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Everything posted by Bummer

  1. , Brad! May you have many more!
  2. Alan and Annie, Irene and I are glad we got to spend some time with you at Cody. We're proud that you came all the way from Australia to ride our roads and share time with us all. (Gotta love those mountains.)
  3. Wayne and Robin, so sorry to hear this. Irene and I send our condolences. May your entire family find strength during this troubling time.
  4. I haven't seen the commercial - I don't watch much TV. Still, that's an absolutely beautiful area to go riding. If it comes on while I happen to be watching, I'll not turn away. I won't buy their insurance but I'll sure drool over the ride. Yamaha used the Lynn Cove Viaduct for some of it's ad photos a few years back. That's now why I bought a Venture, but I didn't mind looking at the scenery.
  5. Nope. It's when the soap starts inexplicably removing all the color from your hair.
  6. Yama Mama, I welcome Irene's input. Maybe not the ones that sound panic stricken and startle me, but I definitely appreciate it when she has a warning about a road hazard. Of course it's better when it's a calm "Gravel ahead" than when it's an "AHHHHH we're gonna die!" The unfortunate fact is that the onslaught of maturity isn't all it's cracked up to be. I've missed stuff before that I should have caught. I'll take all the help I can get.
  7. '06 - original shock died at around 51k miles on the way to Cody for the International. Replaced at about 53k miles on the second day in Cody. (I can't say enough good stuff about Mountain Valley Power Sports in Cody! Got me a shock overnight, then shoehorned me in the day they got it. They didn't charge an arm, much less an arm and a leg to install it. Fantastic bunch of people!) The shock never lost its oil, and it always held air pressure. The rear of the bike bounced like a pogo stick. Now that I have a new stock shock I'm going to watch the Works vs. Hagon comparisons to see what to change to, then put this one on the shelf as backup while it still works.
  8. Those sure looked like the new MAX mufflers.
  9. Bummer


    I had VenomX but went to E3s (bias) because of sidewall cracking problems on the VenomX rear. When the E3s wear out, I'll go back to the VenomX. I like them the best and the problem seems to have passed.
  10. Wow, Larry, I'm glad you and Joyce are ok. As so many have said, better the car than the trike. The amount of "much worse" it could have been is pretty large. I didn't notice mention of your back, so that's a good thing. You must have been turned the right direction. And no hugs for Joyce until those sore muscles are back to normal. Of course then the hugs to both of you from all of us.
  11. Irene and I were saddened to hear that family problems kept you away from Cody, knowing that it couldn't be good, and now saddened even more to learn why. Our thoughts are with you all.
  12. He might want to look into that one anyway. I have a Second Gen but use the VentureLine bag I got years ago for my '85 RSV. It works great, and with the exception of the external pockets it looks almost identical to the one in your pics. Mine uses multiple snap tabs, which are starting to break after all these years, to hold it to the trunk rack. I'm trying to talk my wife into changing them to velcro, but have had no luck so far. I'll probably be looking into one of those myself. (Thanks Brian.)
  13. Irene and I can certainly understand this situation. I have a strong understanding of the hospitalization after a crash, Irene knows about being called/taken to the hospital after receiving vastly troubling news. Our hearts go out to both Ponch, and Lilbit. Friends, we will keep you both uppermost in our thoughts. We regret that we are too far away to be of any help - there's always something that can be done. As it is, we'll have to settle for worrying.
  14. Ahh that uncommon common sense. One lady whose skills are on par with a Wally World greeter was paid $30k for a trailer she paid $1k for a few years ago. Now she has a bunch of money that'll last fifteen minutes unless she leaves the area. (Woops. Didn't think of that.)
  15. Hidden profile? Bob, how are we to out you when you grow more mature? And while I'm passing out late Birthday wishes, to thecount too!
  16. He's way too late for that. Irene and I stayed in a camper while visiting there. We were told lodging was booked a year in advance. There are acres of pull-behind and drivable camper/rvs in neat rows serving as homes for the oil workers. Traffic was worse than a big city. These are folks who are used to small town life and have no experience with the massive congestion they now have. If it wasn't for our grandson and his mom we wouldn't consider going back. The Teddy Roosevelt Parks at the south west corner of the State are well worth another visit. Williston is just a grudging pass-through.
  17. VR Assistance is here. Just pick a version, load it up, and click on print. Got to be a fun trip. Irene and I rode through the Badlands on the way back from Cody. We went the long way to get there and learned that North Dakota has a Badlands too. Teddy Roosevelt Park. Prettier than the SD one, but way out of your way. Of course while you're in the area you'll be checking out Rushmore, Crazy Horse, and the Black Hills. Then there's the tourist stop at Wall Drug, and Devil's Tower isn't really all that far off when you're on a Venture... Just got back and I'm droolin' to head that way again. By the way, pretty bike. I'm still trying to chisel the bugs off of mine from the Cody trip. Enjoy!
  18. All I can really speak to directly is 85 south of Williston. We went through there on the way to Cody. Construction and heavy truck traffic due to the oil boom. No further than you're planning, it shouldn't be too bad. Just watch out for impatient locals in pickups passing where they probably shouldn't.
  19. I noticed it at work. I went off and, well, did some work. When I came back it was back up. Can't beat that. I almost didn't have time to worry.
  20. I'm sure glad to hear things came out as well as they did. We all know it could have been a lot worse, so at least that's a good thing. Absolute best of luck getting it all sorted out!
  21. That's some strange real estate. Hope you enjoyed it. On our trip out to Cody, the long way, we learned that North Dakota has Badlands too. South West corner - two Teddy Roosevelt parks. Less Indian history. Very similar real estate, but prettier. (We'll post pics once we get the 4000+ pics Irene took on the trip sorted out.)
  22. The wayward table and the drunken revelry that caused it to wander off in the first place.
  23. Wow. I'm feeling all warm and fuzzy after reading that. Kind of reminds me of my own situation: A blind date that has lasted over thirty years. Congratulations on the Anniversary. May you have many more!
  24. Owl, I think this is a great idea. (Well done yet again, Erv and Teri!) Also, shouldn't there be someplace to put these notifications so that the entire group will be able to recognize the good guys? I'd like to suggest that perhaps we also need to come up with a Letter Of Apology. In this case also as a result of the home brewed beer and tequila. Just a thought.
  25. , Patti! Sorry it's a little late. May you have many more!
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