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Everything posted by Bummer

  1. Yellowstone is a nice place to visit. Once. After that, maybe not so much. But then that could just be me. There's usually way too many people for my tastes. The north east entrance is mostly through a big valley and across a high plateau. When we've been there it was heavy with bison, though the last time there was no shortage of them further south, as well. I'd say go back down the Beartooth, then go back up. This time turn left on the Chief Joseph and go to Cody. Head west and go through the park, past the lake, then past Old Facefull. Stay on 191 to Four Corners, which takes you past all the stinky stuff in the Park, then head for 90. Go west to 287 and head north to Choteau. From there 89 to St. Mary and across Going To The Sun. Or if you'd like to cross Glacier from the other direction you can work your way up the west side and go east across Going To The Sun. Or some variation of that.
  2. Have you taken it out and bumped into the rev limiter? If not, how do you know what "screaming" is? (Not trying to be snotty, this is a serious question.) 65 mph in 4th is just over 3500 rpm. Mine will touch 100 in third (with a Dyna3000 set for 7250). These are not v-twins. They don't really come alive until over 3k rpm. 55 mph in second gear is about 5500 rpm. These V-Fours are happy running that rpm all day long. 65 is close to the rev limiter in second. Personally I hate to be in fifth under 65 mph. I consider it abusing my machine. I got 167k miles out of an '85 running it in the upper half of the tach most of the time. I went to a Second Gen because of plastic and sub frame issues. Drive train's still ok.
  3. I've known Pat for over fifteen years, so some teasing will be required. However, being serious about it (as it will occasionally deserve) he's somewhere between "great job" and "that was lucky". Two weeks ago that stretch of road was just fine. There was absolutely no reason for the county to go in there and ruin one of the best roads in Indiana. I've already sent one (reasonably delicate) email to the tourism folks asking them if they know who thought this was a good idea. It won't help, it's not like some fool in a suit is going to be out there cleaning it up. Still, credit where credit is due. There's huge motorcycle traffic down that road, and this is going to put a bit of a crimp in local tourism once folks start finding out. Pat said he got into a soft spot and felt his tire float sideways so he just rode it out rather than try to fight it back and dump it. Looking at where he went into the ditch, trees before, trees after. Wow. That was lucky. I don't know if the folks across the street were reaching out for him or looking out for him, but he did good, considering. No real damage aside from pride. Pat's fine. The bolt that holds his turn signal on was slightly bent. We had to look a while to find that.
  4. Oh, Pat's going to be so proud. Gotta make sure he gets that link.
  5. Bummer

