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Everything posted by Bummer

  1. Crutchfield has a canadian site advertising the 401s. They say the 800 hz blockers are for 4" speakers. Actually they're just capacitors. 50mfd I think. The side with the pinched ring goes to the speaker. I didn't use the bass blockers. I got a power amp instead. Trying to find a link for something similar, but no luck so far.
  2. Radar detectors are legal in Indiana. Mine's built in. It also indicates system voltage and ambient temperature. I have it for that as much as radar/lazer detection. I pulled the power to go to Canada and felt nekkid. Highway speeding tickets are just an advanced road use tax. Don't want to pay extra to use that chunk of concrete, don't speed. Personally, I rarely speed when I'm on a trip. It kind of defeats the purpose. Mine saves me when I'm running back and forth to work where familiarity breeds complacency. If it reminds me to pay attention before I get a ticket two times it's paid for itself. I'm pretty sure it's paid for. The display is the only parts that shows. I've never had anyone notice it yet. Of course, I've not been pulled over for speeding yet (knock on a wooden head for saying it). The lazer sensor is just under the passing lamps and is pretty hard to see. The bulky body is inside the fairing. By the way, radar jammers are ALWAYS illegal unless you have a license to generate a signal on that frequency.
  3. No, no. Still.
  4. Here's a link to the Polk Audio 401s. Here's a link to bass blockers. This link tells about them. Short version: cuts down on rolloff from too much bass into too small a cone. FWIW I've purchased from Crutchfield and was happy with the service.
  5. Congratulations! I found that even after a crushed leg it's easier to ride than walk. It's really hard to explain that to the medical folks. They just can't seem to wrap their heads around it. Ride safe.
  6. Glad to hear the good news about your recovery. I'd tell you not to push it, but I know just how hard that can be. It's a lot easier to be down when you feel badly. Once you get to feeling good that whole Call Of The Wild thing can kick in with a vengeance. Tip: Don't ask "When can I ride again", ask "When can I resume normal activities". I get my key back tomorrow. I hope you get yours back soon too.
  7. Maybe he saw your post. It's been relisted as a Yamaha.
  8. I certainly understand that whole 'only available weekend' thing. Just hoping to make it work. Good luck with it. You keep trying and so will I.
  9. Great idea! I have a grandson who'll be glad if you can work it out. Even at 2 he spends nearly as much time in the saddle as I've been able to lately.
  10. Hey, Hooters has great wings. And Playboy has great articles. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.
  11. I used to take my youngest on rides in the country quite often. She still remembers and bugs me to ride yet today (as a 22 yr old with a 2 yr old of her own). One caveat: At least in Indiana the law requires that the passenger be able to actually put their feet on the passenger foot boards/pegs/whatever. Yes, both at the same time. I clamped some wood blocks to the ones on the '85 so we could start a bit early. A county mounty harrumphed us once, but let it slide. (Not trying to be a wet blanket, honest. Just a heads up.)
  12. I'm definately interested. I love riding in KY. Lots of nice roads. My mom-in-law, whom I actually like, lives in Somerset and we try to get there on the bike at least once every year. Any chance you can make that August 23? Brad and Lonna are hosting one in Michigan on the 9th and while we really would like to make it to yours, we really really want to make it to theirs. In fact, I already wrote theirs on the calendar (in ink), so it's a rock meet hard place sort of moment. If you can't change the date just schedule a second. We'll try very hard to make one of 'em. Both if possible. (Got a good bit of catching up to do and I'm feeling much better now.) BTW, cool ferry. That's where I learned it's called niicklus and not Nicholasville. Kind of like when I learned that Peabody, Mass was pronounced pibbidy. Sometimes I can be such a Hoosier Rube.
  13. Wow! Glad to hear you came out of it as well as you did. Heal up quick!
  14. I too have one of their backrests. I absolutely love it! Them too. They're great to deal with. If there's ever a problem they'll do double what's needed to make it right. These are REAL people who WILL do you right!
  15. Well that thread title sure woke me up first thing in the morning. Glad you're ok, Bob!
  16. Very sophisticated color. Real classy looking. Not as sexy as the Black Cherry, of course , but very good looking.
  17. I definately engine brake. (Careful going into first. It'll stop the rear tire right now.) I'm thinking I remember reading some absolutely silly numbers in the manual about shift points. I sure don't use 'em. Oh, and I agree with RoadKill. Never ever sit at a light in neutral.
  18. Indiana does not require helmet use. I strongly support the rider's right to choose. Before September 18, 2005 I would have had to say that I wore my helmet when I felt like it. Very often I did not feel like it. It was more of a shared communications tool than protective gear. Then Armando ran me down like a dog in the street in Mexico City. The helmet was in the trunk. In the emergency room a voice said: Were you wearing a helmet? Did I hit my head? Were you wearing a helmet? Did I hit my head? No. Were you wearing a helmet? No, it was safely stored in the trunk. Though I didn't tell her at the time (I pretty much passed out about then.) I did take the point. I've worn my helmet while riding ever since. I'm planning on buying a modular soon to replace the 3/4. I also wear kevlar lined jeans and a kevlar shirt, steel toe lace up boots, safety glasses without side shields, and leather gloves. Every time. I don't wear that ugly yellow shirt as a fashion statement. ATGATT. You'll never know when you need it.
  19. Bummer

