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Everything posted by Bummer

  1. '05 Midnight and '06 Black Cherry both came with black wheels. I don't think the turn signal bulb bases can fairly be called proprietary, more like hard to come by. The fronts use a BAZ15D-3 base while the rears use a BAU15s base. Info here. According to Wikipedia, Japan has adopted the ECE lighting regulations, with the BAZ15d and the BAU15s listed as Class 2 bulb bases. The Custom Dynamics site indicates that these bulbs are used on new Yamaha, Honda, and Suzuki bikes. I'm not really sure what year they changed. I know the '06 has the new bases. I didn't have the '05 long enough to find out.
  2. Sorry it took so long for me to find your post. Bearing in mind you may have already dealt with the problem... The LCD back really doesn't help much. Any sunlight at all and it is nearly impossible to see. I set it up in the shade, clamped the housing tight, then left it there, only removing the camera itself. You'll want to familiarize yourself with the operation of the camera, resolution choice and all. That'll represent your best chance to get it aimed. I'm afraid I can't help you with the software end. I don't use Windows, so I have no idea what software to use.
  3. I have a Clearview that's 3" under stock. My wife gets more buffeting, but not to the point of complaint. I'm happy with the height and she doesn't seem unhappy about it. Of course, as with everything, YMMV. If it's the height you need, I say go for it. Mileage? No clue. The Clearview is swept more but has a bit of a recurve at the top. I didn't worry about the mileage. I wanted to balance seeing over with hiding behind.
  4. Hi Kevin. I'm not aware that this is legal in Indiana. (Could be and I am simply unaware, but I don't think so.) However, we can turn right on red after a stop then do a U turn unless it's posted otherwise. Not the best solution, but better than growing old just sitting there.
  5. Isn't the leaking oil a symptom and not the problem? Will simply adding oil stop the shock from pogoing? Mine never leaked any oil that I ever saw, but Irene and I wound up riding a pogo stick from North Dakota to Cody. I got a new shock installed and all was back to good. Red Rider, it's not hard to remove/replace the shock. I've had mine off a couple of times. Did it out in the driveway with the bike up on one of Carbon One's stands.
  6. I got the GoPro just before Cody last year. I was just learning to use the camera on our vacation. So far the sound is pretty bad. I still haven't been able to do much with the videos (still sorting through over 8,000 pictures Irene shot from the back seat), but I intend to just remove the sound and let the viewer play his/her own tunes. I haven't used the GoPro for stills. (Got a nice Pentax, so there's really no need.) The setup I have is fairly rigid, but the camera is pretty easy to remove. It has a fixed focal length so it's not all that good for stills or as a family movie camera. At this point it's really just for riding videos.
  7. Glad to, my friend. Front. Rear. Mirror mount (Ram). Base (two pieces- top half from GoPro, ball from Ram). Extension (including locking knob - both Ram).
  8. I use a Ram mirror base mount with a standard extension (3"?) and a camera ball screwed into a threaded adapter for the GoPro's case. That gets it just beyond a Clearview windshield. That puts the camera above my throttle hand for fairly easy access.
  9. This is what I did when I broke mine.
  10. I used a file. Took a couple of minutes to do all four. I'd rather they were too large than too small. Too large I can fix.
  11. I just left Dan. He's doing pretty well, considering. He has a neck brace and a wrist brace. He's getting around by himself in a wheel chair, pushing and pulling with his feet. His memory seems to be improving - a little out of order at times but not bad. He's tiring fairly quickly right now, but that will probably come and go for a while. Dan's attitude is good. He's ready to go home as soon as they'll let him and he's planning on going riding on the '83 in the spring. He'll probably be there a couple of more weeks, but that's still pretty good. He has a lot of work in front of him, but he's making great progress!
  12. Kevin is absolutely correct. I sent the following message to Mike as a PM, and thought I'd share it here as well: Yes, when I replaced my fronts with the blue dots I put the original left front on the rear. Physically it's a direct bolt-on. The holes match and all spacing is correct. The only real problem is that the bleeder is at the bottom, not the top. I had to bleed the air out with it dangling by the hose, prior to putting it in place. It worked fine. The master cylinder works with no problems using the front caliper. My original intent was to try to get a somewhat less effective rear brake. Unfortunately it did not make a large difference. I feel it is less sensitive than the original four piston unit, but it's not really as much as I was hoping for. I can still lock-up the rear tire, though it doesn't seem to happen as easily. I feel that the blue dot fronts with stainless hoses, HH pads, and the v-max splitter were the more important changes. I've tried to train myself to use the fronts far more than the rear for serious braking. I try to primarily use the rear for slow speed control in turns, parking lots, and such. Still, I have not put the original rear brake back on and I've put quite a few miles on the bike since the change.
  13. Dano has been moved to the Rehabilitation Hospital of Indiana. I'll have a full address with room and phone numbers later. He's doing a lot better in some ways. Rose didn't say anything about any more infections, so perhaps that's over. He's getting around some with a walker. He has some memory loss, both short and long term. The Docs really have no idea how long it'll take for him to get beyond this. They're saying it might be as much as a couple of years. It's going to be a while before he's able to go back to work again, but he's still making good progress.
