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About DMW

  • Birthday 11/25/1952

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  • Name


  • Location
    Thomson, Georgia, GA, United States


  • City
    Thomson, Georgia


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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    2003 venture

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  1. #1 : Get the price down #2 : To many models ( design for dealership options to change look) #3 : Remember most are Toys nice to have not necessary
  2. Beauuuuuuuu t fullllllllllllll.
  3. Hi All, I am still riding my 03 as much as I can. Have health issues limiting my riding time. I still check in here to see what's going on. I can say this, this site has saved me a lot of headaches over the years with all the Tech help. I ride with a group of folks I worked with and others that join in. We have no official group, just some guys and gals that like to ride. WE have had rides were almost every manufacturer has had a bike represented. Riding for me is the therapy I need.
  4. Neutral safety switch, had the same thing. Don't remember part #, should be on here some were, search oil leak or switch itself.
  5. Have you thought about the battery? I had a fairly new battery do this to me, it would go almost dead in a few days, recharge working find, then do it again. Had the place I purchased battery to test it for warranty, it tested good. Did it again, this time after only two days sitting. Talked the place I purchased from into replacing it. Been 5 yrs now on that battery no problems. Note: Most cars and bikes have electronics that draw power for up to 15 min. after turn off, then drain goes down to almost nothing, less than 5ma.
  6. Get you a metric gauge, it makes doing the math for the correct replacement size. Also their are some members on this site that will loan you the tool to remove the shims. There is a lot of info on doing adj. here is one https://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?38340-2nd-Gen-Valve-Adjustment
  7. DMW

    Vogel 2019

    ? can't find a motel with the name Blairsville Motel, looking at trying to attend this one, don't camp anymore. Trying to get idea were others are staying. Still don't see on the calendar, dates are 14-18 August, right?
  8. Just a little more info, I had replaced the valve cover gaskets in the pass without removing the carbs. This time I removed the carbs, made it a lot easier to do job. I did have to remove a couple of parts I reinstalled, due to woops can't put this on. One was removing the dog bones again to get the chrome covers back on. Memory not as good as use to be.
  9. Just finished doing valve adjustment on my 2003 RSV. A friend came up with tool and advice for shims, he rides vintage Honda and told me I could get shims for a Honda a lot cheaper. He put me onto this site,( https://www.z1enterprises.com/engine-parts/shims.htmlt), $4.83 each. This was the 1st time needed to do adj. A little info, all the intakes were out of tolerance by almost the same amount, the exhaust were all in tolerance with only one at lowest end, so did that one also. As always reading info on this site helped a lot.
  10. Update, I think I found the problem with my gasket. I used orginal yamaha part. I did not want to buy the bolt grommets, just to pricey,$9 ea.( I can't under stand why they are so high, the ones for my previous GoldWing were only about $3 ea. and still are. Used a suggestion from Tech section about using washer. Just checked I have a thinner washer on the 1-3 covers, the ones on the 2-4 are twice as thick! Therefore, I created the problem!! Going to do some research to seeing if I can find a better price on the grommets. Thinks for all the input,
  11. Thanks, Merry Christmas to All
  12. Removed valve cover cyl 2&4, leaking. Had replaced once before around 50,000 miles, now have 98,000. Was leaking into spark plug area. The gasket had splits in it. Almost looks like it melted. Has anyone seen this before? Pixs attached. Is their something I need to check before replacing?
  13. Made me go to thinking, 1st bike Honda CB160, then Honda CB175, next was a Harley Chopper hard tail home made and Triumph 500. Stopped riding for 20 years raising family. Then rode old Goldwings (70's) Was looking for a newer bike, something reliable, found a 2003 RSV in Cycle Trader went to look, rode, fell in love. Still riding it!!!
  14. DMW


    Hope everyone is enjoying today, giving thanks for all we have. Even if you don't celerbrate today, have a nice day.
  15. Like Wise; Took my boots off 50 years. Spent the next 40 Plus years working on a military base. Met a lot of young people just enetering and seen a lot of them after deployment, now grown men and women. Hats off to all.
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