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Everything posted by Bummer

  1. I've been a subscriber of MCN for a number of years. Unfortunately I've never seen a write up on the Venture there either. They do list it in their annual "What's it worth" write up, but nobody's getting mine for that price.
  2. Bummer


    All of those put you at 2500 to 3000 rpms. Fourth gear - 55 mph - 3000rpm exactly. Fourth gear - 60 mph - 3300rpms within 100 or so. Fifth gear - 70 mph - 3000rpms. All with an uncorrected speedo and stock gearing.
  3. I'm just glad I don't hang out at borders. (As I sit drinking pinkie out coffee and musing about the last time I drank a Guinness - warm.) In my defence I have bruised knuckles from whacking my hand against the door of my wife's truck.
  4. It takes special cords, Motorola on one end, PL-259 on the other. I got mine at Walcott CB. Here's one. And here's the other. Like Freebird said, the connection is under the trunk in the CB box. Be sure and set everything back in place before taking the reading. Any metal mass matters.
  5. Bummer


    veep, Ok, did you by any chance come to the Venture from a V-Twin? I suspect too many people get a Venture misunderstanding just what it is. Let me stress that this may not apply to you, and I'm NOT trying to be offensive. The Venture is a sport bike engine with a cruiser wrapped around it. Mine only sounds like an angry sewing machine when I'm loading it under three grand. My solution was buy a tach and not load it all that heavily below three grand. It's much happier at five, six, or yes, even seven. (Dyna3000 @ 3/7250.) Yes, it's true you can shift straight to fifth at 40 and ride it anyway, (about 1600 rpms or so - gaah) but it could be that the whine/chirp it its way of telling you it's angry with you about where in its power band you're running it. (I swear I'm not trying to upset anyone, just offering a suggestion.) If you're past break in (Or not, shouldn't matter - racers break engines in hard claiming it helps seat the rings - I dunno. I suspect they're trading bearings for rings. Still, I rode mine like I was planning on riding it anyway. Not hard, just firm.), I'd suggest you take it out and run it up against the rev limiter enough times to get used to the sound it makes about a second before it cuts out. It'll run all day there. You'll get crappy mileage, but you won't hear any whine. You'll also have a really good time dusting almost everything else around. Riding buddies complaining? Seems to me they need to catch up to hear it. Why let 'em? I've surprised so many of the guys at Navistar that nobody hassles me anymore. The guys at the bar across the street won't mess around anymore either. Buncha girls. (Sorry ladies.) Of course they all have that really cool potato potato potato sound. Mine just screams like a banshee. Having grown up within earshot of the 500 that's cool by me. I don't need no steenkin' I basket. Papa Bear, if you're getting howl from the rear end grease the hub fingers. Not just the splines. (Just a guess. They pretty much all need it at first.) Woops, just saw you're a First Genner. The V-Max makes the same noise. Heard one heading up the hill next to the Deal's Gap parking lot and had to do a retake. Sounded just like a Second Gen. I'll bet the First Gen would if it had all the plastic off, or was above you so you heard the noise coming from the bottom end. They're all pretty much the same engine. Ok, I'm done (donning fire retardant suit). Just my
  6. Ok, go to Edit Signature. Put the cursor to the right of [/sIGPIC] then click on the icon of the picture (post card looking one with the mountain) put the address there. Preview Signature. If it's ok, Save Signature.
  7. Glad to. If I remember right it was pretty obvious. Seems like there were only two bolt holes anyway. One bolt through the plastic and bracket to the support. The other through the bracket to the support. The inside one is the one that was loose, then fell out and jammed it. Naturally it happened on the road. Rock meet hard place. Had to close it to get home. (As it all comes rushing back.) One of the guys on another Venture site, which will remain nameless , replaced his with really short hatchback pistons. I was planning to do the same thing but it seemed like it took up too much valuable trunk space. Never got around to fabbing up the brackets and the project fell by the wayside. While I was messing with it I learned it'd work ok without it, as ruffrider pointed out. In the end I put it back and just ham handed it back into shape. It worked fine, but I can't say I really trusted it after that. Didn't really matter much. It got totalled out a few weeks later. Sigh. I've been much more careful with this one. Hmmm. Think I'll check those bolts tomorrow...
  8. Congratulations! No pearls of wisdom. Just congratulations!
  9. Come to think of it one of the bolts worked out on my '05, which is what lead me to screw it up in the first place. After which I bent it back and put the screw back in. Worked ok after that.
  10. Battery getting old? (Just a guess, not a wise crack. Though I suppose it could go both ways.)
  11. That's exactly how I "fixed" the one on my '05. Right after I... well, you know. Choice expletives deleted and all that.
  12. Ok, another slow kid question: I note that the ARRL's running on a Linux system. Does anyone know if the online prep courses actually work with Linux systems. They mention a Firefox plugin, which seems like a good sign, though I use Opera. Still a lot of the net turns out to be Windows only no matter what it's running on. Just checking before dropping the change to play. I'm already arguing with the State of Indiana about their sites being Windows only. I don't want to join ARRL then immediately start b****ing. Thanks for your patience, guys.