    Turn Signals

    The aluminum/fiber plates were the tiniest bit too big to just slip in on two of them. A light swipe or two with a file around the outside edge slipped 'em right in, good and snug. They fill the entire bezel opening. The pigtails plug right in to the sockets. Remember that the newer bikes ('05 and newer, I think) are three pin in the front. Here's a pic showing the difference between stock and the LEDs. The brakes are not on. The tail light is a 128 LED board by RadiantZ. Right now I'm trying to figure out how to change the wing lights to ultra bright LEDs too.
  20. Bummer

    Turn Signals

    Squidley asked me about my turn signals at Kitchener. This is where I got 'em. They're VERY bright, and the Eclipze version for the front is pretty cool. You can get the three pin bases for the newer fronts. I had to run a file around the outside once or twice to get a perfect slip in fit. I didn't use a load equalizer. They flash a little fast, but no faster than if there were one burnt out, which doesn't bother me at all. Might even make 'em more noticeable.
  21. Riley knows when he's going out of range. He can feel it and immediately takes action to change it, usually involving his Mom, the School Nurse, or me. I'm still working on the difference between stereotyping as prejudice, and stereotyping as a successful learning experience. (Typed while occasionally rubbing the leg that Armando, who didn't see me, crushed with the bumper of his beater Neon.) Look at it this way. Nobody put me in charge, and I'm not looking for the job. It's just an opinion.
  22. Yep. He can't go into the military either. Life inhales sharply through pursed lips and then one dies.
  23. Sorry, but liberal and conservative are actually meaningless labels. A liberal is just as likely to pull your chain as a conservative who doesn't actually want to preserve the original Constitution either. I have trouble telling them apart without the whole Red vs Blue color coding.
  24. I worked with a guy who ruined any sympathy I had for these folks. Ok, sure, this MIGHT be the first time she ever had a problem, but it's not likely. Larry controls his sugar with a pocket full of insulin and constant food - absolutely anything he wants. He swings from one extreme to the other and refuses to change. Wouldn't exercise if someone held a gun to his head. Not what the Doctor ordered. He sideswiped a beater pickup with his Harley truck. He nodded out at the wheel then adamantly blamed the other guy, asking why HE would run into some junker. Eventually his insurance had to eat the accident. My Mom is a diabetic, and has been for years. She controls it responsibly. She also does not drive, and has not in a very long time. Why? Personal responsibility. My grandson (9) is a type 1. I'm trained to handle his shots as #2 caregive behind his Mom. I think I have at least a slight clue. Yes, perhaps it's a reason. It is not an excuse, though it certainly seems like it's being used as one. Bottom line: There is no excuse. She ran people over. The LEOs hung no paper. She should never ever drive again. Period. I've been run over. I've heard the excuses. Sorry, not impressed. I hope the next time she gets behind the wheel of an SUV purchased for her safety, she goes comatose and drives it right over a cliff. I appoligize for the rant, and truly do not want it to come off as overly harsh toward you, though I suppose it will, but the reason in no way excuses her conduct.
  25. Sorry I didn't get back to you more quickly. Yesterday was a busy day. Nope. Spring/roll pin. It can be removed. The two folders are completely different, diameters, taper and all. Keep in mind that the antenna out wire uses a Motorola plug on the CB end. CB antenna out is the gray wire in the photo of the radio box on my mod page. I've been told that some have less slop than others, but I have no idea how to tell or if it's enough to matter. For now I've spread the inner part of the folder with a screwdriver, where the roll pin goes through, to make it a bit wider. Less slop, but more difficulty moving the barrel to put it up and down. I'm still looking for a better folder. I'll report it if I ever do.
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