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Everything posted by Bummer

  1. I was wondering what a husher sex haust was.
  2. Now why would you think a cynical thing like that just because Alfred Udeh lives in Nigeria?
  3. Anybody familiar with Jeff Dunham and Walter? I'm way too close to Walter for Wally World to let me be a greeter for more than a day.
  4. In '05 I got smoked by an uninvited visitor from the south. Totalled out a beautiful '05 Midnight. He had no license or insurance. I had uninsured/underinsured. Good thing too. The rebuild of my leg cost over 150k. After all the insurances paid off there was enough left over to let me pay cash for my '06. Today my uninsured/underinsured is maxed out at 250k per person. I never look at how cheap the insurance is, I look at how much it covers.
  5. I find I really like the chrome air deflectors from DiamondR. Way better looking than the plastic ones.
  6. I got a PM from Squidley. Seems I'm to pass this info along to everyone:
  7. I'm proud of what this group has done. An internet forum that isn't dedicated to back biting and yelling at one another. That alone verges on the miraculous. Then to raise money for a childrens' hospital and dedicate it to a lost Brother. It chokes me up just to think of it. (Seriously.) I respect Lewis immensely for what he's done. I don't believe any of us can thank him enough. I'll be proud to shake his hand at the ride, or pretty much any other time, no matter how it turns out.
  8. I didn't mean that to come off as critical. I'm good with it how ever it turns out. The giving is the important part.
  9. I'd really rather not tour the hospital. Frankly the emotional side of all the kids who won't make it comes off a little heavy, even from here. Since I got run over I've been way too wheepy anyhow. Kind of hard on that whole biker image thing. I also don't want thanked. I'd rather hand 'em cash in a blank envelope and say it was from some guy in the parking lot. I want the recipient to be obligated to pay it forward freely so that good can just flow across the world. Deep down I'm a starry eyed idealist, but don't tell anyone. All in all I'd rather go riding. Bond with well meaning people. Meet brothers and sisters I don't yet know. That sort of thing.
  10. Fun ride in a great area! So far my favorite is to ride the Dragon, then the Cherohala Skyway, eat, then turn around and go back. If you can, go during the week. Fewer squids and LEOs. Stick close to the speed limit, at least the first couple of times, and watch out for the occasional semi.
  11. I though that plug had to be removed and the connection soldered to keep that from happening.
  12. Had a Harley, but it's been a while and it wasn't a tourer. But... In July of '07 Irene and I were in the Badlands. A German fellow approached me as I parked the Venture. Once I figured out that he wasn't being harsh, it was just the way his accent sounded we had an interesting chat. He and his group had rented really nice HD tourers. They were parked because it was over 100 out and the engine heat was getting to the passengers. He was impressed with the Venture and the fact that we were only stopping for an Indian Taco and not to let the bike cool down. Eventually he walked off saying "They didn't tell me about this." Like the HD dealer he rented from was gonna say "Or you could rent this Venture..." Don't get me wrong. I like Harleys. I just wouldn't want one as my only bike, and I really wouldn't want to go touring on one. I've been spoiled by the liquid cooling, the V-Four, and the shaft drive. Could just be me though.
  13. Oh man. The Beartooth. We've been up Pike's Peak, Mount Evans, and Trail Ridge Road. More than once. The Beartooth is still my all time favorite. Chief Joseph is nice, Dead Indian pass is pretty cool. Look from just the right direction and the rock really is a dead indian. But The Beartooth. Wow. The last time we went was on the way to the VentureRider International at Ft.Collins. From Indiana it's pretty much on the way. The Beartooth was closed almost all of '05 because of slides caused by the meltoff at the top. Took the road out in thirteen places. Irene started giggling about a quarter of the way up. By the top it was clearly impending hysteria, not just a happy chuckle. She kept looking at the patched places and thinking about it happening again. We stopped just past the overlook for her to regain her composure. After a while we went on and stopped twice more at the top to take pictures. These are some of my favorite shots from that ride.
  14. I'm pretty sure a guy who can pull off shorts and a vest can do most anything.
  15. I've wondered if they'll bring the Venture back as a cruiser or go after the Wing and BMW tourers. Might be the next one will be more like the First Gen. If so that could take care of the engine appearance issues. The Max engine would look just fine in a First Gen styled bike. Additionally, bigger displacement and more horsepower pretty much never adds up to better mileage, even with EFI.
  16. Irene and I are heading down from Indy the day before. Going back the day after. Already have a room reserved for both nights. Really looking forward to it!
  17. Oooooh, the wing vent thingies. I really like mine. Hot or cold, the come in handy.
  18. Both Opera and Firefox display the flag. No problems here.
  19. Congratulations to the happy couple and the proud family! That's sure a cutie Ruth's holding. Great pics! Glad to see that you guys had a good time.
  20. This is the route we took. The whole thing is about 150 miles. There's a write up with details in the Meet & Eat area.
  21. Here are a few pics of the Meet & Eat on Saturday. Perhaps Indydog will post some. Irene and my youngest daughter Emma rode with Indydog. Emma and I went on rides from the time she could reach the passenger boards on the '85 VR. Circumstances stopped us a few years back. Saturday she had perma-grin. My youngest sister, Susan, also rode her soloed out V-Star 650. The food at The Overlook was great, as was the view. We wound up having ice cream at a Coldstone Creamery on the way back. Turns out the guy who owns Emery's closes whenever he feels like it. I'd probably make a disparaging comment about him being a crusty old coot if I wasn't one myself. Most of the road was twisty, what wasn't was pretty scenic.
  22. I doubt that changing horns will help. I got rid of the stock horns a long time ago. I have a set of Fiamm extra loud electrics inside the fairing and a Rivco air horn set under the swing arms. We use headsets in our helmets. Mine has the feedback too. With a vengeance. I don't know if it was the CB volume level, or just the horn set, but just yesterday I had to honk at a fool who pulled into my lane way, way too soon - as in his rear tire in line with my front. Yeow it was loud! I really didn't hear the horns for all the noise in the helmet.
  23. Any chance those with problems are using Internet Exploder as their browser?
  24. I put 167k on an '85 VR that I bought in '90 with under 5k miles on it. I bought an '05 Midnight Venture new. Had over 9k on it when it got picked out from under me by an uninvited visitor from the south. I ordered an '06 Black Cherry Venture while laying in a rented hospital bed. I have 26k on it now and I didn't get to ride much the first season because of a bone graft. I figure in ten or fifteen years I'll see what's out there. By then I should have 150 or 160k on this one and actually be in the market. Maybe Yamaha will have updated the Venture by then. Of course since I prefer carbs to EFI, and I love the looks of my RSV, I may just do what First Genners do and rebuild this one.
  25. I use a 30GB hard drive based player (iAUDIO - they recognize the most codecs). I have it wired (power and audio) into the trunk. I turn it on, select a playlist, and drop it into the web pouch in the trunk. It just sorta hangs there upside down and plays all day. I've never had any trouble with the hard drive (knock on a wooden head for typing it out loud). I think mounting is the problem with HD based players. Mine is loose so it doesn't get overly harsh shocks. Since it's vertical the majority of shocks are also in the direction the drive heads move anyway, so it doesn't bang the heads against the platters. It does skip occasionally, but nothing at all like the CD player. 26k miles, third season, most of the time the player is in there. We used it to the top of Pikes Peak and back, which is a pretty rough road. It skipped a little but survived quite nicely. So far so good.
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