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Everything posted by Bummer

  1. Bummer

    In 135

    Thanks Bob. The beginning is about 100 feet south of 46. The sign says "Road Closed High Water." It almost meant it. I only slowed down at Story that time. Maybe next time... That was a Thursday. Clear of most everybody. I just posted an M&E offer for this route. Planning for a Saturday. Hope you can make it.
  2. Bummer

    In 135

    Indiana 135 in Brown County. They should be in order. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o7boQuwa8S8]YouTube - IN 135 1 of 8[/ame] [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dKPYDJ3DJTw]YouTube - IN 135 2 of 8[/ame] [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eWAL6zCYLyI]YouTube - IN 135 3 of 8[/ame] [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eIlMpERZkmc]YouTube - IN 135 4 of 8[/ame] [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vp-_SU9Y_CI]YouTube - IN 135 5 of 8[/ame] [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ALgu13Vwee0]YouTube - IN 135 6 of 8[/ame] [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gSezixmBGUY]YouTube - IN 135 7 of 8[/ame] [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jJ5qf19sp_s]YouTube - IN 135 8 of 8[/ame]
  3. Bummer

    Indy 500

    It looked like she wanted to go all Cale Yarborough on him. Can't say I blame her. He definately screwed up. Sarah Fisher got picked off too. I hope she can pick up the sponsorship to keep going.
  4. Bummer

    Indy 500

    Hard to argue with that. I'll bet there's at least one pit crew guy who'll agree.
  5. Bummer

    Indy 500

    Sigh. And the party the night before extended outward for most of a mile down Crawfordsville Road. The race itself was pretty much SRO. They didn't actually sell formal tickets. You paid at the gate. There was no real attempt to count heads and it was widely believed attendance was greatly under reported to reduce the tax hit. The owner, Tony Hulman, was quite the political player, so it was kind of expected of him. Basically we lost the Snake Pit to the tax man. Today it's a modern family event. Everybody has a seat. The barbarism has been pretty much banished. If you're a fan I encourage you to go at least once. It's still quite a spectacle. There are a bunch of photos in the Indy Star if anyone's interested.
  6. Bummer

    Indy 500

    I live a couple of miles from the track. When I was a kid I all but lived there in May. The whole month was a party around the track. I sold papers at the track on days I wanted in. When we got done selling the papers we just wandered around and had a good time. That was in the Snake Pit days before there were grandstands everywhere. They can't get away with that today. The coolest place to watch the race from is the top floor of the pagoda. You can see the whole track. When I was in High School my girlfriend's dad ran the area stop lights from a control panel on the top floor. We used his pass to get up there and just stayed out of the way. We got to meet Raquel Welch and Dan Blocker. One of the best races I've been to! No idea who won. I've driven my car and ridden my bicycle around the track. Some day I'll make a motorcycle event. Maybe they'll have something around the GP they're having there this year - hope to make that one. I haven't been to the race itself in years. Burnt out on it, I guess.
  7. i use a mashed Diet Coke can. With lime if I can get it.
  8. You can check each State here. Most have no restriction, but a few ...
  9. The pages the stuff is on changes in each catalog. pg 139 - 07 catalog pg 73 - 06 catalog Look for the bag rails, fender rail, and trunk rack. They're with them.
  10. I got mine at the dealer. They are a Yamaha part. (Yes, I mean the bag TOP rails.) Part number STR-1D672-50-00.
  11. Yep. They have clear and smoked about half way down the page. It doesn't list the RSV or RSTD, but they're the same. The LED cards are the same too. If you are interested in LED turn signals these work well and are quite bright. I had to give each one about two swipes of a file around the edge to get the exact fit. They have three pin boards for the fronts. The EclipzeLEDs look great on the front.
  12. This page has LED turn signals including the three pin base type. I got a set of three pin EclipzeLEDs for the front, and the standard LEDs for the rears. They fit well and look good.
  13. I couldn't agree more, Gary. Medical expenses from my crash in '05 were in excess of $150,000. That was just to rebuild my left leg. In all I had ten surgeries. I was off work over ten months. Armando didn't have any insurance. Luckily I had maxed out uninsured/underinsured coverage. A young lady from Progressive brought me a check that paid the bills and bought me a new bike. I keep maxed out coverage on it too. Cheap (inadequate) insurance is only a bargain if you don't need it.
  14. They're available here. Or here.
  15. No chart. Add up the weight then move the decimal one place to the left. 32.5 psi or so. A little more if you keep stuff in the bags. That weight counts too.
  16. I don't know him by name but every time something goes wrong a couple of electricians from the foundry show up, so I might have seen him.
  17. Yep. I'm a Stationary Engineer/HVAC tech at the Powerstroke plant. Oh, and we've got bells to swap, don't we?
  18. Perish the thought. We feel your pain. It's almost like - dare I say it - winter. In fact if there's anything I can do to help, you have but to mention it. I'm off Thursday and Friday now, but the rest of the week come 3pm I'm walking out to a parking lot on east Brookville Road. Shelbyville is just a short hop away, so I know you can't be far. As to Maintenance Day, yet again I will not be able to attend. I had planned to burn a day off so that I could be there. Then my nephew, who's been 'shacking up' for years, finally talks her into actually marrying him. That part's fine, happiness, best wishes for the future, here's a blender, all that. But they picked Maintenance Day to get married on! Something about tradition. I dunno, must be a chick thing.
  19. CB left, AM/FM right. There's an '08 with them reversed sitting at Dryer's in Indy right now. I mentioned it to one of the salesmen. I'm kind of wondering if they'll change it. I had an '05 Midnight with them reversed. My '06 had then in the right places but I broke the CB load so I replaced them both with a single black firefly CB antenna on the left.
  20. I'm on the west side of Indy (about 70 miles from Muncie). Danob11 is in Indy. Mariner Fan lives in Alexandria (about 20 miles west of Muncie). There are a couple of others in the center of the State, but I haven't seen them on in a while. I never have weekends on the weekend. Right now mine are Thursday and Friday. Want to go riding on a Thursday or Friday? PM me or give me a holler, my number's in the Members List. I'm about due for a ride in Brown County and that's better mid-week anyway.
  21. Hey Squeeze, do you know if the HID systems will work with a modulator?
  22. Speaking of which, are you going to be around Tuesday afternoon?
  23. I got mine. Thanks Don. They look great!
  24. Unless you follow the instructions in the shop maual. That makes it much more of a challenge.
  25. I have a 203EZ that's adequate, but certainly not good. I haven't seen the AUFO unit. According to Rick at Firestik the DV-SB has been discontinued but they're looking for something to replace it. I didn't ask him about any of the others. I haven't found anything else yet.
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