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Everything posted by Bummer

  1. , Dan! Even if it is a little late. And happy Anniversary while we're at it. I hope Rose can forgive you for celebrating your Anniversary by scaring her half to death. Anyway, may you both have many more of both!
  2. Since you mentioned Somerset, let me just say: 192 from Corbin to Somerset (or the other way around). Very nice.
  3. Sure. Sorry, can't help with the First Gen.
  4. Another vote for the Stebel. Larry's bracket and wiring will save you a lot of hassle. I also added a set of Fiamm ultra-loud electrics inside the fairing. I remove the horn that was in the left lower, routed a set of wires up into the front fairing, and added a relay to fire the Fiamms. They came from Pep Boys. Reasonable price. Adds nicely to the Stebel. This thread shows how I did it. There's other stuff not related to the horns, but you can get the idea from the pics. FYI, Stebel also makes a "truck" horn I'd like to add, but I haven't figured out where yet. As far as I can tell it only comes in black. Not pretty, but one can never have too many horns.
  5. I'm not really sure about the temp at the top. We each wore our rain jacket, a down vest, and our normal riding gear. (Draggin' shirt and a t-shirt.) Irene swears it was in the forties, but I think it was mid fifties. Bear in mind, it was that scorching 100+ stuff most everywhere else. Glacier became our favorite National Park. The scenery is absolutely beautiful. Not as high as Rocky Mountain National Park, but the scenery is more dramatic.
  6. Irene and I are taking the long route to Cody. Visited a grandson in ND, then went across Going To The Sun road in Glacier National Park. Once I get them converted I'll post more pics. (I'm running behind - still trying to get the pics from Maintenance Day done. Nothing like a job to mess up a perfectly good hobby.)
  7. Happy Thirtieth Birthday, Carl! May you have many more!
  8. Not a Michigan rider, but... Irene and I are heading out mid-day (Friday). We're heading up and across Illinois, Iowa, and Minnesota, then across North Dakota to spend a couple of days visiting a grandson and his mom in Williston. From there we're heading across Going To The Sun in Glacier (it opened on the 13th). Then a casual ride south to Cody. We should be rolling in on Sunday afternoon. We're taking the laptop and will check back when we can. If we see any Ventures we'll holler on channel 29 (as always).
  9. Had a waterbed for years. Have a "Sleep Number" bed now. Turns out I don't have a number. Who knew? One of these days we'll be back on a waterbed.
  10. Yep. That's about right. (Corrected speedo.) I checked on the way to work last night. Then I downshifted twice to get the rpms back up where they belong. 45 in 5th? Oh no. I'm a 3rd kind of guy.
  11. , Quickstep! May you have many more!
  12. Glad to hear you're happy so far. Sorry I couldn't get over there to meet you. Have a safe and fun trip home.
  13. I'm glad to see you're here to tell us about it. Heal up quickly.
  14. Eileen and Don, A huge Thank You from Irene and me! We always have a wonderful time, and greatly appreciate your hospitality. As in the past, we got to see many old friends, and make some new ones. For that no thank you can be quite large enough.
  15. As well it should. Glad you had a safe and enjoyable time.
  16. Altitude problems? Tune up time? Mine did just fine all the way to the top of Pike's Peak and Mount Evans. In fact it ran better than a couple of fuel injected BMW adventure tourers. It was weaker than normal but nothing out of the expected at that altitude. I've had absolutely no problem at all going up Trail Ridge Road or the Beartooth. Those are 12k and 10k respectively. Bucking and sputtering? In fifth? How slow were you going? These things aren't two cylinder thumpers. They like to rev and will perform far better at higher rpms. Do you have a tach? I often run 70mph interstates in third. I don't really like fifth until I'm out on a long stretch of interstate doing at least 65. Remember, fourth is a little bit overdrive. Fifth is quite a bit. Mine has hit 100 in third with a Dyna set at 7500rpms. You may just need to turn it up by shifting down. Overall it sounds like you had a nice ride, though personally I don't consider a vacation the real thing unless it hits at least 5k miles. Irene and I are looking forward to this year's International at Cody. Going there by way of Glacier.
  17. Great pics, Dennis! Irene and I really wish we could have made it again this year.
  18. Thanks sis. My friends, thank you one and all. So far it's been a great day. With friends like the ones I've gained thanks to Freebird and his gift to us all of VR.o, I expect the days to remain very good. Take care, and I'll see you all somewhere on the road.
  19. I much prefer the Avons' handling and will go back to them the next time I need tyres. I'm on E3s right now because of the cracking. While some of us have had problems, I'm working under the assumption that it was something that will pass. Poor warehouse storage? Bad batch? I don't know. I just know I like them better.
  20. I rode across Kansas at what felt like a 45 degree angle because of a wind storm blowing 90 degrees off from my direction of travel. The large solid surface presented by the First Gen made it terrible in cross winds. Passing through semi blast was not a problem, since the fairing is frame mounted. My Second Gen is not anywhere near as bad in actual crosswinds as my First Gen was. Passing through semi blast is much worse on the Second Gen, doubtless due to the fork mounted fairing. For issues of general handling I prefer to raise the rear with leveling links rather than run the narrower tire. Both help handling, but the links don't suffer from wander and following rain grooves like the narrow tire does.
  21. You can pretty much count on a little of that. Ask Squidley.
  22. You might want to check with Skydoc_17 to see if he's still selling the R1/R6 calipers. Those things make a world of difference in stopping power. Add the HH pads, and the stainless lines, and wow!
  23. Can you check the build date for us? I'm wondering if the tires you have are from the older batches, or if they're still having problems. There are a number of us who have run Venoms, like them for the handling, but quit using them because of sidewall cracking. There are threads on here about the problem. I'm hoping they'll get past this. I'm running E3s but prefer the handling of the Venom. By the way, take 'em to your nearest Avon dealer and show them the problem. If the dealer doesn't do you right, contact Avon's customer service. In the past Avon has been very good about taking care of folks with this sort of problem.
  24. , Sleeperhawk! May you have many more!
  25. I haven't found a link to the hollow point incident yet. I'll keep looking. The board it was discussed on uses VBulletin but without the more advanced search Don has given us here. I did find these: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2011/01/18/traveling-mans-gun-arrest-appealed-supreme-court/ http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2010/12/21/christie-commutes-sentence-man-sent-jail-owning-guns/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+foxnews%2Fpolitics+%28Internal+-+Politics+-+Text%29&utm_content=My+Yahoo#content I found a link that quotes Indiana law, which contains the Federal law almost word for word. It includes the "legal to own and carry" wording, which pretty much means the bearer needs to have a license. Ultimately my point is that yes, the law does say we can, but having to argue about it could really mess up a vacation.
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