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Everything posted by Bummer

  1. I dunno, Dan, Squid and Lonna have been known to drop in unexpectedly all over the place.
  2. The ones with the notches are the PL-259. The other type are called Motorola connectors. These are generally used on car radio antennas and are getting hard to find. At this site they're MP-2 (male) and PH-2323B (female) about half way down the list.
  3. You need PL-259 connectors. This page shows how to solder the plugs onto the wire. Scroll down to the Soldering Guide. I got this stuff locally, and wound up using UG-176 adapters from Radio Shack along with the connectors themselves. Just take the wire with you and get the adapters that fit. They also sell solderless PL-259 connectors, but I don't know how well they work. You might also want to get 90s. That'll allow for a somewhat shorter wire.
  4. The distance is one wavelength from pretty much anything, which for CB is about 33 feet. I read one source that put it at 15 meters. I don't know how important this really is. I tuned the antenna with the required space, then out of curiosity I checked it in my driveway with trees, buildings, and stuff everywhere. I got pretty much the same reading both times. Maybe a needle tip difference. I'll still go with the space, but mostly because I've been told to. Keep track of that insulating washer. It's easy to miss it being on the wrong side. I've adjusted three Fireflys on Ventures. In each case I wound up turning that tip all the way in then slowly moving it out at most a turn or two to get the best numbers. I don't know if this is coincidence or not. Make sure you take the reading with the rubber tip on the antenna. Don't even hook up a mic while you're doing this. I suspect a CB antenna will be ok for picking up AM/FM without change. It'll probably not be optimum, bit it should work. How many cars have you seen with a coat hanger poked in a broken off antenna socket?
  5. Have you checked out the ColorRite web site? I ordered a pint of Black Cherry from my Yamaha dealer. They handed me a can of ColorRite Very Dark Metallic #2. I could have ordered it online for less. ColorRite lists Raven as 0903 Black Metallic X. 0033 is the frame color. 0033 was used in '02 and '03 for the Midnight, then in '04 they changed to Raven. It took 'em a couple of years to finally put out a wing in Raven. They still don't have a Black Cherry, but they do have the '09 colors. Go figure.
  6. And the 4th. [ame=http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=39870]Here's the info.[/ame]
  7. It's also possible to convert to a single Firefly antenna. It costs about the same as replacing both and is somewhat more efficient than the dual antenna setup (the am/fm antenna absorbs some of the energy generated by the cb antenna because they're so close to each other). [ame=http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=11486]This[/ame] article explains what I did (with the obligatory pictures, of course). This conversion also makes it a bit easier to get a good standing wave, due to the ability to adjust the signal splitter that replaces the second antenna. The hardest part to find was the solder style motorola jack (I think I have a source). I'm still looking for a replacement for the folder. It has more slop than I like, but it'll do until something better comes along.
  8. Hey Dano...
  9. This Saturday morning, Niles, Michigan. Leadwolf's having a Meet & Eat. Next Saturday morning I'll be at 10th and 465 on the west side of Indy. While you're certainly welcome to drop by, Dano's on the south east side of Indy. He'd be a good deal closer for you, if he's free. The Saturday morning after that, Corydon. FreezyRider's having a Meet & Eat.
  10. I guess I'll just carry my carb tune and its stuff around in the side bag for a while. Sounds like it'll come in handy. I expect to be up at Leadwolf's the 19th and Freezy's the first weekend of October. I'm on the west side of Indy just off of 10th and 465 most of the rest of the time. Even if we don't have a full Maintenance Day, I'm pretty sure I can at least squeeze in a Tinker Ten Minutes as needed.
  11. I have to disagree. The Raven has no eyebrows, with a nifty flame job replacing them and the pin stripe tape it used to have. In the Gallery photos both models shown appear to have chrome front ends. They also have the Star tank badge they introduced in '09. Big stuff for Yamaha. Can you imagine the corporate shock waves if they'd have changed the tank badge and replaced the eyebrows with flames in the same year?
  12. You paid to have someone put grease in very inconvenient places. If you're not mechanically inclined it was probably worth it. Look at that big chrome acorn nut where the handlebars pivot. The bearings are inside of there. One's a couple of layers under the nut, and one's at the bottom of what the nut screws onto. Pretty much everything in the way has to move so they can be greased. The greasing is trivial. Getting there's the chore. Low on the frame, right in front of the side bags, on each side there's a chrome disk about two inches in diameter. Deep inside those are where the swing arm bearings live. In order to actually get to them you need to be holding the swing arm in your hands. Just be glad you didn't wait another 7k miles. The top half of the bike has to come off to get to the valves. I'm betting that'll be another $300 or so. One really needs to be trying to get the notch rotated to just the right place so the shim can be popped out, with two done and two more to go, to understand just how much a valve adjustment's worth. I'm thinking somewhere around the time the rear valve cover goes back on, $300 is gonna look fairly reasonable to most guys. A couple hundred bucks less would have been nice, of course, but if they did the work they were supposed to, and there's no reason to believe they didn't, I don't think they did you wrong.
  13. Yep. They still turn off. The only problem I'm aware of with LED turn signals that are not load equalized is that they flash at the "burnt out bulb" rate. I know the Custom Dynamic LEDs work just fine, if a little fast, without load equalizers. I suppose I should point out that I've met the bumper up close and personal, and I'm trying to prevent it from happening again. Aside from the very bright tail light and turn signals, I have a Back Off flasher on my wing brake light, and I run a modulator on the high beam with a horn activated modulator on the passing lamps. I'm aiming to be seen. At this point the fast flash from the signals seems like a benefit.
  14. I installed LED turn signals and didn't use a load equalizer. They blink a little fast, but people notice 'em. Every guy who tells me I have a bulb burnt out is a guy who's not gonna run me over and say he didn't see me.
  15. Bummer