  13. Why do I get the feeling that's a couple, as in 20?
  14. How the trunk works: It should open all the way, as in the first pic. Then you lower it until it stops, like in the second pic. Then you raise it all the way again, as in the first pic. After that you can close it. In fact, it'll fall shut if you're not careful. If you don't do it that way you'll mess up the hinge latch thingie. (Don't ask.)
  15. Sunman: Yes it does make sense. FWIW I got the 0-15 syringe looking pump to use on the fronts. The 0-60 is perfect for the rear but pretty inaccurate for the fronts. Also, be careful about installation. If they're not on right they can cause an imbalance anyway. Maritimer: Pictures being worth a thousand words, that's about half an inch between the fancy cap and the handlebar on a stock height front end.
  16. Somewhere on the site it says they're reducing from 5000 to two dozen documents. I didn 't check which ones. I'm getting one of the BC cards to carry with my DL. Never let it be said I can't learn a lesson. Ok, so maybe it was the less than easy way, but I learned.
  17. Much as I hate to argue with you, you living in the neighborhood and all, but quoting the US State Department: "If U.S. citizen travelers to Canada do not have a passport or approved alternate document such as a NEXUS card, they must show a government-issued photo ID (e.g. Driver’s License) and proof of U.S. citizenship such as a U.S. birth certificate, naturalization certificate, or expired U.S. passport. Children under sixteen need only present proof of U.S. citizenship." At the time I found the same statement on a Canadian site. One of the travel sites went on to say: "But they never ask for the Birth Certificate." Which is exactly the way it worked out. At the time I also found a US Government site that said we were putting off the additional requirements for a year, but I can not find it now. That was the only reason I took the chance when I couldn't find my BC. (Nothing like tearing the house up at the last minute.) Either way, it's more than clear that a Passport is the best bet (working on it, though I certainly don't expect to have it before the weekend, what with picking up the replacement BC tomorrow and all.) A birth certificate is a really, really good idea. Quoting from the Department of Homeland Security site: "It is critical that all individuals seeking to enter the United States become acclimated to presenting documents to U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) officers. Single documents proving both identity and citizenship, which are acceptable on January 31, 2008, will also likely be acceptable when the Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative is implemented." No telling how many times "Sorry, I'm an idiot" will actually work. Maybe it was the fact that both the women in the car had theirs and were nodding. (Thanks ladies, I know you didn't really mean it. Ladies? Ladies?) All of this relates to land crossings. Crossing by water apparantly got the increased requirements a year earlier.
  18. It definately takes more room. The pieces you put on the shraeder valves are probably an inch in diameter and every bit of half an inch thick. Comes pretty close to the bars on a stock setup.
  19. They tell me that Grizzley Bears' breath smells like pepper spray. I told that to one guy out west. He just stared at me and told me he didn't want to get that close. Some folks have no sense of humor at all. I'll bet if he got run over he'd actually cry or something.
  20. Ok, I just gotta ask: Did they drop the Morse Code requirement? Back way too many years ago my dad was W9PUI. He pretty much took it to the top. Had a basement full of QSL cards. I listened to Hanoi Hanna on a radio he picked up from MARS. I just couldn't get into it because I really didn't want to become adept at the code. The techno end was interesting enough, I even learned about how antennas work. Loved the physics. The code, on the other hand, made my eyes and ears glaze over evey time.
  21. I'd ask about the Power House/HVAC, but it's way too far to commute, even on a Venture.
  22. About that whole Birth Certificate thing: They didn't ask for it going into Canada (which technically requires it). I got asked for it coming back to the States (which technically does not). I just told him I'm a moron. He accepted that and sent us on our way. Not real flattering, but it worked. Speaking of which, I've got to go pick a copy of mine up before someone says "Let's go to Canada" again. Right after I get a replacement I'll find the original. But not until.
  23. Yeah, I couldn't believe that many soccer moms wanted oversized diesel pickup trucks. I'm half expecting to be called back. The foundry side has picked up a contract with VW and will need steam and air, at least through the winter. Right now they can't even get the work done to be ready for winter because of how deep they cut. The State Inspector done shut 'em down. (Please don't send me that envelope this week...) Maybe I'll get to realize my dream of working through the winter and vacationing through the summer. Hope springs eternal.
  24. Well that shoots down a perfectly good theory. Thanks, though, Gary. I needed that. Still, 10,000 or so a year, even per model, isn't all that many. Perhaps not an Enzo Ferrari, but way below a Vette. At the peak the Power Stroke plant put out over 500 engines a shift for three shifts a day, five days a week. Ok, down to under 400 a day now, but that's the way things go.
  25. Well said. My thoughts exactly.
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