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Everything posted by Bummer

  1. Who says Yamaha never changes anything.
  2. Mine looks somewhat different. This one is from an '06. If yours looks like this: Leave the right most piece in place. It's bolted on from under the support. Hold it stationary with a wrench above the support. The center piece threads onto the left most piece. Put a wrench on either the folder or the middle set of flats. They should unscrew together as in the center photo.
  3. Congratulations. Here are my answers to the ones I can help with. Yes. Leave the bases attached and just unscrew the folders with antennas and swap 'em. While it's extremely unlikely the bottom portions are swapped around too, you can check the left (clutch) side. The wire should go directly into a black plastic box under the trunk. That's where the CB lives. I've always used Regular. Nope. Around 7 to 8 percent high. I like the Venoms. Not quite a consensus, but as close as I can come by myself. Nope, but I have a small flashlight I keep in the pouch in the trunk. Nope. They just didn't make one. I got the DiamondR and love it. Others have the Utopia and love it just as much. Well, you could always put one together, you've got a good start going here. I'll bet it'd earn you a medal up under your name. Always happy to help out. It probably comes as no surprise that the beginning of winter is a tough time to buy a new bike, emotionally speaking. On the other hand it gives you plenty of time to tinker. You might want to go ahead and pull the rear wheel and grease the pins. Odds are if you don't do it now you'll do it in the spring after riding a thousand miles or so. They never have enough grease from the factory. Honda makes a 60% moly grease. If the bike shop doesn't have it check the car store. Not cheap but well worth the bucks, and goes a long way. Check out the Second Gen Tech Area for instructions for that and a lot of other stuff.
  4. Jack, at 59 I'm afraid I don't come all that close to the oldest yet. (My beard is prematurely gray, honest.) Irene's a youthful 60 and has been for almost two years.
  5. Thanks for pointing that out. I was already aware, but I'd hate for someone new to read it and overdo it right off. I took mine up in steps. First 7250, which I bumped into a few times, then on to 7500. So far I don't recall actually bumping into 7500. Oldtimers is kicking in I suppose.
  6. There's not much of a performance difference without other mechanical changes. I have one so I can turn up the redline. Before I got an RSV I was on an '85 Venture. I kept running into the rev limiter on the new bike. Now that I've turned it up to 7500 I don't do that so much.
  7. How about these? Woops. Those are 1 1/2". Sorry, nope.
  8. Metalmaker!
  9. The car guys have set their systems up to have the CD spinning a blank disk but receiving its audio signal from an ipod. They can use the audio system's controls to move forward and backward in the song list. The audio head thinks it's getting its signal from the CD and controlling the CD. I have a Cowon X5 30 gig hard drive based music player hooked into the Aux port and powered off the bike. Because I simply drop the player into the pouch in the trunk it doesn't vibrate enough to damage the drive. Any serious jolts are in the plane of rotation the drive pickup arm moves in anyway, so it doesn't destroy the drive, it just skips. It's worked great since I installed it in the spring of '06. The only problem is I've killed the battery by not discharging it. I prefer Cowon players because they handle the most codecs. I prefer ogg vorbis format over the others. I wouldn't have a ipod, or most of the other type players. They seem crippled to me. One or two codecs. Proprietary garbage, by and large. That being said, if someone figures out how to hook up an ipod without the CD player I think I can figure out how to adapt that to the Cowon. As is, the only drawback to my system is I can't change songs. I've set up really long playlists of songs Irene and I like, so it's not really much of a problem. Still, if someone comes up with an adapter that is cheap enough I'll consider it, just for sport.
  10. Yes. No. Maybe. Sort of. I Googled for clarion cbus. Here's some of the stuff I found. http://forums.ilounge.com/archive/index.php/t-18868.html http://forums.ilounge.com/archive/index.php/t-44404.html http://www.instructables.com/id/Add_an_Aux_In_jack_for_Clarion_Stereo_Head_Unit_I/ http://www.mp3car.com/vbulletin/general-hardware-discussion/18292-clarion-c-bus-aux.html http://www.mp3car.com/vbulletin/general-hardware-discussion/2498-how-can-i-make-aux-addzest-clarion-drx9375-c-bus-type.html [ame=http://forums.nasioc.com/forums/showthread.php?t=521811]iPod solution! - NASIOC[/ame] Short version: It's possible to connect an audio player, but you still have to have the CD player spinning a disk to get the head unit to accept the audio. Ultimately the big question is the nature of the disk activity signal sent from the CD player. Even those who kept the CD player and added a switched mp3 player were only able to move forward and backwards through the list of songs. I'm also not certain that C-Bus and CBUS are the same thing. There are multimedia switches for C-Bus. Even if they are the same, the impression I get is that the switch is not inexpensive and probably needs a place to plug it in. I'm thinking that by the time all this is done there won't be any room left in the bags/trunk. Don't get me wrong, if you're into this sort of thing and are looking for a challenge I certainly don't want to hold you back. I also have a CD player that I don't use and could go to such a project. What I don't have is a way to read and study the signal. It might be as simple as "0" vs "1", which could be pretty easy to emulate. Then again it might not. If you decide to dig into this and want to talk about it, don't hesitate. I may not be anything but a sounding board, but I'll be glad to try.