    IM home

    Glad to see things are getting better. Keep it up!
  6. Nice car. Hannigan was showing one at the MotoGP last year.
  7. Have a nice trip. Irene and I followed 66 out to New Mexico one year. It gets tricky at times, but it's still a nice ride.
  8. Yes, it is. But sometimes you just have to do what you have to do. If that's the only way you can do it in the time available, I say go for it.
  9. According to the Bazooka site the MC-YAM-AMK is actually 4 x 40 watts @ 4 ohms. At $370 to $399 that strikes me as extremely expensive. I've been looking into the Alpine KTP-445. It's 4 x 45 @ 4. 920Shrek1 installed one. It's not plug and play but 920Shrek1 said he'd be happy to help with the wiring details, so it needn't be a case of re-inventing the wheel. It's only around $100, and as an added bonus it's only 6" x 2" x 1 1/8" in size. Years ago I added an Alpine 4 x 35 @ 4 to an '85 VR with Polk Audio 400 series speakers. It was a very nice setup. I got a lot more out without turning the stock stereo volume control up as far, which lead to much cleaner sound. The Alpine KTP-445 is on my to-do list.
  10. In '90 I bought an '85 with just under 5k miles on it. I put 162k miles on it. It needs massive plastic, and fairing struts, or turned into a nekkid bike. Power package is still ok. In May of 2005 I bought a new Midnight. An uninvited visitor from the very south picked it out from under me with just under 10k miles on it. It was totaled, though I wasn't. (Almost but not quite.) In March of 2006 I bought a new RSV. (Ordered from a rented hospital bed in 11/05.) I didn't really get to ride it (800 miles) until the Fall due to a bone graft. It now has almost 45k miles on it.
  11. I've owned both. Still have the '85, though it needs a lot of polishing to bring it back up to speed. 167k miles extracts a toll on anything. I usually get in the low 30s. First Gen, Second Gen, it's really all about the wrist Squidley mentioned. (Last I heard, he has both too.) You see, I think I understand this engine, no matter which frame it's in. It has a sport bike soul. It likes to rev. So I rev it. The active First Genners talk, but I haven't had one leave me yet. Oh, sure, they might get ahead by a length or two, but if they falter, even a little, I'll be passing them. For me it's never been about mileage. I'm here for the pure joy this platform gives me. All that being said, the best answer I can give you is: 'bout the same.
  12. Oh, right. And when we don't we were supposed to. (Careful guys, it's a trap!)
  13. Just kidding. The original mod suggested the Firefly because it is lighter. No reason the Firestik won't work as long as you can tune it to a reasonable SWR. I can't imagine it's heavy enough to break the mounting hardware.
  14. Splines is a poor choice of terms to use for what you want to lubricate. When you pull the wheel and look at the pumpkin you'll see a spline - as in a hole with teeth around it on the inside. That mates with a spline on the wheel center - a short, fairly large diameter shaft, with teeth on the outside. Chances are that's what your mechanic is thinking of when he talks about wiping the splines off. Bear in mind that these splines do need lubed, you just don't need to get crazy about it. The center of that assembly on the wheel is held in by a circlip (snap ring). Take that out and pull the center out and you'll find five pins - fingers - that slide into bushings in the wheel. Those pins and bushings need cleaned and lubricated. When they get dry and stick they cause a clicking sound that is first noticeable when moving backwards, and gets worse from there. Tell 'em you want the drive fingers lubed. That way they won't get distracted by the splines.
  15. I'm glad I saw your post and will save the info for future rides. Thanks for sharing.
  16. Good to hear you made it home ok, Dennis. Lots of great pictures! Thanks for posting them.
  17. Yeah. Me too.
  18. Of course you're referring to the bowling ball and the tennis ball. Right? :whistling:
  19. Glad you liked it. How much longer will you be there?
  20. Hmmm. Sounds vaguely familiar. Get well Mary! No more moose burgers for you. We're sure she's in good hands, but we'll keep you guys in our thoughts, none the less.
  21. Gotta admit, that's not either of the ones I was admiring.
  22. Babelfish translation: Dang, this guest nevertheless make me smakkert against concrete and that whereas he is shouted to for especially doortegaan with the stunt. If real pro moto scoot resist he afterwards simply on to try it probably next week once more. Babelfish translation: A rest bumps himself in' t general As usual, it didn't really help but it is mildly amusing.
  23. Interesting. I did a little hunting and found the source. Good! is an advertising outfit in Kazakhstan. The helmets may not be real, but some of them do look, well, good. Of course, the navigator might not appreciate sitting behind a couple of them all that much. Babelfish tells me that the text at the top says: Genetic experiments above the motorcycle helmets Purpose: to rest from the advertisement and to be enjoyed:) Graphic method: to cover with drawings helmet is small merit and we this know, this is made many and thousands of times, but! Us it was desirable to [poeksperimentirovat] in the region of the synthesis of two different objects of approximately one form. Somewhere here are born the certain illusions, which make it necessary to astonish and to smile. Reality of embodiment in no way interested us, we simply are entertained! What and to you we desire:) Makes perfect sense to me. I'm smiling too.
  24. While I do think the pass can be a good deal, Irene and I went north out of Cody and took the Chief Joseph to 212. That took us to Cooke City or down the Beartooth to Red Lodge without going through the park.
  25. I run a single Firefly. I have a Firestik splitter box that allows the CB antenna to serve as the AM-FM antenna also. The splitter is tuned after the antenna, yielding a very good SWR. The splitter also has a pot to adjust the AM-FM antenna reception. The antenna/splitter combo works quite well. Destructions are in the Second Gen Tech area if anyone's interested.
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