  14. Here is a thread about replacing the Venture's stock antennas with a Firefly. It is essentially the one antenna/Venture version of the Marshall mod. It might help you figure out what you need, to do what you want to do.
  15. I just spoke with Rose. She had her phone on today. Naturally the hospital is a partial no-phone zone, so it can be hard to get through. Dano's finally doing well enough for her to have gone home to try and sleep for the last two nights. The key word there is try. As Waterbug said, Dano's not getting non-family visitors. He's also been moved to a different part of the hospital. Right now he's in room B452. No telling how long he'll be there, but getting moved away from the critical area is a good sign. Dano's getting well enough to be noticing discomfort. He's been pulling his feeding tube out. They're talking about using a different type. The nurses see this as a problem, but I see it as a sign of progress. He can't sit up by himself, much less get up and walk, but he walked a short distance with a therapist's help yesterday. Another very good sign. All in all he's making good progress at healing up. They'll meet with a Doctor in the next couple of days to discuss the timeline for getting him out of there, what insurance will cover (apparently they don't have much), and his overall progress.
  16. I'm just happy to do what I can Annie. I'll certainly do that!
  17. While I'd rather it wasn't necessary (just as in Ponch's case), we're more than happy to help out. Someone I know keeps setting a good example... That was just the only thing I could think of. In a way it's not a bad thing that she's unknown. An anonymous Good Samaritan raises everyone up a little. One never knows when one might be interacting with that person.
  18. I just got off the phone with Rose. The vent tube is out. It's been in and out several times. They hope it'll stay out this time. His color is good and he looks pretty much back to normal on the outside. He's keeping his eyes open now - much less pain killer so he's not as loopy. The Nurse asked him what his first name was, he said Earl, kind of an in-joke. When Rose said "No your full name" he told them Dan Obert. His sense of humor is there and he knows his name, both good signs. He's been talking his daughter's ear off. In fact he tried to get her to cut him loose from all the hardware so he could get out of there. She told him it might be a little early for that. He didn't remember how he got there. She told him he had a crash on his bike. His response was "Well s**t." So that's pretty much normal too. He's more concerned about his bike than being in the hospital. (Who among us wouldn't...) He's being moved around. They had folks coming in who are in a lot worse shape so they put him in a less critical area. Yet another good sign. His room number is now 3220, though that'll probably change several times while he's there. Don't worry too much about the room numbers, cards will reach him. (Same address I posted up-thread.) Rose is still camped out in fifth floor waiting. She's in the same spot Irene was in when I was there so they both know the area well. She's telling folks to quit bringing food. She's stocked up. She insists that she really doesn't need anything. They've been heavily involved with the schools in the area over the years. Rose works for the school system. The schools have had fund-raisers. Dan's situation has been mentioned at every sporting event. They are getting a lot of help from their community to go along with the thoughts and prayers of their family here. All in all, it's still baby steps but they seem to be largely forward.
  19. Irene suggested taking her the name of the other woman who worked on Dan, if you can get it. Rose would like to know. As for stuff, she's pretty well set up. They're popular with the kids at Triton Central High School. Everybody's been taking care of 'em. She even has a cooler. Just visiting would probably be plenty.
  20. Nothing new to report from yesterday's visit. Irene took Rose a Squealer's pulled pork sandwich and half a rack of baby back ribs to dangle in front of Dan. (We'll get him out of that bed yet.) Rose had visitors when Irene got there and the Social Worker got there shortly after, so none of the visitors got to stay. All we know is he's still moving in the right direction. More in a couple of days.
  21. FYI, Clearview uses a stock Honda Goldwing air vent. It's a little bit tricky to install on the Venture windshield because of the curvature, but it can be gotten at any Honda store. Personally, I love my 4" under smoke Clearview with vent. I'm also big on LED lighting - turn signals and brake light. I'm not as worried about whether they can hear me as whether they can see me.
  22. Irene went to the hospital and took Rosie a care package. Trivial stuff that Irene learned was actually pretty useful when she was sitting next to me in a nearby room a few years back. Rose was happy for the company. Unfortunately I couldn't go. I'm nursing a nasty cold and don't want to take a chance of passing it along. A man found Dan, not sure if he actually saw it happen. Two women worked on him, one was a nurse. They didn't have to restart him (still gurgling), just keep him going until the ambulance could get there (a good thing). He's a bruise from the waist up, so they're keeping him heavily sedated. His hands, back, and face took the biggest hit. They tried to take him off the ventilator on Sunday but had no luck. They got him off on Monday, though they didn't know if he'd have to go back on. The less time on ventilation, the less chance of pneumonia. All in all the prognosis seems good. Right now they're saying he'll only need one surgery. Word is the deer slid 75 feet. Rose is hoping to mount the head on the wall once she finds out what happened to it. The bike started right up when they went to move it. Seems Ventures and their riders are a pretty tough lot. Dan's still in critical condition but it could have been a lot worse. We will be keeping an eye on them and will post as we get more information. Cards can be sent to: Dan Obert Room 5206 Methodist Hospital 1701 Senate Boulevard Indianapolis, IN 46202
  23. Well done! I like red bikes too.
  24. Tom, I left a message on Dan's phone. Don't know if Rose even has it so I sent you a PM. Irene and I are about fifteen minutes from the hospital. Anything at all.
  25. , Earl! May you have many more!
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