    to long

    Mmmmmmm. Ice cream. Can't concentrate... 'Scuse me. I feel a freezer raid comin' on...
  16. No load equalizer. It just plugs in using a standard plug on a pigtail. The board mounts onto the screw holes used by the tail light cover. Very easy. I have the old 128 LED model. They went down to 32 but are back up to 100. That's great. The only thing wrong with my light is the main board is so bright that the 3 white LEDs they used for the plate were not enough. At night you couldn't see the plate at ten feet for the brilliance of the tail light itself. I added a 6 LED plate light on the plate frame and was good to go.
  17. Bummer

    to long

    I'm on the west side of Indy, at 10th and 465. I have a Carb Tune. If you can get here we can sync your carbs. Maybe fifteen minutes. No charge. PM me.
  18. Order a new one on your dime and the one on the bike will never crack or be damaged in any way. If you order after it's cracked, and buy two, you'll never need the second one. Works every time for me. Anyone need an oil seal for a mid eighties Chrysler five speed stick?
  19. Congratulations Gary! Our very best wishes to Matt and Val. May they have many years of happiness together.:essen_024:
  20. I think that's a beautiful bike. I do love that Galaxy Blue. Your daughter-in-law did a nice job on the pic. Modern photo post-processing can yield some interesting results. Here's a variation. The background has been faded and the whole thing cartooned. I then cropped it, shrunk it unmercifully, and use that image as my current screen avatar. The effects make it easier to see the bike against the background in such a small image. Black Cherry, the sexy color.
  21. Rosebud suggested we stop at the Cliff House Inn to eat. It was well worth it. (Thanks, Rosebud.) We didn't stay there, but if the rooms are anything like the restaurant they have a spectacular view. Now, roads to ride. Well, let's see, 7, 74, 16, 412, 123, ... Tell you what, check this out. The flyer'll keep you busy for most of a week. Slick printed versions are readily available in the area. Irene and I definately want to go back.
  22. It was a part of the Hannigan display at the MotoGP. I'm not sure if it's a Goldspider or a Spiderwingwing.
  23. Seems unlikely. It was parked among these.
  24. The competition?
  25. Congratulations, Sue! That's wonderful. Great looking bike too!
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