  11. It seems unlikely that the Goldwing uses the CBUS interface format that the Venture uses. Much like the cassette, CBUS faded away years ago. The last date I've found mentioned for new CBUS equipment was 1998.
  12. I checked today. (December 14th and 55 degrees out in Indiana. I kinda like this whole Global Warming thing.) 45 in 5th is 2000 rpm. Way too low for me. Outside of parking lots and stop lights I like to keep it between 3000 and 7500 (dyna).
  13. Come to think of it: gash or crack? What's the manufacture date? I had a tire that cracked pretty badly. Seems there was a period where they had problems with sidewall cracks fairly close to the bead. That seems to have passed. I think the problem was in the fall of '07, but I'd have to look it up to be sure.
  14. I sent the email to audio@jmcorp.com. The response was from John Lazzeroni, J&M Corporation President. I plan to send the cords off tomorrow in a USPS box. I'll let everyone know when I get something back and what the overall results are. I was always pretty satisfied with 'em before this, but reading their warranty limitations put me off. If they're willing to do right by the situation I'll be more than happy to go back to being satisfied. LilBeaver, mine started out not inserting fully, and falling apart. I finally got it fully mashed together so that it'd stay, but it still had the intermittent operation problem (mic and right earphone). The odd part is that after a few miles it starts working, but if I turn my head it cuts back out again and takes a few miles to start working again. Just the sort of thing to drive a guy crazy.
  15. Something like what? (What cometh out can goeth back in.)
  16. I wrote an email to J&M yesterday, explaining the problem. I told them that I'd broken the plug messing with it trying to get it to work, and as such did not feel I could send it back "intact" and ask for a warranty replacement. I just wanted to know what I should tell my friends on VentureRider.org about this problem since it's also happened to someone else. The response was amazingly fast, particularly considering it all took place on a Sunday evening. The response was: Send the offending parts back, we'll correct the problem. I have to lighten up and give them a chance. The headsets themselves have been fine. No real complaints there. If we get this sorted out I won't really have any complaints. Any manufacturing process can yield something that's not quite right. So, at this point patience seems called for. BigBear, send 'em an email explaining the problem. Benefit of the doubt and all that.
  17. I know I can be annoying at times, but in general I kind of like me, so my answer to that one has to be "yes".
  18. I'd rather have carbs than EFI any day. The cassette, however, is another issue.
  19. I've always considered those to be the absolutely lowest point you can shift at and not just destroy the poor thing on the spot. I would absolutely never dream of shifting into fifth at 31mph. I love my bike way too much for that foolishness. I don't really like to hit fifth until I'm on the Interstate passing people.
  20. Hmmmmm. I wonder if that explains the way folks get (got?) treated on the STAR forum. I dropped 'em less than six months after joining because at $50 a year I didn't think I should be seeing all that 'shut up and sit down' attitude. Perhaps it was a trickle down effect.
  21. Unfortunately they suggest not mixing brands, and at over $400 for two sets buying new ones is out of the question for a while. For now I'm just going to modify the cord, but I don't anticipate buying any more J&M headsets.
  22. I have the same problem, but sadly, no real solution. I plan to simply cut out the plug(s) and solder it all up solid with six inches or so of cord added, but I haven't even come close to getting around to it yet. It's funny, in that not really funny sort of way. The old J&Ms had a problem plug at the helmet. For several years I had to double check Irene's helmet plug every time we got on the bike. Now I find that the new J&Ms I got have an infuriating intermittent connection problem with the plug in the cord (I think). It got so bad on our trip to Arkansas for the Int'l that I wound up cracking part of the plug while messing with it trying to get it to work. I even had to replace my cord on the bike over this. The worst part is I don't really know if it's the cord. Might be the headsets themselves. I don't have enough parts to test it. I find myself wondering how Edsets are. It doesn't seem like they could be any worse.
  23. It has probably been posted a hundred times, but it can't hurt to mention it again: There are two bolts on each side cover. One is cosmetic. One is "real". These bolts fit the shifter. There's an allen in the side bag that fits, just pull one of the forward bolts (the cosmetic ones), use it for the shifter, then order a new shifter bolt and washer. When they come in put the side cover bolt back and use the new one. It's slightly different from the side cover bolt, but it'll get you by.
  24. I just research Indiana and the Feds. I can't speak to what other States do. It wouldn't surprise me if that were the case, though.
  25. I'm pretty sure Indiana law specifies that a passenger's feet must be able to touch both the passenger pegs/boards at the same time. That was definitely the case in the early 90s. Of course it might have changed since then. On the other hand, it is Indiana...
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