wanted to see if anyone here had done anything like this?
  12. I'll try again tonight the way you outlined! Why do they make it so hard? lol
  13. I took off the rear caliper, and it apears to be stuck all the way in.. can't get them to move at all.. I sent a msg to a guy in the classifies here that was parting out 2 bikes and hes only 42 miles from me.. so i'm hoping he has the master and rear caliper and i'll just replace them all and start fresh. I hooked the vac upto the hose that connects to the caliper and it gets fluid out there fine.. but heck if i can get all the parts i'll do the swap and keep these as spares if i rebuild them. I am just sooooo tired of fighting it..lol
  14. The res looked super clean and the fluid looked like new, but the guy i bought it off of may have added enough new if he was trying to fix it. I was just trying whatever i could before i rebuild the master.. But it looks like i'm not going to get lucky..hehe I'll starting pulling it apart tonight i guess
  15. i just thought of something.. I remember when i was searching here for this problem somebody plugged (with a bolt i think) where the front line attaches to the rear master. So the petal only worked the back and then linked the two front together to the front brake handle. Would i be able to do that to test the master? Like i plug where the line comes out to the back brakes and see if the rear master works the front left brake? Maybe i could do that to try and narrow down exactly what part i need to fix/replace...?
  16. went with one suggestion first and got a mityvac... Front it bleeds it out well, Back though it sucks mostly air out.. does have some fluid coming out to but its like a sputtering and mostly air.. brake res goes down a little... but very little and slowly. I'm going to make sure i put some teflon tape on the bleeder threads and make sure the mityvac is tight on the bleeder... But does anyone have any idea what it could be? It that a sign the the master or caliper is shot?
  17. I saw the front dive was connected to the brakes also.. bleed that too! i was bleeding anything i could find..lol I pumped the brakes a good 40-50 times and still no pressure. Could it be the master even though it is pumping out fluid at the bleeders? And is that rebuildable? or do i have to get a new one?
  18. 1983 venture. Front right brake = work perfect! back brakes and left front = nothing. Bled the front left, squirts out brake fluid. Bled back, squirts out fluid. Did that for about an hour, nothing. petal goes all the way down. Came here and read everything i could find about 1st gen brakes.. seems others had this problem also.. found there is supposed to be a bleeder up by the forks? took off front fairing. Found what apears to be a valve up under there? No bleeder looking thing like i saw in a pic just a bolt? what the heck! bled that too, about 8oz of fluid.. Breaks still go all the way down.. bled front and back again.. all squirt real good. Brake still all the way down.. no stopage (that a word?) at all when i roll it back and forth. :crying: so 3+ hours of bleeding and about 16oz of fluid and still no brakes? Am i doing it wrong? i have bleed brake on a car before but never a bike, and never a linked system like this.. What do i do next? Help! lol
  19. is your home itunes and work itunes the same account? Or is it a different itunes account? (friend or whatever?)
  20. You should send this in to your local newspaper editoral section... and then vote republician.
  21. any update on this? looks cool.
  22. Now you have to ask also... How much would you get it you parted it out? Take the one i just bought.. 1983 venture less then 20k (runs real good) normal wear (kept outside, would need repaint) all plastic good except front top fairing thats a 5 out of ten. If you were to part it out how much would you get? I assume the engine would be the biggest price item?
  23. Bought a 83 venture. Front fairings are pretty beat up, was wondering what years are interchangable for the 1983 fairings? I'm going to look around and see if i can find any before i try rebuilding the ones i have.. Still working on cleaning out the back (and front left) brake lines. Thanks to the info on this site i know what to do! lol
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